General Membership Monthly Meeting Minutes
May 3, 2011, 6:30 p.m.
Park District North Class Room, REC Center
Board and Membership in attendance
[Approved with correctionsat June 7th meeting.]
Call to order
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Conley a few minutes after the appointed time, and the roll call was taken.
Roll call-- [Bold, italic = Executive Board member; Italic = Regular member; Non-italicized = Guests.]
In attendance were Barb Conley, Nancy Bacheller,Jim Blasky, Deon Koretos, Scott Lindsey, Carol Watermann, Ronda Goldman, Mary PauleBierlein, John Bierlein, Frances Kreutzer, Jane Feltes*. Arriving later: Jim Drendel,Jake Marino.* = New member.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the April 5, 2011 General membership meeting were approved.
Motion: Frances. 2nd: John. Voice vote approval.
Officers’ Reports
President: Tammy was not in attendance.
Vice President: Barb announced that newly elected Huntley village board member Nick Hanson has said he wants to make a financial donation for THHS causes. She discussed possibilities with him. One possibility would be paying the membership fee for THHS to join The McHenry County Historical Society.
Barb distributed business cards provided by Pam Fender, who also arranged that we would have a space at the May 28th Crafters Fair, kicking off the Farmers Markets down town on the square. Arrangements for tables and chairs, etc, and what to take along (note cards, Nancy’s book, applications, etc.) were discussed.
Barb also announced for Paul O. that the Publicity committee would meet in his office on June 6th at 1 p.m.
Treasurer: Nancy said she was ready to finalize the rental of the Post Office box. It will be $30 per year, with an initial $2 deposit, and we get two copies of the key. The payment for this rental was approved. Motion: Carol. 2nd: Ronda. Voice vote approval. Nancy will take care of the transaction. Nancy and Frances will have copies of the key, giving one to Barb when they are out of town
Nancy reported that she and Paul filed the 990N form. She will also file the Illinois Charitable organization Annual Report with Lisa Madigan’s office, and that she will be meeting with accountant Lisa Watts.
Nancy reported the balance for THHS: $1386.97
Membership Secretary: No report.
Committee Reports
Membership: John reported that the plan to issue renewal notices was well organized, and ready to go, with Frances and Carol on the team. Emails would be sent first, followed by a phone call and a mailing. A second phone call could be made, to get feedback from those who, for example, have decided not to renew.
Publicity: Ronda discussed her research for having the brochures printed. She and Nancy visited the UPS store and Tyler Press, and gave the various costs for printing and availability of design work for each company. She also went over the various changes Kelly Robar suggested for the brochure.
Miscellaneous note: Brian Bacheller will put the privacy statement on the website.
Fundraising: No report.
Programs/ Chamber Mixer: Jim D. said that Huntley Collision Center will let us use their truck in the Memorial Day Parade. Scott will drive.
Tammy was pre-approved to purchase insurance for events on May 28 and 30, up to $100. Motion: Nancy. 2nd: Carol. Voice vote approval.
Jim reported that he would attend the Chamber membership meeting tomorrow (May 4) to announce our involvement in the June 14 Multi-mixer; the Program committee will be working on the details.
Annual Meeting/ Elections: Barb reported that Elaine Kadakia had secured the American Community Bank for us for July 23rd. It appears that Elaine has ended up working alone on this event. We need a slate of candidates, and many other details need to be ironed out.
Old Business
There was brief, general discussion of the April 26th meeting with Kelly Robar.
Frances mentioned she had a program idea for Jim D.
Jim B. recommended that Tammy or a board member write a letter to the Park District Board to express interest in the Sun Valley Farm project, and the sooner the better. A joint meeting of the two groups is in order. It would also be a good idea to attend a Park Board’s workshop day, on second Wednesdays.
New Business
Jim talked about changing the pictures at the station, possibly in connection with May History month, also with advertising and possibly fundraising for THHS in mind.
Kelly Robar’s happy appreciation of the gift she received from the group was mentioned.
Show and Tell
Barbshared a 1958 Huntley community directory, a listing of local businesses.
Next Meeting
Tuesday June 7, 2011, 6:30 p.m., same location.
The adjournment of the meeting was approved. Motion: Carol. 2nd: Deon. Voice vote approval.
Respectfully submitted,
Scott Lindsey