Economic policy of Montenegro for the year 2004-01-26



Republic Secretariat for Development


Podgorica, December 2003



/ 3
1.1 Initiative bases / 3
1.2 Economic policy goals / 3
1.3 The main concept strongholds of the economic policy / 4
2.1 Monetary policy / 5
2.2 Fiscal policy / 5
2.3 Privatization and investments / 6
2.4 Prices / 7
2.5 Social policy / 7
2.6 Employment / 7
2.7 Earnings and retirement policy / 8
2.8 Development policy / 8
2.8.1 Regional development / 8
2.8.2 Entrepreneurs development and development of small and midsize companies / 9
2.8.3 Personnel policy / 9
2.9 Foreign economic relations / 10
2.10 Living environment protection / 10
/ 12
3.1 Industry, energy, mining / 12
3.2 Agriculture, woods and water / 12
3.3 Landscape impr ovement area / 13
3.4 Sea industry, transportation, communications / 13
3.5 Trade / 14
3.6 Tourism / 15


/ 16
/ 18


1.1Initiative bases

Economic policy represents a logical step to continue implementation of four-year Government plans, as an outcome of the economic reforme Agenda and special menagement and educational reform agendas.

Economic policy for the year of 2004 rely on:

  • Accomplished level of political stability;
  • Results accomplished during the year 2003 and improved macroeconomic stability;
  • Accomplished level of economic reforms;
  • Actual trends in region and world economy; and
  • Approaching processes to the European integrations and world trade organizations.

Accomplished results during the previous year (the real GDP of 2,53%; industrial and agricultural production growth of 2% and 3%, tourism growth of 7,9%) are indicating that the main economic reform courses are very well set and that the economic structure is changing.

For 2004 it’s expected that will be no political instability in Montenegro. On the contrary, political tensions will be lesser barrier realizing measures of the economic policy. World and region trends are indicating on importance of interaction connection, cooperation and opening.

Stronger role of the private sector, especially of small and midsize companies. At the same time there is knowledge of foreign exchange deficit danger, negative effect of a new indebtedness, needs to control budget deficit and decrease unemployment rate and continue to decrease inflation.

1.2 Economic policy goals

Economic policy for the year 2004 projects the real GDP of 2,7%. This means that by the year-end GDP will accomplish level of 1.475 million €. This projection is based on the stimulations directed to two main courses:

(a) Development of private entrepreneurs initiative and

(b) Investments

Stimulating initiation of a new business and development of business activities will contribute to a mind development of necessity to valorize individual ability and ideas as a base for working placement and resolution of material status.

During 2004 we’ll initiate a realization of few large investment projects in the area of infrastructure before anything else. These investments will mobilize all available capacities and will have multiple multiplicative effects on the domestic economy.

Outset from the above mentioned courses the main economic policy goals for the year 2004 are:

  1. Level increase of the economic freedom;
  2. Production and services increase especially the ones directed to the export
  3. Privatization dynamics;
  4. Employment increase; and
  5. Poverty decrease and increase in social stability.

1.2 The main strongholds of the economic policy concept

In accordance to the development orientation movement, dynamic of the base macroeconomic aggregates settled in the economic reform Agenda and the need to master autonomously financing system functions, in 2004 should:

  • Continue deficit decrease trend in foreign exchange trade and balance the position;
  • Continue to decrease inflation trend and hold it at around 4,5%;
  • Decrease budget deficit.

Foreign exchange trade deficit represents a long-term system unbalance that isoverwhelming the total balance of Montenegro. Influencing economy toward the export and decrease of uncontrolled and irrational import will mitigate deficit and stimulate further structural adjustment of the Montenegro economy.

Projected real GDP for the 2004 in significant measure depends on success and maintenance of pre-directed inflation growth frames. Therefore, it will continue to support market formed prices, except with natural monopolies, public and communal sector. Continue to neutralize monopoly behavior appearance and disloyal competition that are abstracting the market growth.

Inflation decrease and her maintenance at 4,5% will result in set of complimentary and consistent measures.

Budget deficit participation in GDP will amount 3,26% at the year-end that is in accordance to the standards that must be fulfilled by the countries participating into the EU integration.


2.1 Monetary policy

The main monetary policy tasks during 2004 are: efficiency increase of the banking sector, completing payment system reform, and to create environment for the increase of the banks credit potential.

Continuing to develop standards in the banking system area in accordance to the International standards, especially in the area of bank control and licensing, as well as creating new financial institutions. Credit unions will start work. A deposit insurance fund will be formed offering more security to the depositors.

Enhancing cooperation with the International institutions (World Bank, IMF, Europe Central bank, etc) and improving standards and criteria use in our banking and financial system.

Continue to work on further decrease of mandatory reserve in order to increase credit potential of the banks. Continue with the realization of old foreign exchange savings program in accordance to the Law on foreign debt and citizens FX savings. In the second year half of the year a Credit bureau will start work on order to make possible for the banks to have an overview financial reliability of potential debtors. A closure is expected on Podgoricka bank privatization process. During 2004 the Government will try to find a solution to decrease existing high level of internal debt.

In the area of insurance a new Law on insurance will be enacted in the course of investments increase in this area and to decrease savings outflow out of Montenegro. A preparation will take place in order to establish an independent regulatory body for the insurance area.

In the course of further market development improvement a new Law on investment funds will be enacted as well as a Law on mortgage.

2.2 Fiscal policy

Fiscal policy in 2004 will be carried out thru the conditions of adopted law regulation, and will be consistent with the agreed frames and goals of the IMF and the World Bank. A fiscal capacity enhance is planned by 11,5% in relation to previous year and exaltation of the financial discipline. Gray economy will be significantly repressed. Efficient and continuous taxpayers liabilities execution will be secured.

Source income for 2004 (excluding income from privatization, foreign donations, borrowings and credits) is planned at around 402,6 millions € (revenue 358,1 million € or 89%, taxes 6,1 million € or 1,5% and other republic income of 38,3 million € or 9,5%). In the structure of taxes the highest stake has VAT (146,6 millions € or 40,9%), citizens income tax (73,2 millions € or 20,4%), tax on imported goods (59,7 millions € or 16,7%) and customs (44 millions or 12,3%).

Will continue to stimulate registration of unregistered workers and the registration of new ones based on the adopted Ordinance on tax relief. Measures will take place in course of enhancing tax base. Between other is being planned to decrease income tax and look into possibilities to decrease other taxes and contributions. Also will be considered possibilities for overpaid VAT return and suggested appropriate legal modifications.

In course of the better planning and budget management, a model concept will be developed for the public debt and donations management.

In accordance to the Action plan for the economic system harmonization with Serbia negotiations will continue in order to adjust customs for remaining 56 strategical products.

2.3 Privatization and investments

Privatization process will be conducted according to adopted privatization Plan for the year 2004. The sale of shares and properties will continue throughout the public tender, auction sale, and stock market, or combining these methods. Activities such as pension system privatization; communal economy and privatization preparation in the social activities will also be continued. Continue to realize Program for the companies restructure.

More favorable ambient will be created for the foreign and domestic investments. The main course is to secure investments at around 120 million € in accordance to economic reform Agenda. Cooperating with FIAS and European agency for reconstruction will help develop a strategy for investment promotion and to form special body that will have only one role to promote investment possibilities into Montenegro.

Further work will continue on the regulations that will decrease or remove all administrative barriers to initiate the business, business development and business exit. The new investments will be influenced throughout tax, custom and other relief.

Continue to upgrade property protection rights system and inviolable contracts. Making stronger existing institutions, and creating new ones, and to implement activities to secure consistency and respect of the procedures and regulations.

Further conditions development for the purposes of corporate management exercise.

Preparing: Law on restitution, Law on protection from corruption, Law on intellectual property protection, Law on capital transaction and the Law on investments as a sub legal following act.

Priority investment projects are: (a) construction and revitalization of complete infrastructure; (b) water supply in the coastal towns and on Cetinje; (c) construction of the city dump and recycling storm sewer and (d) Podgorica and Tivat airport reconstruction.

2.4 Prices

Commodity and service prices will be formed based on the market principles. Unjustified prices growth will be eliminated with strong competition, free flow of goods and capital and by decreasing business barriers. Enacting and conducting antimonopoly regulations and punishing the malversation of market dominate position and disloyal competition.

Inflation is predicted at around 4,5 %.

2.5 Social policy

Active social policy will be maintained based on developing principles. Priority task in 2004 will be implementation of the “Development and poverty reduction strategy”. Social programs will at whole taken out of the companies, looked into the real social obligations and create conditions for their ordinary and adequate maintenance. Continue to rationalize public expenditures and adjustment to the European standards.

Social policy will be directed to the protection of living standards and care for the most endangered categories of citizens. Individual programs will be realized in cooperation with the NGO’s and local community. Assets for the social protections will be secured from the real sources and their payment is a priority.

In the course to do better job allocating social funds will need to conduct information system modernization within the Ministry of work and social care. Standard and legal regulations in the area of social and children's protection will be innovated.

In the course of doing better job resolving problem of disperse entities and refugees, in the first half of 2004 will be developed a “Permanent strategy solution for the refugees and disperse entities in Montenegro”. Commissariat for disperse entities and other authorized institutions will continue to secure international help for the purposes of satisfying everyday needs of the refugees and disperse entities (room and board, food, etc), as well as finding permanent resolution (return, integration, and sim.) for this category of the citizens.

2.6 Employment

Systematic measures will continue to influence a new employment and increase in work productivity. Realization of the project “ Legalization of existing and opening of the new working places” will carry on, and in accordance to that along with the Statute on tax relief for newly employed workers and the Statute on nonresident employment.

In the first half of 2004 will decrease the burden on the employee earenings, especially newly employed workers.

The employment growth will be based on the active employment policy. Entrepreneurs will be stimulated throughout different programs in the area of agriculture, craft, and computer science, etc. Training programs will be realized: pre-qualification, and specialization in the area of metal manufacturing, craft, agriculture, computer science, foreign languages, tourism and inn keeping, and seamanship.

Active employment program of layoff workers will be realized. Special employment program will be realized for the handicapped. Employment stimulating for so called “marginalized groups” through additional financing of income payment or fiscal liabilities on earnings for certain period of employment. Further activities will take place to realize the project for the probationer employment.

Influencing the institutions network development that will have a task to develop system of informal education. Information systems that hold data on employed and unemployed with other systems (files on pension and health insurance, files on individual forms of the entrepreneurs activity, etc) will be connected.

2.7 Earnings and retirement policy

The earnings policy in public sector will continue to be carried out based on the minimum wage concept principles. Decreasing the number of layoff employees and tax burden will create space for salary increase. The minimum wage will be determined according to the General collective contract.

A new Law on social – economic council will be enacted in accordance to the international standards and resolutions.

In the area of the pension and invalid insurance the pensions will be harmonized in accordance to the law. The new Law on pension and invalid insurance will start its exercise. Authorities will intensify activities on ordinary and efficient collection of contributions for the pension and invalid insurance. Recommendation os a Law on the pension system second post will be recommended.

2.8 Development policy

The development policy will depend in a great deal of the investment activity level. Starting from the base project recommendation “Capital expenditure of the public sector in Montenegro”, that was completed by the European agency for the reconstruction will step up to a adequate organizing, management and realization of the investment function at macro level. In relation to that, the conditions will be created for partnership relation of private and public sector by including private sector into finances of the public infrastructure, public services and communal teams.

Statistic system reform and development will continue. The Law on statistics will be recommended, and complete technical and personnel amendment of Monstat and determine Concept of a new statistic system for the purpose of the macroeconomic resarches and macroeconomic policy in the Montenegro.

2.8.1 Regional development

One of the total development policies is a regional diference decrease at the level of the economic progress. In the regional development policy the principles will be established to coordinate area-economic and macro-economic policy. Secretariat for development will monitor planned and realized activities of all regional policy actors, accumulate all local and regional development programs, influence affirmation based on the regional policy main principles and normaly inform the Government about it.

During 2004 the Government will: (a) confirm special influences for the less developed area through adequate solutions in tax, credit and foreign relation economic policy; (b) determine special development programs of the telecommunication and traffic infrastructure; (c) realize total electrification of the un-electrified village settlements; (d) start work on the Bjelasica valorization project; (e) realize the Program for integral development of Montenegro's Damns (mountain chain) and the Durmitor area.

Development policy measures will stimulate changes in population movement and revitalization of demographic endangered area and villages. Adequate measures will be enforced in order to improve health and social protection of the citizens in these areas. During 2004 special accent will be on: (a) monitoring municipality development indicator (within the Monstat there will be special department in charge of gathering the municipality information); (b) development of nomenclature area units for the statistics purpose – NUTS in accordance to European standards.

2.8.2 Entrepreneurs development and development of small and midsize companies

Getting closer to the European union represents further system ambient coordination and climate development of entrepreneurship and private initiative. Professional help will be secured in order to develop program leaning toward donator’s help or credit support.

During 2004 the will continue realization of initiated development projects and the realization of new projects founded in the economic reform Agenda. The Government will through the Agency for development of small and mid size companies continue to establish stable and stimulate ambient for the purpose to intensify entrepreneurship. Time will be spent in order to form new regional/local business centers in municipalities where that hasn’t been done. Education program will carryon to enhance business knowledge.

Taking measures to resolve problem of a big number of unregistered production and inn keeping objects, as well as flea market stores. Continue activities to decrease business barriers. Activities will go on in order to realize process for the pilot project “Business barrier decrease” in municipalities Bar and Bijelo Polje.

In the credit area different models of financing will be developed directed toward separate course groups in accordance to the legalization Program of existing and opening the new work places that will be realized throughout the banks, Employment bureau and funds. Continue to realize credit line for the development Fund in order to support fast-growing small and mid size companies through the project called “ Dynamic entrepreneurs stimulation”.

During 2004 will continue with following projects realization of the Program of existing and opening the new work places: (a) “Enhance competitive abilities for the domestic companies” that rely on agriculture, tourism and wood manufacturing; (b) “Industrial zone Bar”; (c) Made in Montenegro”; (d) “Seek and offer Stock”. Following projects will agitate: (a)” Technological park”, (b) “Incubators”, (c) “ Innovation centers” and (d) “Support to the successful”.