Freyberg High School English Department 2014: AS91475 / 3.4: Level 3: Credits: 6

Level 3 English through Visual Texts 2014

Achievement Standard 3.4 Produce a selection of fluent and coherent writing which develops, sustains, and structures ideas.

AS 3.4 “Writing Portfolio” gives you an opportunity to present two pieces of original writing completed during the year, and authenticated by your English teacher to demonstrate the standard of writing skill you can reach in at least two different genres, for NCEA Level 3 credits.

The two pieces you develop for your completed portfolio can come from the following range of 2014 English work:

·  Any ONE literary essay completed in response to the film The Reader directed by Stephen Daldry (either in class, at the end of the text study, or submitted for Term 3 exams.)

·  A comparison essay (should you chose this option) submitted for assessment 3.7 “Text in Time”

·  An oral presentation script (should you chose this option) submitted for assessment 3.7 “Text in Time”

·  A piece of expressive writing (for example, a written response to text, drafted in Term 1) or as negotiated with your teacher

·  A piece of narrative writing, (for example, a short story developed from the ‘Prequel or Sequel’ writing prompt) or as negotiated with your teacher

Achievement Criteria

Achievement / Achievement with Merit / Achievement with Excellence /
Produce a selection of fluent and coherent writing which develops, sustains, and structures ideas involves demonstrating understanding of purpose and audience through:
• the development of ideas and the making of links between them throughout a piece of writing. This may include use of: narrative, imagery, explanations, analysis, explorations, critique, details, examples, and a range of dimensions or viewpoints
• the selection and use of structures and language features appropriate to the particular written text type to create consistency in meaning and effect, and to sustain interest
• the accurate use written text conventions (including spelling, punctuation, grammar) so that the writing contains at most minor errors. / Produce a selection of fluent and coherent writing which develops, sustains, and structures ideas and is convincing involves demonstrating discerning understanding of purpose and audience through the elements indicated in the Achievement criteria, plus:
• the discriminating selection and integration of ideas, language features, and structure. / Produce a selection of fluent and coherent writing which develops, sustains, and structures ideas and commands attention involves demonstrating a sophisticated understanding of purpose and audience through the elements indicated in the Merit criteria, plus:
• the insightful selection and integration of ideas, language features, and structure to create a striking whole.

NOTE: A selection of writing means that at least two pieces are chosen from a range of drafts and taken to publication standard. Make sure that each piece of writing you submit:

• develops, sustains, and structures your ideas coherently and fluently

• demonstrates an understanding of the targeted audience and text purpose

• includes controlled, fluent writing by selecting and integrating ideas, language features, and structure appropriate to your purpose and targeted audience

• shows accurate use of written text conventions