My school is:
I am in year (NCY): / My school is a (please enter type of school):
My Designated Teacher is: / Tel no:
My Social Worker is: / Tel no:
My Area Learning Advocate is: / Tel no:
My PEP Co-ordinator is: / Tel no:
Date of this PEP / Is this the first PEP? / Date of last PEP / Date of Next PEP
Present at this meeting
Me / Designated Teacher / Social Worker / PEP Co-ordinator
Others present at this meeting
Name / Role / Contact details
The PEP (Personal Education Plan) is the plan agreed by the school, parents and carers which outlines the support that will be offered to the child OVER AND ABOVE that offered to other children, in recognition of the additional challenges faced by Children in Care. Pupil Premium Plus is ring-fenced for Children in Care, which means that the funding (currently £1,900 p.a.) must be spent directly on those children in supporting educational achievement. For some children this will mean additional help with Literacy or Maths to enable them to catch up with their peers; for others it may be mentoring or booster lessons to enable them to achieve above age-related expectations. The Local Authority, as Corporate Parent, has a statutory responsibility to ensure that schools deploy Pupil Premium funding to enable all Children in Care to achieve the very best they can. Quality assurance of the PEPs submitted by schools is an important part of the Local Authority’s monitoring role. The descriptors in Appendix 1lay out the criteria the Local Authority uses to decide whether the PEP is rigorous and will be a key tool in raising attainment and aspiration for the child.
At the PEP Review meeting the Assessment sheet which was issued by the Virtual School must be referred to, since it may contain guidance which will inform the writing of the new PEP. Similarly, if a child transfers to a different school, the Assessment sheet must be forwarded to the receiving school along with the PEP itself.
The PEP should be completed by the Designated Teacher in collaboration with the PEP Coordinator/Area Learning Advocate and other adults who know the child and with the child him/herself. See below for guidance. On completion of the PEP it is submitted to for quality assurance, within 5 days of the PEP meeting. Once the Designated Teacher has been informed that the PEP is of a good standard, it should be distributed by the Designated Teacher and/or PEPCo to the parents, staff/carers and all others invited to the meeting. A copy of Section 5 should be distributed to all teachers who work with the child: it is a working document and all teachers have a responsibility to be aware of, and to act upon, the targets identified.
The Children in Care Council’s tips for a positive PEP:
Prepare properly and give the child or young person plenty of notice about the PEP meeting – try to make sure the child is comfortable and at ease.
Remember that some parts of the PEP need to be completed before the meeting: Section 1 and Section 3. The Designated Teacher and/or the PEPCo will need to research Section 4 before the meeting.
If parents, carers, class teacher or social worker are unable to attend the meeting, the Designated Teacher should seek their views prior to the meeting and enter these in Section 2 in readiness for the meeting.
Make sure that the child or young person can attend if they want to – even if it means changing the date of the meeting.
Ask the child or young person if there is anyone they would like to invite to the PEP meeting.
Make sure that the child or young person can make their contribution and has their views heard.
Make sure that everyone involved talks to each other and listens to each other.
People should be clear and honest, but say things in a helpful way.
Make sure that the actions are realistic and clear to everyone and that the desired outcomes are measurable: they will be revisited at the next PEP meeting and schools will be asked if each desired outcome was achieved.
Use the PEP Target Descriptors assessment sheet as a guide when completing the PEP, as this outlines clearly what is required. It can be found at the end of this document (Appendix 1).
Use National Curriculum levels for describing targets/attainment for Year 2 and Year 6.
Make sure that all the actions are followed up and get done!
Remember that Pupil Premium Plus is ring-fenced for Children in Care and schools have a responsibility to use the funding specifically to raise the attainment of the named child.
Remember that the PEP is a working document, not a paper exercise. It is the tool by which the Child in Care is given the support they need to make accelerated progress.
KS1-KS4 PEP Sept 20151
Engagement this school year
Attendance % / Authorised Absence % / Unauthorised Absence %No. of lates after registration closed / No. of lates before registration closed
No. of separateinstances of fixed term exclusion. / Total number of days out of school as a result of the fixed term exclusions. (eg 2 instances, one of 2 days and one of 3 days = total 5 days)
No. of times when alternatives to fixed term exclusions have been used (eg isolation)
Please include here details of any rewards or certificates the child has received
Current Provision
(please tick the appropriate box and complete the additional information as required)
Full time, in school, for all lessons
Full time in school but not in all lessons / Please provide subject(s) to which this applies, and the reason for withdrawal, the number of hours out of lessons and the activity in which they are engaged whilst out of the lesson.
Full time, sometimes in school sometimes with another provider / Please provide the number of hours in school and number of hours spent with other provider(s). Make clear which subjects are studied in each setting.
Full time with other provider / Please provide the name of provider(s), subject/s and number of hours.
Please tick to confirm pupil is receiving a full 25 hours education
If the pupil is not receiving full 25 hours you should attach a copy of the completed Annex R form to this PEP
SEN Status (please tick the relevant box and provide relevant detail eg.School Action (or new code K) and BESD
No SEN / School Action (K) / School Action plus (K) / Statement or EHCP planIf this pupil has any form of SEN please attach a copy of the DAF to this document. Please note if the Pupil has a My Plan you do not need to repeat information in this form if it is included in at least as much detail in the My Plan. Please ensure a copy of the plan is submitted with the PEP form.
If the pupil is in a transition year (including to Further Education) please indicate below what measures have been put in place to support this. If you feel extra support or early transition (e.g. from Year 5) is needed, please raise this at the PEP meeting
Previous and Current Attainment.
Information about age related expectations can be found within SIMS and at and
Previous Key Stage information can be found on the Key to Success website ).
Key Stage 1 - All columns must be completed.Please use the table below to indicate the child’s end of Early Years Attaiment level, the previous years attainment level (if applicable), the current level of attainment and the end of Key Stage target which has been set.
The Age Related Expectation should be expressed as a number and a letter; the number being the National Curriculum Year at which the pupil is working (not the NCY in which they are being educated) and the letter indicating whether the pupil is:
- Emerging – “E”, Developing – “D”, Secure – “S” , Mastery – “M” within the expectation for this year group.
- If you have a Year 2 aged child and they are working securely within the age related expectation of a Year 1 pupil, you would input 1S.
- If you have a Year 2 aged child who has mastered the skills within the age related expectation of a Year 2 pupil, you would input 2M.
Early Years attainment:
2= Expected
3=Exceeding / For pupils in year 2 previous School year attainment as a National Curriculum Level or as Age Related Expectation / Current attainment as an Age Related Expectation / End of KS1 target as an Age Related Expectation e.g. 2s, 1d etc. / Is the child on track to achieve their end of Key Stage 1 target?
Reading / ELG09:
Writing / ELG10:
Speaking and listening / ELG01 & 02 & 03:
Maths / ELG11 & 12:
NB: it is also a requirement for all schools to submit academic progress termly to the Local Authority via the Children in Care Academic Tracking System
Key Stage 2 - All columns must be completedPlease use the table below to indicate the child’s end of Early Years Attainment level, the previous years attainment level (if applicable), the current level of attainment and the end of Key Stage target which has been set.
The Age Related Expectation should be expressed as a number and a letter; the number being the National Curriculum Year at which the pupil is working (not the NCY in which they are being educated) and the letter indicating whether the pupil is:
- Emerging – “E”, Developing – “D”, Secure – “S” , Mastery – “M” within the expectation for this year group.
- If you have a Year 5 aged child and they are working securely within the age related expectation of a Year 5 pupil, you would input 5S.
- If you have a Year 4 aged child who and they are working securely within the age related expectation of a Year 2 pupil, you would input 2S.
End of Key Stage 1 attainment (as a National Curriculum level) / Previous School year attainment as a National Curriculum Level or as Age Related Expectation / Current attainment as an Age Related Expectation / End of KS2 target as an Age Related Expectation (eg 6s,4e etc). This target should be based on prior attainment. / Is the child on track to achieve their end of Key Stage 2 target?
Grammar, punctuation Spelling
Key Stage 3- All columns must be completed
If the pupil is working at P levels please use P levels in the table below.
KS2 National Curriculum Level / GCSE/other course Target Grade for end of Key Stage 4.
(This target should reflect National Expectations and be based on prior attainment at KS2 but also acknowledge KS1 levels) / Please indicate if the pupil is working below, at or above the standard required to reach the target grade / Please indicate the GCSE/Other grade the school believes the pupil is most likely achieve, based on current levels of attainment, effort and progress
NB: it is also a requirement for all schools to submit academic progress termly to the Local Authority via the Children in Care Academic Tracking System
If the pupil is not taking certified qualifications then please use P levels as appropriate.
Please include all subjects/courses being studied with all providers as identified on page 2 / Level of Qualification
e.g. GCSE, BTEC, AS/A Level, ASDAN.
If no qualification please state why. / Is the qualification being studied on the DfE approved qualifications list?
Yes/No / Current grade
GCSE grade or other eg.pass/Merit/Distinction, from most recent assessment or report.
Use P levels as needed / Predicted grade
Please provide the grade the pupil is likely to achieve if they continue to work with the current level of engagement / Target grade
Please enter the target grade for expected progress - at least 3 levels from KS2
English Language
English literature
Is the student on track to reach overall Key Stage 4 targets? Yes / No / NA
5 A*to C
inc. Eng. and Maths / 5 A* to C / 5 A* to G / 1 A* to G / Ebacc / Progress Eight Target / Other level Qualifications
NB it is also a requirement for all schools to submit academic progress termly to the Local Authority via the Children in Care Academic Tracking System
Carers’ views
Parents’ views
Social Worker’s Views
Class/ Form Teacher’s views
Designated Teacher’s Views
Other significant adult’s view eg 1:1 TA, Mentor, Head of Year. Please state name and role
This section is extremely important. Please ensure the child or young person has appropriate time and support to talk through this section with their nominated adult
(add more if you want to) / I’m really pleased with my progress / I’m quite happy with my progress / I’d like to be making more progress / I’m really disappointed with my progress
Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar
Favourite Subject (please name it)
Learning outside the classroom (eg. homework)
What is going well and why? / These things worry me ……
The one thing school could change to make my education better for me is…. / People who can support me are ……
The one thing I could do to improve my education is… / Do I feel safe in school?
It would make me safer if…..
Please use the section below to have an aspirational conversationwith the child
My interests and achievements inside and out of school are…….
When I leave school I want to……..
Focus identified in last PEP / Desired Outcome / Actions taken / Who was responsible? / Was the target achieved?
1.Educational outcomes should have included Reading, Writing and Maths if the pupil is not making expected progress.
2.Other factors affecting academic progress. This can include wider issues such as placement, attendance etc
3.Personal interests, wellbeing and self esteem
Any other outcomes around broader issues of development:
Please explain below any strategies or interventions that have been successful and give relevant examples:
If anything else has worked really well please tell us here and give examples:
What were the barriers to achieving the outcomes? What did the school do to address this?
Do these barriers trigger the need for external or multiagency support? If so who will take action and by when?
Focus / Desired Outcome
i.e. by the next PEP the pupil will be able to… / Actions to be taken / Lead Adult / Costs where PP & PEA will be used
Education outcomes must include Reading, Writing and Maths if the pupil is not making expected progress. For all other pupils education outcomes should include Reading, Writing and Maths, to allow them to exceed expected progress, unless there are other specific areas to address
- Other factors affecting academic progress. This can include wider issues such as placement, attendance etc
- Personal interests, wellbeing and self esteem
Any other outcomes around broader issues of development
Was the child in receipt of Personal Education Allowance Funding? (this will have been applied for separately) If so please specify the amount below and complete Annex 1
PEP focus - that the PEA is supporting (eg. 1, 2 or 3)
Details of Expenditure:
Description of how PEA funding has impacted on Child in Care’s educational progress and development.
If more than one focus has been addressed using PEA allowance please provide additional details here.
PEP Priority that the PEA is supporting (eg. 1, 2 or 3)
Details of Expenditure:
Description of how PEA funding has impacted on Child in Care’s educational progress and development
Please use this space to provide any other comments from the Designated teacher.
I confirm this document has been completed following the guidance and a copy has been given to the Headteacher
Name of Designated Teacher …………………………………………………………………………
Signature …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Virtual School Headteacher: Dawn Stabb -
Children in Care mail box:
KS1-KS4 PEP Sept 20151
Appendix 1: Personal Education Plan Target Descriptors
Outstanding (1) / Good (2) / Requires Improvement (3) / Inadequate (4)Education experiences / Student has had rich and varied educational experiences at school and is poised for a successful transition to the next stage of their education/training / Student has had good education experiences at school and is equipped for the next stage of their education/training / Some aspects of the educational experiences have not fully prepared the student for the next stage of their education/training / The educational experiences have not prepared the student for the next stage of their education/training
Literacy Progress / There is excellent practice that ensures that the student has high levels of literacy or will make accelerated progress beyond the targets that have been set for them / If the student is not on track to meet their targets in literacy they are being helped to make accelerated progress. The school takes effective action to enable the student to reach their potential / Actions are not in place to confidently close the gap in either reading or writing / Actions are not in place to close the gap
Literacy Attainment / The student has exceeded the target that was set in the previous PEP (in both reading & writing) and continues to make accellerated progress / The student has achieved the target that was set in the previous PEP (in both reading & writing) / The student has achieved the target that was set in the previous PEP in only reading or writing / The student has not achieved the target that was set in the previous PEP in either reading or writing
Mathematics Progress / There is excellent practice that ensures that the student is achieving at a high level for their age and/or has made accelerated progress in mathematics to achieve beyond the targets that have been set for them / If the student is not on track to meet their targets in mathematics they are being helped to make accelerated progress. The school takes effective action to enable the student to reach their potential / Actions are not in place to confidently close the gap in mathematics / Actions are not in place to close the gap
Attainment / The student has exceeded the target that was set in the previous PEP and continues to make accelerated progress / The student has achieved the target that was set in the previous PEP / The student has achieved the target that was set in the previous PEP in most aspects of mathematics, but not all / The student has not achieved the target that was set in the previous PEP
Review Process / Previous PEP actions demonstrate an outstanding impact on the student’s achievement/progress and review is highly reflective, informing ways forward to maintain accelerated progress / Previous PEP actions demonstrate a positive impact on the student’s achievement/progress and review is used to inform ways forward / Previous PEP actions are discussed but no evidence of reflection on activities/approaches to inform ways forward / No evidence that previous PEP actions are discussed or completed
Target setting / Individual target setting is highly aspirational and achievable, taking into account all aspects of the student’s life / Individual target setting is aspirational and achievable, taking into account all aspects of the student’s life / Individual target setting is not aspirational or does not take into account all aspects of the student’s life / Individual target setting is not aspirational and does not take into account all aspects of the student’s life
Use of Pupil Premium funding / Use of PP funding is evidenced and is used imaginatively to meet the needs identified in the PEP Review. Impact is measured and shows accelerated progress / Use of PP funding is evidenced and impact is measured and shows expected progress / Use of PP funding is recorded and impact not evidenced / Use of Pupil Premium funding is not recorded/identified on PEP
Off-site provision (where applicable) / Off-site provision is used imaginatively to enrich the student’s educational experience, and monitoring ensures that it has a positive impact on attainment. The student’s access to a broad literacy and maths curriculum is safeguarded, and off-site provision enhances the student’s attainment in these subjects / Off-site provision is planned and monitored to ensure that the student’s needs are well met, whilst also securing their access to the full curriculum. In particular their access to a broad literacy and maths curriculum is safeguarded / Off-site provision contributes to the student’s overall educational experience, but monitoring is insufficient to ensure its positive impact on overall attainment or to be sure that the student has access to a broad literacy and maths curriculum / Off-site provision is not carefully planned or monitored. The student does not have access to a broad literacy and maths curriculum
KS1-KS4 PEP Sept 20151