Draft for Review
The following is a breakdown of major themes that arose from a meeting held in Golden June 20, 2015.
Representatives from Fernie, Cranbrook, Golden, Rossland, Castlegar, Slocan Valley, Columbia Valley, Valemount and Kimberley were in attendance.
It is hoped that the majority of their thoughts are captured in this document and please add to it if not!
A list of comments are also available, but these two pages are an attempt to shorten the read.
Goal 1: create a regional trails committee to develop ways to raise community awareness, and to determine local and regional priorities in trail development
a. Hire someone to create inventory of trails in the Basin
b. Pool resources such as mapping apps, destination marketing opportunities etc.
c. Create a collaborative and cooperative culture between trail groups
d. Develop system of sharing information (available grants, news clippings, StepUp BC, Tech Soup etc)
e. Track trends such as electric bikes & scooters
Goal 2: To collaborate with local governments, regional stakeholders and residents to develop trail master plans that achieve community and trail user goals
a. Learn about connecting Official Community Plans, Integrated community Sustainability and local Transportation Plans
Goal 3: To build the capacity of trail groups and create a learning environment for trail groups and interested stakeholders by hosting an annual trails conference in the Basin
a. Would require a contract paid position to coordinate a conference
b. Would move the conference from west to east, north to south in alternating years
c. Figure out what is needed – trail building skills, proposal writing skills, fundraising, mapping skills, social media etc.
d. New ideas: bike skills park, pay Pal donations, membership campaigns, trail counters,
e. Learn about and develop relationships with other sectors such as heritage and environmental ( can open the doors to other volunteers and funding)
f. Investigate summer students to be used for administrative and medic functions
g. Investigate funding for administration salaries as workload for volunteer coordinators is getting cumbersome
Identified Actions