Department of Agricultural Economics
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural University Peshawar
No. /AgEc. Dated. /03/2011
The Librarian
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural University
Subject:- Supply of List of Book
Please refer to your letter No.676/Lib. Dated 12/03/2011 on the above stated subject.
The list of the needed books for the students of the Department of Agri. Economics is
Prof. Dr. Munir Khan
List of Books (in Order of Preference)
Department/Institute Agricultural Economics
Sr. # / Author / Title / Publisher / Copies01. / Hal R Varian / Intermediate Microeconomics, 8th edition / WW Norton & Company / 30
02. / RL Miller / Economic today and tomorrow, International / Magraw Hill / 30
03. / McConnel & Brue / Microeconomics, 10th edition / Macgraw-Hill / 30
04. / Mankiw / Principles of Economics 5th edition / Oxford University Press / 30
05. / Mankiw / Principles of microeconomics 11 edition / --do-- / 30
06. / D. Salvatore / Microeconomics 4th edition / Cambridge Umer Press / 30
07. / D. Salvatore / Managerial Economics / South western college pub. / 30
08. / Edutard. T. Dowling / Mathematics for Economists Inter Ed. / Macgraw Hill / 30
09. / David l. Debertie / Agricultural Production Economics / Mac Miller Publisher company / 30
10. / Damodar N. Gujrati / Basic Econometrics, 4th edition / Mac Graw Hill Incorporation / 30
11. / Penson, J.B., Capps, O. Rossen C. P. & Woodward, R. 2009 / Introduction to Agricultural Economics. Fifth edition. / Hall, New Jersey. / 30
12. / Cramer, G., Jensen C.W. and Southgate, D.D. 2000 / Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness. Eighth Edition. / Wiley Publisher. / 30
13. / Downey, W.D. and S.P. Erickson.2002 / Agri. Business Management. / McGraw Hill. Singapore. / 30
14. / Kols, R.L; Uhl and C. Hurt. 2001 / Marketing of Agricultural Products. Tenth edition. / Prentice Hall, New Jersey. / 30
15. / McConnel, C.R; Brue, S.L. and Flynn. S.M. 2009 / Economics: Principles, Problems and Policies (Nineteenth Edition). / McGraw Hill, Inc. / 30
16. / Varian, H.R. 2009 / Intermediate Microeconomics: A modern approach (ninth edition). / W.W. Norton and Company, New York. / 30
17. / Goshaw, M. 2008. / Concepts of calculus with applications. Fifth edition. / Addison-Wesley. / 30
18. / Hussain F. 2007 / Understanding calculus. / University of Illinois, USA / 30
19. / Barnett, A. R. Zegler, M. R. and Byleen, K.E. 2008 / Calculus for business, economics, Life sciences and social sciences. Twelfth edition. / Pearson Publishing USA. / 30
20. / Chiang, A.C. 2005. / Fundamentals Methods of Mathematical economics. 3rd edition. / McGraw Hill publications. / 30
21. / Todaro, M. P. and Smith, S. C. 2008 / Economic development. Eighth edition. / Pearson Education, Singapore. / 30
22. / Zaidi, A.S. 2008. / Issues in Pakistan’s Economy. / Oxford University Press, Karachi / 30
23. / Shepherd, G. F. 2004. / Marketing farm products- Economic Analysis, Fourth Edition. / National Book Foundation, Islamabad / 30
24. / Castle, E.N. Becker, M.H, and Nelson, A.G. 2002 / Farm business management. / McGraw Hill. / 30
25. / Goldberg, Roy. / Agribusiness Management for developing countries. / Harper publishers. New York, / 30
26. / Reddy, S. 2008 / Agricultural Finance and Management. / Oxford and IBH. / 30
27. / Salvatore, D. 2007 / International economics, 9th ed.
2006. / Wiley / 30
28. / Appleyard, R.D. 2006 / International Economics: Trade theory and policy. 3rd edition. / Richard D. Irwin. Inc. Illinois. / 30
29. / Common, M. 2006. / Environmental and resource economics: An introduction. / Addison Wesley Longman Lt.. / 30
30. / Wonnacott. R.J. and Wonnacott, T.H. 1990. / Introductory statistics (third edition). / John Wiley publishers, New York. / 30
31. / Newbold, P. Carlson, W. and Thome / Statistics for business and economics (seventh edition. / Prentice Hall. / 30
32. / Gujrati, D.N. 2009. / Essentials of econometrics, International Edition, Fourth edition. / McGraw-Hill, London. / 30
33. / Knutson R.D. Penn, J.B. and Boca, W.T. / Agricultural and food policy. / Prentice Hall, Inc. New Jersey, USA / 30
34. / Debertin, D.L. 1986 / Agricultural production economics. / McMillan publishing company, New York. / 30
35. / Beatie, B.R. Taylor, C. R., and Myles, W.J. 2009 / The economics of production. / Krieger Publishing company, New York. / 30
36. / Doll, J.P. and Orazem. F. 1992. / Production Economics: Theory with applications, Second edition. / Krieger Publishing company, New York. / 30
37. / Nachmias, C. F. and nachmias, D. 2007 / Data types questionnaire construction process; Data collection: Data coding, entry and analysis; univariate, bivariete and multivariate analysis; citation methods, presentation and dissemination of research results. / Worth Publisher, London. / 30
38. / Ethridge, D. E. 2004 / Research methodology in Applied Economics, Second Edition. / Wiley Blackwell / 30
39. / Zaidi. A. 2003 / Issues in Pakistan Economy. / Oxford Uni. Press / 30
40. / Saeed K.a. 2008. / The economy of Pakistan. / Oxford Uni. Press. / 30
41. / Singh, K. 2009. / Rural development: Principles, Policies and Management, third edition. / SAGE Publication (Pvt) Ltd. / 30
42. / Studemund, A. H. 2005 / Using econometrics: A practical guide. 5th edition). / Addison Wesley. / 30
43. / Silberberg, E. and Suen, W. 2001. / The structure of economics: A matheamatical analysis (3rd edition). / McGraw-Hill, New York. / 30
44. / Ferber, R. and Verdoom P.G. / Research methods in economics and business, (Latest edition). / 30
45. / Schiff, M. and Valdes, A. / The political economy of agricultural pricing policy, Vol. 4. A synthesis of the economics in developing countries. / Publised for World Bank. The John Hiftand University press, Baltimore and London. / 30
46. / Goldman R.H., Gradzins, C. and Mann, C. / Agricultural policy analysis, A training Manual. / Harvard Institute for International Development, USA. / 30
47. / Hassan A. 2003. / Principles of Environmental Economics. / Routeledge Publishers. / 30
48. / Hanley N., J. Shogren, F. and White, B. 2001. / Introduction to environmental Economics. / Oxford University Press, London. / 30
49. / Dil, A. 2000 / Poverty and development. / Froze Sons, Lahore, Pakistan. / 30