Six Writing Traits Rubric for Beginning Writers
Ideas / Organization / VoiceFocused, clear, and specific; includes effective and appropriate details
3 - Topic is clear and important
3 - Topic is focused and specific
3 - Interesting details support topic
3 - Purpose is clear and meaningful / Beginning, middle, and ending are present; text flows logically
3 - Beginning introduces topic
3 - Ending feels finished
3 - Parts arranged in the best order
3 - Effective transitions / Writer’s connection to the topic is strong and clear
3 - Author cares strongly about the topic
3 - Strong feelings
3 - Direct statements
3 - Writer demonstrates awareness of reader
Focus on topic is somewhat defined; includes some effective and appropriate details
2 - Topic is somewhat clear
2 - Topic is somewhat focused and specific
2 - Somewhat interesting details
2 - Purpose is somewhat clear / Noticeable beginning and ending; inconsistent transitions
2 - Beginning attempts to introduce topic
2 - Ending feels somewhat finished
2 - Parts not arranged in the best order
2 - Inconsistent use of transitions / Writer’s connection to the topic is somewhat clear
2 - Author cares somewhat about the topic
2 - Somewhat strong, but less explicit feelings
2 – Somewhat direct statements
2 - Writer demonstrates limited awareness of reader
Focus is unclear; supporting details are missing or disconnected from topic
1 - Topic is not clearly defined
1 - Topic is not focused or specific
1 - Missing, limited, or disconnected details
1 - Purpose is unclear
0 - Unable to score / No noticeable beginning or ending; transitions not used
1 - No real beginning
1 - Ending does not feel finished
1 - Parts missing or hard to follow
1 - No use of transitions
0 - Unable to score / Writer’s connection to topic is not clear
1 - Author lacks care or involvement with topic
1 - Lacks feelings
1 - Lacks direct statements
1 - Writer demonstrates no awareness of reader
0 - Unable to score
Word Choice / Sentence Fluency / Conventions
Specific, accurate language conveys message clearly
3 - Strong verbs inform actions
3 - Effective adverbs
3 - Effective adjectives
3 - Accurate and effective words and/or phrases / Sentences are varied and well built; easy to read
3 - All sentences are easy to understand
3 - Variety of sentence beginnings and length
3 - Sentences are easy to read aloud
3 - Variety of simple and compound sentences / Uses conventions appropriately
3 - Punctuation is accurate
3 - Capitalization is accurate
3 - Spelling is correct
3 - Grammar is correct
Generic language conveys message adequately
2 - Ordinary verb choice
2 - Adequate adverbs
2 - Adequate adjectives
2 - Somewhat accurate and effective words and/or phrases / Sentences are clear but some are choppy or awkward; somewhat easy to understand
2 - Most sentences are understandable
2 - Some variety in sentence beginnings and length
2 - Some sentences are easy to read aloud
2 - Some variety in simple and compound sentences / Most conventions used appropriately
2 - Punctuation is mostly accurate
2 - Capitalization is mostly accurate
2 - Spelling is mostly correct
2 - Grammar mostly correct
Limited language is difficult to understand
1 - Limited verb choice
1 - Ineffective adverbs
1 - Ineffective adjectives
1 - Inaccurate or ineffective words and/or phrases
0 - Unable to score / Sentences are unclear and incomplete; not easy to read
1 - Sentences are not easy to understand
1 - Little or no variety in sentence beginnings or length
1 - Sentences are not easy to read aloud
1 - No variety in simple and compound sentences
0 - Unable to score / Numerous errors in conventions
1 - Punctuation is frequently inaccurate
1 - Capitalization is frequently inaccurate
1 - Spelling is often incorrect
1 - Grammar is often incorrect
0 - Unable to score
Six Writing Traits Rubric for Beginning Writers – 1st and 2nd Grade
Ideas / Organization / VoiceFocused, clear, and specific; includes effective and appropriate details
3 - Topic is clear and important
3 - Interesting details support topic
3 - Purpose is clear and meaningful / Beginning, middle, and ending are present; text flows logically
3 - Beginning introduces topic
3 - Ending feels finished
3 - Parts arranged in the best order / Writer’s connection to the topic is strong and clear
3 - Author cares strongly about the topic
3 - Strong feelings
3 - Direct statements
Focus on topic is somewhat defined; includes some effective and appropriate details
2 - Topic is somewhat clear
2 - Somewhat interesting details
2 - Purpose is somewhat clear / Noticeable beginning and ending; inconsistent transitions
2 - Beginning attempts to introduce topic
2 - Ending feels somewhat finished
2 - Parts not arranged in the best order / Writer’s connection to the topic is somewhat clear
2 - Author cares somewhat about the topic
2 - Somewhat strong, but less explicit feelings
2 – Somewhat direct statements
Focus is unclear; supporting details are missing or disconnected from topic
1 - Topic is not clearly defined
1 - Missing, limited, or disconnected details
1 - Purpose is unclear
0 - Unable to score / No noticeable beginning or ending; transitions not used
1 - No real beginning
1 - Ending does not feel finished
1 - Parts missing or hard to follow
0 - Unable to score / Writer’s connection to topic is not clear
1 - Author lacks care or involvement with topic
1 - Lacks feelings
1 - Lacks direct statements
0 - Unable to score
Word Choice / Sentence Fluency / Conventions
Specific, accurate language conveys message clearly
3 - Strong verbs inform actions
3 - Effective adverbs and adjectives
3 - Accurate and effective words and phrases / Sentences are varied and well built; easy to read
3 - All sentences are easy to understand
3 - Sentences are easy to read aloud
3 - Variety of simple and compound sentences / Uses conventions appropriately
2.25 - Punctuation is accurate
2.25 - Capitalization is accurate
2.25 - Spelling is correct
2.25 - Grammar is correct
Generic language conveys message adequately
2 - Ordinary verb choice
2 - Adequate adverbs and adjectives
2 - Somewhat accurate and effective words and phrases / Sentences are clear but some are choppy or awkward; somewhat easy to understand
2 - Most sentences are understandable
2 - Some sentences are easy to read aloud
2 - Some variety in simple and compound sentences / Most conventions used appropriately
1.5 - Punctuation is mostly accurate
1.5 - Capitalization is mostly accurate
1.5 - Spelling is mostly correct
1.5 - Grammar mostly correct
Limited language is difficult to understand
1 - Limited verb choice
1 - Ineffective adverbs and adjectives
1 - Inaccurate or ineffective words and phrases
0 - Unable to score / Sentences are unclear and incomplete; not easy to read
1 - Sentences are not easy to understand
1 - Sentences are not easy to read aloud
1 - No variety in simple and compound sentences
0 - Unable to score / Numerous errors in conventions
0.75 - Punctuation is frequently inaccurate
0.75 - Capitalization is frequently inaccurate
0.75 - Spelling is often incorrect
0.75 - Grammar is often incorrect
0 - Unable to score
Six Writing Traits Rubric for Beginning Writers – Kindergarten
Ideas / Sentence FluencyFocused, clear, and specific; includes effective and appropriate details
3 - Topic is clear and important
3 - Interesting details support topic
3 - Purpose is clear / Sentences are varied and well built; easy to read
3 - All sentences express complete thoughts
3 - Sentences are easy to read aloud
3 - Two or more adjectives, adverbs, and/or phrases expand sentence
Focus on topic is somewhat defined; includes some effective and appropriate details
2 - Topic is somewhat clear
2 - Somewhat interesting details
2 - Purpose is somewhat clear / Sentences are somewhat easy to understand
2 - Most sentences express complete thoughts
2 - Most sentences are easy to read aloud
2 – One adjective, adverb, or phrase expands sentence
Focus is unclear; supporting details are missing or disconnected from topic
1 - Topic is not clearly defined
1 - Missing, limited, or disconnected details
1 - Purpose is unclear
0 - Unable to score / Sentences are unclear and incomplete; not easy to read
1 - Sentences do not express complete thoughts
1 - Sentences are not easy to read aloud
1 - No adjectives, adverbs, or phrases expand sentence
0 - Unable to score
Voice / Conventions
Writer’s connection to the topic is strong and clear
3 - Author demonstrates involvement with the topic
3 - Strong feelings
3 - Direct statements / Uses conventions appropriately
2.25 - Punctuation is accurate
2.25 - Capitalization is accurate
2.25 - Phonetic spelling is accurate
2.25 - Grammar is correct
Writer’s connection to the topic is somewhat clear
2 – Author demonstrates some involvement with the topic
2 - Somewhat strong, but less explicit feelings
2 – Somewhat direct statements / Most conventions used appropriately
1.5 - Punctuation is mostly accurate
1.5 - Capitalization is mostly accurate
1.5 - Phonetic spelling is mostly accurate
1.5 - Grammar mostly correct
Writer’s connection to topic is not clear
1 – Author demonstrates no involvement with the topic
1 - Lacks feelings
1 - Lacks direct statements
0 - Unable to score / Numerous errors in conventions
0.75 - Punctuation is frequently inaccurate
0.75 - Capitalization is frequently inaccurate
0.75 – Phonetic spelling is frequently inaccurate
0.75 - Grammar is often incorrect
0 - Unable to score