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4th Floor Meeting Room, RaigmoreHospital /

14 February 2007 – 3.00 pm

Present:Ms P Courcha, Non Executive Director, SSU (Chair)

Mrs G McCreath, Non Executive Director, SSU

Ms S Eddie, Unit General Manager

Mr A Ward, DGM, Woman & Child Health

Dr C Lush, Clinical Director, Clinical Services & Support

Ms M Morrison, Clinical Governance & Risk Manager

Ms L Kirkland, DGM, Medical

Mr R Ward, DGM, Clinical Services & Support

Mrs D Smith, DGM, Surgical & Anaesthetics

Mr N Hobson, Associate Director of Nursing

Mrs M Smith, Information Manager, E-Health

Mr D MacRae, Hotel Services Manager

Dr D A R Lees, Clinical Director, Woman & Child Health

Ms F Matthewson, Planning Manager

Dr R Harvey Clinical Director, Medical

Apologies:Mr S Denholm, Clinical Director, SSU

Mr Q Cox, Clinical Director, Surgical & Anaesthetics

Ms R Magee, Health & Safety Adviser

Ms C Morrison, Personnel Adviser

Mrs L McClurg, Nurse Manager, Surgical & Anaesthetics

Ms K Hogan, SSU Accountant

Mrs M Moss, AHP SSU Lead, Nutrition & Dietetics

Ms J Groves, Public Health

Dr S Vaughan, Public Health

Ms C Stewart, Partnership Forum Representative

Mr P Mutton, Lead Pharmacist - SSU

Mr S Loch, Lead Nurse Education & Training/Clinical Service Manager

Ms I McGauran, Nurse Manager, Medical

Ms C Walker, Personnel Adviser

Mrs R Soplantila, Nurse Manager, Woman & Child Health

In attendanceMr G Smith, Highland HealthVOICES Network Member

1 / Welcome & Introductions
Ms Courcha welcomed everyone to the meeting and in particular Mrs McCreath, following her recent appointment as Non-Executive to the Board and SSU.
Members were advised of the rigorous and challenging process of applying for a Non-Executive position within the NHS and the appointment process through the Scottish Executive. Ms Courcha added that her aim within SSU was effectively a governance role, in terms of committing to continue to improve services for patients. In her role as Non-Executive, Ms Courcha advised that she would aim to represent SSU at the Board meetings and likewise represent the Board at the SSU Governance Committee.
In aiming to make the meeting effective in Governance terms, Ms Courcha advised that this may be challenging to achieve but would involve reviewing membership at the meeting, to ensure the relevant people are attending. There was a steer to avoid unnecessary duplication in terms of discussion, in which some issues were currently being raised at the Governance Committee, but were similarly being actively discussed at the monthly Formal SSU Management Team.
2 / Minute of meeting held on 15 November 2006
The minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2006 were approved as an accurate record subject to the following addition:
Item 10: reference to network to read network(s)
3 / Matters Arising/Actions
Linear Accelerator
Members noted that there had been a number of issues in the development of this business case, although progress has now been made and the group responsible for taking this forward were now at the 2nd stage of the tender process with the preferred supplier being identified by the end of April 2007. As a result of the delay the project is approximately 4/5 months behind, with an anticipated completion time of December 2008.
Staff Governance
Deferred until next meeting.
Agenda for Change Issues
Being taken forward through the Formal SSU Management Team.
Nutrition and Dietetics Accommodation
Members noted that the work had now been approved with anticipated completion by end March 2007.
Risk Register
Members were advised that an SSU Clinical Governance and Risk Management Group is currently being convened, with the initial meeting chaired by Mr Denholm, Clinical Director, SSU having taken place recently.
The Committee:
Noted that the progress to date on the linear accelerator business case.
Noted that Staff Governance would be discussed at the April meeting.
Noted the satisfactory solution to the nutrition and dietetics accommodation issues.
Noted the convening of an SSU Clinical Governance and Risk Management Group.
4 / General Manager’s Report (Key Performance Indicators)
Members noted the circulated paper. Ms Eddie advised that this was essentially a draft paper and agreed following discussion to make the necessary changes prior to sending to Lorraine Power for inclusion in the Board papers.
Referring to the Day Surgery Centre project, it was noted that Angus MacKiggan had been allocated as Project Manager for this project on a 0.5wte basis.
Referring to the 3rd Endoscopy Room development, it was noted that following discussion with W&CH and S&A colleagues a portion of space within the Childrens Ward is being looked at, which could be released without impacting on the Childrens Ward.
Referring to the Fire Alarm Upgrade, Ms Eddie advised that a paper had been presented to the NHS Board on the 6 March advising on progress to date. The NHS Board fully support the development and a clinical vision group, chaired by Elaine Mead, Chief Operating Officer is in the process of being convened to take this forward. Approval for a Project Manager has been given from the Asset Management Group to take this project forward and identify realistic timescales.
Referring to Staff Governance, as part of the Fire Alarm Upgrade, successful placement of all 17 members of staff displaced from Wards 7A and 7C had been made. Members also noted that at present there were a significant number of investigations and long term suspensions, which had a knock on effect on SSU management colleagues, in addition to the financial aspects. SSU welcomed the HR solutions around alternative ways to carry out such investigations which would speed the process up and have less impact on management time. Discussion took place around the benefit of having HR colleagues on site should the need arise to contact them on an urgent basis. It appears that some Directorates find the sourcing of support easier than others. A further suggestion that if HR colleagues were to work within the Directorates they would have a greater understanding of the situation/cultures within the individual areas and this may assist in resolving issues before they get to a more difficult stage.
Referring to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ms Eddie advised that following discussions with Dr Ken Proctor and Helen Strachan, the aim is to recruit to 2 locum consultant posts in the first instance.
The Committee:
Noted the General Manager’s report.
Agreed that the necessary changes be made to the document prior to submission to the Board Services Assistant for the NHS Board meeting.
5 / SSU Development Plan 2007/08
Each of the Directorates and Finance (presented by Susan Eddie), gave a comprehensive overview of the individual departments key challenges for 2007/08 and the proudest achievements for 2006/07. Copies of the slides attached.
6 / General Manager’s Response
Ms Eddie commented when seeing all the challenges together in one presentation for each of the Directorates and Finance, along with the proudest achievements, it becomes clear that whilst there is a lot to be taken forward, there has also been a vast amount of achieved this year.
Ms Courcha wished to congratulate everyone on their major achievements and acknowledged the challenges faced by the Directorates.
7 / AOCB
There was no other business.
8 / Date of Next Meeting
18 April 2007 at 3pm – Board Rm, Assynt House
9 / Date of Future Meetings 2007/08
11 July 2007 at 3pm – Board Rm, Assynt House
12 September 2007 at 3.30pm – Rm 1 & 2, 4th Floor, RaigmoreHospital
14 November2007 at 3pm – Board Rm, Assynt House
13 February 2008 at 3pm – Board Rm, Assynt House