May 23, 2016

  1. OPEN MEETING – The May 23, 2016 Selectboard meeting opened at 6:00 PM. Those present: Vernon Crawford, Gregory Noyes, Haven Haynes, Noreen Labrecque, Richard Thibeault, Mike Turner, (later joined by), Dale Goodwin, Carmen Gagnon, Mary Lou Lovering, Iris and Jean Lindor and Jan Thibeault.
  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – On a motion by Gregory and seconded by Haven the May 9, 2016 Selectboard meeting minutes were approved.
  1. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO AGENDA – VT-ANR letter, VLCT/PACIF worker’s comp, Leach Stream
  1. Dale Goodwin – neighbor junk – Dale Goodwin, Carmen Gagnon and Mary Lou Lovering were in to discuss the commercial business that is being run out of 66 Pariseau Dr. in Beecher Falls. Mr. Goodwin is concerned about the traffic it is generating and the safety issues with paint fumes. The group all agreed there is no consideration for the neighborhood or adjoining properties by this individual. Mr. Goodwin stated that Robert Lee (zoning administrator) paid a visit to the residence but did not have any details of the outcome. The Selectboard stated that they will wait to see if the Zoning Administrator will be taking action on this before they decide on another course of action.
  2. Iris and Jean Lindor were in to discuss the hours at NEKCA. Iris stated that she would like to get the word out about the food shelf. She is open 4 days a week and presently is only serving 12 families on a regular basis. The board said they could put an article in the quarterly News Letter. The NEKCA telephone number is on the town website. Iris would like to get the word out about the Teen Center as they have events planned for the summer.
  3. Jan Thibeault was in to inquire about the drainage by her house. The board suggested she wait to see the end product of the water main project before they make a decision on this. Vern asked if they could trim the trees that are on the corner of their lot as they are inhibiting the visibility at that intersection. Jan also discussed the condition of her neighbor’s property.
  1. Grader – Sign Contract – On a motion by Haven and seconded by Gregory the Selectboard agreed on the purchase of a CAT 140H Motor Grader. Mike Turner (NORTRAX Rep) was present to have the Purchase Order and Bill of Sale for the Town’s grader signed. Vern signed all documents. (See attached for copies of documents). The cost of the grader is $89,000.00 and the trade in value of the Town grader is $6,500.00 for a balance due of $82,500.00.
  2. New doors on Garage – No action on this. Richard still needs to write up a description of work to be done for the advertisement for bid.
  3. Garage/Yard clean up – Richard stated that he has made some progress but is unable to continue with the Water Main Construction Crew and equipment in the yard.
  4. Order Chloride – Richard stated that he only has 3 tons left. Board gave Richard permission to order a pallet of 20 ton.
  5. The Board instructed Richard to clean out the ditch line by the Shori McKinnon residence.
  6. Richard reported that the new truck broke down on Todd Hill. It needed a new fuse.
  7. Richard asked when he should burn the Stump Dump. He said that the front portion burned but the back did not. Vern stated the next rainy days.
  1. Sewer Ordinance – approval – 2nd phase–On a motion by Haven and seconded by Gregory the Selectboard approved the Sewer Ordinance. Noreen will do postings and place a notice in the June 1, 2016 edition of the News and Sentinel.
  2. Sewer at 135 Green Hill Road – Letter will be sent explaining the oversight and future billing.
  1. Electronics Collection - Conference call May 25, 2016 at 1:00 PM – Gregory and Noreen will be in attendance for this call.
  2. HHW Event - Gregory reported that there were 12 Canaan Residents and 5 Lemington residents who used the event. Noreen presented the board with the certificates that Brian Bissonnette has for handling Hazardous Waste. The board approved having Brian Bissonnette as HHW handler at the next event.
  3. Staining building – Greg will check the stain that is in storage to make sure it is still good to use.
  4. The truck for JK Lynch is still out of commission so he will be contracting with Normandeau for C&D and MSW pick up.
  1. Stumps behind Town Office – Board approved having loam brought in to bring up the grade between the trees stumps. Vern stated that Richard should pull out the smaller stumps before bringing in loam.
  2. Mike Ladd – vacation in June – need replacement – Mike Ladd informed the Selectboard that he will be on vacation beginning June 17th through June 27th. Noreen will speak to Brian Bissonnette to see if this is anything he would like to take over for the 10 day period. If Brian is interested he will need to contact Mike about instructions. Mike will have Mike Pearson (Jenkins and Newman) contact the town office if there are any burials while Mike is gone.
  3. Sign Warranty Deed for Water Storage Tank/water main - A motion was made by Gregory and seconded by Haven to approve the Warranty Deed Easementfor the Canaan Fire District #1 Storage Tank and Water Main on the Community Forest land. Vernon Crawford signed the Warranty Deed Easement.
  1. Junkie Yards – Gregory created a list along with photos of the properties to be notified. Board will sign letters at the next meeting.
  1. Gregory met with Patrick Ross about the erosion of the Leach Stream bank located by the Canaan Fire District #1 well house. Patrick stated that since it is within 100 feet of a water main the town can stabilize that portion of the bank. Any other portions that are eroding cannot be stabilized.
  2. Noreen presented the board with the invoice from VLCT/PACIF. She explained that in the past years the town has received credits but since the new policy VLCT/PACIF has with regard to Workers Comp and contracted labor, the town will now be paying additional for this. The board agreed that the town needs contracted labor so will budget for it in future years.
  1. EXECUTIVE SESSION – no action

In: Motion: Second: Action: Time:

Out: Motion: Second: Action: Time:

  1. SORT MAIL/SIGN WARRANT – $55,357.50 (includes payroll $7525.38)
  1. ADJOURN MEETING – On a motion by Haven the May 23, 2016 Selectboard meeting was adjourned.