Council Minutes
June 10, 2011
Members Present:Terry Krei, President; Jeff Croston, Vice President, Pr. Darrin Vick, Pr. Tom Lo Van, Pr. Paul Andell, Barb Baker, Judy Weatherly, Laurie Westrich, Duane Wasmud, Lauretta Shaver, Donna Koch, Dawn KellyJim Williams, Absent: Lori Pruehs, Doug Ford
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Terry Krei at 7pm.
Opening devotion: shared devotions.
Approval of Minutes: The minutes of May 5th, 2013 were approved (minus) Pastor Darrin was present, Pastor Duane needs to be changed to Darrin – approved w/ corrections Jim Williams and 2ndDonna Koch
Treasurers Report: Duane Wasmund reported for the month income $85,360.45. Expenses $100,135.97.
Pastor’s Reports:
Pr. Vick: - June 2013
* Completed all interviews and on-site visits for Director of Music Ministries candidates. A
final decision is pending as we prayerfully consider the best choice.
* Received many excellent questions to use for our summer sermon series - "Burning
Questions." Several of the questions will also help us in identifying adult education curricula
for future bible studies.
* I am proud of our congregation for giving almost $6000 to the Lutheran Disaster Assistance
Fund for aid in to Oklahoma City that was recently ravaged by tornadoes.
* Looking forward to discussing the open Middle School Director position with our current
staff, council leaders, and key student ministry volunteers. This is a good opportunity to
investigatepossibilities for the position and look toward the future.
* Staff and council are reading and discussing Reggie McNeal's book, "Missional
Renaissance". I believe this will be a catalyst for helping us discover God's
vision of the future at Morningside Lutheran.
* I would like to extend Pastor Paul Andell's contract for 12 months starting September 2013.
We will be discussing further clarification of his pastoral role and title. I'm very thankful for
his partnership and continued ministry at MLC!
Oral Report for Pastor Darrin:
High-lighted his written report
Discussed extension of Pastor Paul Andell's contract - Motioned by Duane Wasmund and seconded by Lauretta Shaver. All in favor - "I's" have it.
Pr. Lo Van:
Back from Europe – thanked prayers (16 countries)
LCMC church overseas is growing. Planning a few people & Pastor Tom to explore ministries in approved countries.
Return to Northern Laos and Southern China in Dec. 2013. (will line up LAM churches – Atlanta, Nebraska, Canada, New York and other states)
Thinking ahead of who takes over for Pastor Tom when gone for LCMC/LAM churches.
Pr. Andell:
Oral Report: Shared about his trip to Philadelphia this month and shared article from the Northeast Times of the preschool he was involved with when in Philadelphia.
Out of Pastor Paul's Holy Land presentation some of the members of the congregation asked about Pastor Paul hosting a tour in the future.
Pastor Paul's June Report (Written)
- Prepare for, begin new Bible Study on Acts, May 22 with 38 in attendance.
- Attend a number of ministry related events including the Morningside Lutheran Preschool Graduation on May 22 and the 80th Birthday reception for Marlene Welding, May 25.
- Offer Pastoral care at Mercy to a member family after a home accident and individual counseling to members through the office.
- Preside at services May 26, officiating at a Baptism that day at 9:30.
- Participate in daily staff interactions and collaborative efforts, continuing to build relationships with individuals and church families wherever possible.
- Support Elderversity functions as well as Parish Fellowship and Evangelism Team sessions.
- Keep in touch with Care Core Leadership around its issues and make 2 referrals.
- Visit the Bartel farm in Nebraska and enjoy the hospitality of six other member households.
- Personally, my trip to Philadelphia included participation in a 40th Anniversary weekend for our church preschool May 18 & 19th, supporting my daughter, its director. Speak, also, at its reception.
- Spend time with Philadelphia family, returning May 21.
Quote: 'Everything we glory in was once but a dream'.
Old Business:
New Business:
Other Information:
Dialogue about the book "Missional Renaissance" - Looking ahead for the future of MLC.
Talking about being passionate and doing social ministry for MLC.
Pastor Darrin shared thoughts
Jeff Croston – talked about going out and serve. Follow God's lead and not get caught up in the bricks/mortars. God wants to be in a relationship.
Recognize opportunities and grab the chance to help others.
Hear the stories that help others in the congregation and in the community of what MLC does.
Come up w/ numbers to show how MLC has reached out – share w/ the congregation how many bags of groceries have been given out from donations, how many people are served communion, etc. Look at changes in the "score card" - to count more than the offering money and the number of people in the pews.
Council will plan to meet Sunday June 30th @ 4pm at Teri Krei's home to discuss the book "Missional Renaissance".
Team Reports:
Executive Team: No council action needed.
Worship and Creative Arts Team: No council action needed.
Christian Education Team: No council action needed.
Social Concerns Team: No council action needed.
Will not be meeting June, July and August unless concern is brought forward for the committee.
Parish Fellowship Team: No council action needed.
Finance Team: No council action needed
Property Team: No council action needed.
Evangelism Team: No council action needed.
Dialogue about another church in town that is struggling – discuss the mission of Christ.
Brainstorming idea from the committee – coming up w/ different ideas to reach to the congregation to get people involved. Find the need in the community and fill the need. (Bridge to make discipleship)
Healthy Churches Thrive (Kent Hunter) – holy discontent: there is something more that can be done w/ this (making disciples). (Darrin will have a consultation phone conversation in a couple of weeks)
Youth Team: No council action needed.
Multi-cultural Team: No council action needed.
Terry Krei will provide devotions: July 8th, 2013 meeting.
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 9:20PM.
Closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted, Amie Millard, Secretary
Team minutes
Executive Team: No minutes provided.
Worship and Creative Arts Team: Minutes, June 3, 2013
In attendance: Terri Beaver, JoAnn Schaeffer, Carolyn Rippke, Charity Peterson, Pr. Darrin Vick, Judy Weatherly
Devotions – Judy Weatherly
Team will provide mini-muffins at the river service on Fathers Day, June 14. Will have lemonade& water, Judy will bring from the church. Let Tom know we will need an extra table at the river.
JoAnn and Carolyn will change out the banners and flowers at the end of June or early July.
When the new music director is hired, we will plan a welcome coffee.
The Easter service is over budget. The $1300 to reserve the Orpheum for 2014 will come out of restricted fund 08102 Music Ministry. We will get a detail of all expenses from Barb and adjust the 2014 budget accordingly.
Discussed ideas for MLC By the Numbers
Number of flowers purchase for Easter
Number of people on mission trips to Guatemala, Haiti, Middle School trip
Number of people at first river front service of the year
Number of donut holes served
Number of communion cups served or poured
Bags of food or pounds of food given away
Number of prayer requests
Number of people serving at the soup kitchen
No meetings for July or August. Will handle anything by email or call a meeting if necessary.
Closed with prayer
Christian Education Team: Meeting Minutes, June 10, 2013
The regular meeting of the Christian Education Team was called to order at 5:30 pm on June 10.
The attendees were: Michelle Knudson, Lauretta Shaver, Kathy Yoder, Dana Kennedy, Monica Haines, Kathy Oynes and Judy Twiford.
Kathy Y. read devotions. Kathy O. volunteered for July devotions.
May minutes approval motioned by Monica and seconded by Michelle.
Old Business
- Kids Time at the River began at the church, due to the weather. Kathy is writing the curriculum and the theme is “Making Waves for God”.
New Business
- VBS/Day Camp runs July 8 – 11. Still need volunteers. Pre-registration/outreach offer ends June 24th.
- Need large refrigerator box. June 29th is decorating day. Meet at 9 am.
- Training for leaders – dates not set yet.
Balance of meeting used for brainstorming about our dreams and plans for Children’s Ministries. This discussion was led by Dana Kennedy and Kathy Yoder. We will continue to spend some time at each meeting for these types of discussions.
Meeting Adjourned.
Social Concerns Team: No meeting for June 2013.
Multi-cultural Team:
Parish Fellowship Team: Meeting Minutes --June
Present: Dawn Kelly, Karen Jacobs, and Angela Vick
Dawn Opened with Prayer
As a team we will be sharing Joys and Concerns for our team to pray about for the month. Items of concern were mentioned and will be prayed for. This is a great ministry opportunity we can do for each other.
Mother’s Day Flowers:
We reviewed how the flowers went over. SUCCESS!!! It was awesome to have the kids handing out the flowers and helping for the day. We will do this again next year. 450 was a perfect number.
Father’s Day:
We decided to hand out crosses for Father’s Day. Dawn will email Ben to see if there will be anyone around to help with handing them out. We also decided on a couple of bible verses to attach to the crosses. 450 were ordered.
Bens Farewell:
We are planning on serving treats and having a card basket for Ben at each service. Dawn will contact Judy to see about getting a table in the narthex and one for the river. She will also contact Marian to see if she can help with getting people to bring treats.
Meeting was adjourned with the Lords Prayer.
Finance Team: Minutes of the regular Meeting held on Monday, June 10, 2013.
Members present: Chairperson Duane Wasmund, Dave Luhman, and Dick Anderson. Pastor Darrin Vick and Administrator Barb Baker were present.
The meeting was called to order by Chair Wasmund at 5:30 pm and Luhman opened the meeting with a devotion and prayer. Duane Wasmund will have the devotion next month.
Finance Team minutes of the 5-13-13 regular meeting approved on motion by Anderson, second by Luhman, all ayes. MLC Council meeting of 5-5-13 has no minutes.
Fund Raiser Requests: None.
Financial Reports:
Income and expenses for 5-31-13 shows year-to-date revenue $10,634 higher ($442,768 last year and $453,402 this year), expenses $86,804 higher ($398,676 last year and $485480 this year), and an operating net balance $86,804 lower ($44,092 positive last year and $32,078 negative this year). Church Staff expenses YTD are $67,994 higher ($236,868 last year and $304,862 this year). Discussion was held on expense account items. The 5-31-13 reports of restricted accounts, concentrations, and investments were provided to members. The Capital Campaign report shows $1,037,082 of funds invested which includes $79,789 set aside for a 10% tithe. There is a CD for $130,000 with United Bank of Moville, IA that has matured on 6-10-13 and will be reinvested at the highest bank rate available.
Old Business: Motion by Luhman, second by Anderson, all ayes, approved the contracting with Automated Church Systems (ACS) for Online Donations. Our current members using Vanco Online Donations will be asked to convert to this new system. The one-time costs and monthly fees for ACS will be paid from the 2013 Finance budget line item under account #53265.
New Business: Motion by Anderson, second by Luhman, approved the contracting with ACS for LiveStore that will provide for safe storage of the backup of MLC accounting records and reports.
Other Matters: Pastor Vick reported our congregation giving to LCMC-Oklahoma was about $6,000.
Meeting adjourned at 6:10 pm on motion by Luhman, second by Anderson. The next meeting is scheduled for 7-8-13, Monday, at 5:30 pm. We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted by: David Luhman, Acting Finance Team Secretary (6-11-13)
Property Team: Minutes 6-27-13 - 6:30 PM
- discussed tires for the vans and which ones need some new tires, we did shop around for the
best deals for getting replacements.
- Tree issues on the corner house property, Triple A tree service has given us a quote for
$650.00. Motion by Charlie to remove, seconded by Vern, all approved so will get a hold of
them and have them take it down.
- discussed steps to the gym stage and is there a need to have better steps other than the risers,
safety issue? Should use the side steps instead.
- discussion of the yellow bus and selling it, another church is interested and if not we may put it
on Craig’s list.
- discussed the gym floor project and what is left to do.
- louvers are in progress from CW Suter and should be installed soon for under the stage.
- white board paint in the kitchen lounge needs to be redone because it did not work correctly.
- wanting switches for the kitchen lounge by all the doors , 3 way control
- looking at camera system for behind the building and possibly for more of the building for
security reasons.
- would like power to the small garage that has the mowers, will get quote from a few
- meeting adjourned at 7:26
Evangelism Team: Minutes from June 2013
Attended: Jan Brown, Gary Judd, Pastor Paul and Donna Koch.
Meeting was called to order and opened with prayer by Donna.
Outdoor Services.
- Billboards: Signs are up.
- Yard Signs: Signs are put together and handed out.
- June 30th Fellowship will do baked goods. Evangelism will supply the water and hand out. (Gary and Jan)
- July 21st Fellowship is planning hotdog lunch: Evangelism will supply the water and hand out.
Comfort and Joy at the BallPark!
- DATE was chosen as August 18th
- Tailgate party – Fellowship will manage.
- T-shirts – to the Boys and Girls home kids and staff and 1st 50 MLC people. We will order 100 t-shirts and felt that we would do just the Explorers logo. Donna to organize.
- Games – we will do outdoor games at the tailgate party. Donna to organize.
- Canopies – we feel shade is needed that time of year. Donna to ask Steve and Judy Weatherly to organize.
- First Pitch – ask if we can do it and see if Pastor Darrin would like to throw it.
- National Anthem – see if there is any interest in someone from the Boys and Girls home to sing it. Tom.
- Gary showed a video with Reggie McNeal giving a speech from the same book that Council is reading right now! Wow, great!
- Ideas were discussed around “finding ways to touch people”
- Flexible church, small groups early morning or weeknights, many liked Wednesday night
- Open our doors to other charitable groups that may need meeting spaces
- Cooperate with businesses to do a lunch and small group session (give a free lunch to those that attend).
- Create an “On the Ready” group of volunteers that would be like a mini Red Cross to go help people in our community that have had a disaster. (Example is the recent flooding)
- Campsite church, offer to host a church service at camp sites in the area.
- FirstCovenantChurch: can we partner with them to help them? Ideas include: invite them to join us with VBS or to help them with theirs, invite them to join us with Comfort and Joy at the Explorers game, invite them to cooperate with us in adding another school to bless (possibly UnitySchool). Lots of ideas here! Gary will touch base with Terri Krei on this and visit with First Covenant.
Meeting was adjourned by Donna followed by the Lord’s Prayer
Youth Team: No meeting in June
June 10, 2013