Risk Acknowledgment and Disclaimer
For your safety: You must read this document before signing.
Over-18s are required to complete their own form; under-18s must have a parent/guardian (or adult with authority from the parent/guardian) sign on their behalf.
If you are signing this form on behalf of someone who is under 18 then it is assumed you are the parent/guardian and wish this/these child/ren to participate on the swing. If you are not the parent/guardian of this/these child/ren then it is assumed that you have authority from the parent/guardian to sign this form of acknowledgment.
The swing is an adventurous activity and, as such, may not suit everyone. You must be relatively fit and healthy to participate. If you suffer from any of the conditions listed below you must circle as appropriate and make us aware at this point. We will then help you decide whether you should continue. If you wish to discuss any condition in private please let your Instructor know. It is also recommended that you do not participate if you are more than 3 months pregnant.
Epilepsy; Fits or blackouts; Severe & recurrent disabling giddiness; Vertigo, Heart condition other than innocent heart murmur; High blood pressure requiring medication.
- We take your safety very seriously. However, participation on the swing is an adventurous activity; you will be dropped from a height of 15m and will face forces up to 2G at its peak. As such there is always the risk of injury. By signing this form you are acknowledging this risk and agreeing to participate.
- Your instructor will give you a safety brief. The same points are covered on the back of this form. By signing this form you acknowledge that you: 1) Have understood the brief; 2) Agree to abide by the rules of the swing; 3) Will comply with the advice of your Instructor at all times.
- Because of the risk of objects falling from height you will be required to empty your pockets.
- Loose jewellery should also be removed and hair should be tied up. Bags should be left behind. Hangloose Adventure takes no responsibility for the security of your possessions.
- Shoes must be secure and suitable although it is acceptable to participate barefooted or in socks!
- The Instructor is required to balance the load evenly along the bar. This means that it may not be possible for you to participate in your group although we will try our best to accommodate! Ultimately the Instructor will determine in which order you/your group participates.
I (print name) ……………………………………………………………...... … am 18 years old or above. I understand the terms and conditions of entry and wish to participate on the SWING. I have made the Instructor aware of any illness that might make my participation unsafe. I have received, understood, and had the opportunity to read the safety brief and to ask any questions. I agree to follow the advice and instructions of the Instructors at all times.
Signed: …………………………………………………………..…… Date: …………………………..
I am the parent/guardian (or have the authority of the parent/guardian) of the child/ren named below, and wish them to participate on the swing. I certify that they are at least 8 years old, that they will obey the rules of the swing and that they will follow the advice and instructions of the Instructors at all times.
(Print child(ren)’s name) ………..……………………………………………………………………………….(age)………. …………………………………….………..………………………………………………………………………...... (age)………. ………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(age)……….
Instructor: ………………………………………………………………… Time of brief: …………………..No of riders: ……….
Safety Brief
The swing experience is an adventurous activity and you should be relatively fit and active to participate.
All participants will be weighed, have their weight written on their wristband and are required to understand and sign the Risk Acknowledgment and Disclaimer.
All pockets must be emptied. Glasses must be covered by goggles which we will provide. Loose jewellery should be removed or taped and long hair must be tied back. Harnesses cannot go against bare skin and we cannot allow participants to ride the swing with loose shoes, although participating barefoot or in socks is acceptable.
An Instructor will talk you through how to put on the harness and any other safety equipment, this will then be checked by an Instructor. Please do not adjust anything yourself or tamper with any of the equipment you’ve been given.
Please do not enter the swing area until invited to do so by an Instructor.
An Instructor will assist you in climbing over or under the swing seat and will then clip you in. You will be shown where you may hold the bar. Children under 16 must hold on at all times. Over 16s may go hands free, but if you wish to hold on you must do so only at the marked areas. Holding on anywhere else or inserting digits or limbs into the backup loops or mounting points may cause serious injury.
Once the Instructor has clipped you in you will be asked to sit onto swing seat at the same time as the other participants.
When the swing has finished you will be asked to stand back up onto the gondola. Please wait to be unclipped by an instructor and shown out of the swing area.
If you carry any specialist medication (e.g. Inhaler, Epipen/Adrenalin etc.) or have any special requirements please speak to an Instructor.
Terms and Conditions
Bookings are non-transferable and non-refundable except in the event of adverse weather conditions, such as high winds or thunderstorms. You must be at least 8 years old to participate and under the maximum weight of 120 kg / 18st 12lb. Although there is no minimum height or weight restrictions, all equipment must fit properly as determined by the instructors. All participants will be weighed. The Instructor is required to balance the load evenly along the bar which has a maximum total weight limit of 315kg. Because of this it may not be possible for you to participate in your group although we will try our best to accommodate. Ultimately the Instructor will determine the order in which you/your group participates. Participants under-18 must have this form completed on their behalf by a parent/guardian, or other adult with the authority of the parent/guardian. Under-14s must be accompanied by an over-16 throughout the duration of the experience although not necessarily on the ride. Participants must acknowledge that there is a risk to undertaking this activity, complete the medical questionnaire and confirm they have understood the safety brief before they will be allowed to use the swing. The swing is not suitable for everyone - you must be relatively fit and active. If you suffer from certain medical conditions, or are more than three months pregnant you may not be able to participate. All participants must agree to follow the directions of the Instructors at all times. Inappropriate behaviour towards Instructors or other participants will not be tolerated and may result in your swing being cancelled with no refund being given. We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone deemed unsuitable to ride the swing, including those suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Appropriate clothing must be worn as determined by the Instructors and all pockets must be emptied. Only participants under the direct supervision of the Instructors will be allowed in the SWING area. A separate public viewing area is available for friends and family. Ultimately your suitability to ride the swing will be determined by the Instructors. Hangloose Adventure accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to your belongings.