Reading and Mathematics

There are many math resources in the media center that are not on this list. The following sources connect literary content and the subject area of math.

The following are available in the media center for reading across the curriculum:


Bauer, Joan. Sticks. NewYork : Bantam Doubleday Dell Books for Young Readers, 1997.

Summary: With the help of his grandmother, his dead father's best friend, and his own best friend (a math genius), ten-year-old Mickey prepares to compete in the most important pool championship of his life, despite his mother's reservations


Bruce, Colin. Conned Again, Watson : Cautionary Tales of Logic, Math, and Probability.Massachusetts : Perseus Publishing, 2001.

Summary: Colin Bruce recreates the atmosphere of the original Sherlock Holmes stories to shed light on an enduring truth: Our reliance on common sense - and ignorance of mathematics - often gets us in trouble.

E Ede

Edens, Cooper. How Many Bears? New York: Atheneum, 1994.


Using addition and subtraction, readers figure out how many bears it takes to run the bakery in Little Animal Town.


Enzensberger, Hans Magnus. Number Devil. New York: Henry Holt and Company



Twelve-year-old Robert can't use a calculator for a math assignment and finds help from the number devil in his dreams.

SC (Story Collection) FAD

Fadiman, Clifton. Fantasia Mathematica. New York : Copernicus, 1997.

Summary: Being a set of stories, together with a group of oddments and diversions, all drawn from the universe of mathematics.


Lemieux, Anne C. All The Answers. New York: Avon Books, Inc.



Failing algebra and being grounded for talking back to his father are bad enough, but when he faces a beautiful new eighth grader and her bullying twin brother, Jason is forced to take another look at his life.

E (Easy Books Section) Neu

Neuschwander, Cindy. Sir Cumference and the first round table: a math adventure.

Watertown, MA Charlesbridge Publishing, 1997.


Assisted by his knight, Sir Cumference, and using ideas offered by the knight's wife and son, King Arthur finds the perfect shape for his table.

F Sac

Sachar, Louis. Sideways arithmetic from Wayside School.

New York : Scholastic,1989.


Contains over fifty mindboggling math puzzles which the reader can help to solve along with the kids in Mrs. Jewls's class at WaysideSchool.

F Sac

Sachar, Louis. More sideways arithmetic from Wayside School. New York : Scholastic,1994.


Contains math puzzles which the reader can help to solve along with the kids in Mrs. Jewls's class at WaysideSchool.


Scieszka, Jon. Math curse. New York : Viking, 1995.

Summary: When the teacher tells her class that they can think of almost everything as a math problem, one student acquires a math anxiety which becomes a real curse.

372.1 Boy

Boyd, James. Professor Bear's Mathematical World-30 Copies. Virginia Council, 1987.


Mathematics--workbook 30 copies

510 POS

Posamentier, Alfred S. Math charmers : tantalizing tidbits for the mind. N.Y : Prometheus Books, 2003.

Summary: A collection of interesting and unusual mathematical facts, figures, and problems.

511 MYS

The Mystery of the sunken treasure : sea math.-- Alexandria, VA : Time Life, 1993.

Summary: A collection of math games and puzzles to aid in the development of problem solving skills.

512.7 DER

Derbyshire, John. .Prime obsession : Bernhard Riemann and the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics. New York : Plume[2004], c2003.


Traces the history and background of the Riemann Hypothesis, discussing the impact it has had on the field of mathematics since it was first developed in 1859.

516.2 LIV

Livio, Mario. The golden ratio : the story of phi, the world's most astonishing number. New York : Broadway Books, 2003, c2002.

Summary: Tells the story of phi, the never ending, never repeating number known as the Golden Ratio, written as 1.6180339887..., looking at how it has been used, and claims about its use, throughout the history of mathematics

808.80356 IMA

Imaginary numbers : an anthology of marvelous mathematical stories, diversions, poems, and musings / edited by William Frucht. New York : John Wiley, 1999.

Summary: An anthology of creative writing, including stories, poems, and meditations, in which the authors play with a variety of mathematical notions.

811 San

Sandburg, Carl. Arithmetic. New York : Harcourt,



An illustrated poem about numbers and their significance.

920 Rei (class set)

Reimer, Luetta. Mathematicians Are People, Too.

CA: Dale Seymour, 1995.


Problem Solving, Geometry, Algebra, Number Systems and number theory, Probability, Calculators and computers, Women in Mathematics, Calculus