Class Expectations: Spanish 1 – Introduction to Spanish
Cardigan Mountain School
Mr. Caprow
1. Arrive to class on time and prepared to work, with assignments completed.
2. Write all assignments in ink on loose-leaf paper.
3. Keep all papers in a 3-ring binder and all notes in a composition notebook. At various times, your notebooks will be collected and graded.
4. When absent, it is your responsibility to get notes you missed. All notes will be taken using the Cornell Notes format.
5. Treat me, yourself and other students with respect.
1. Assignments are due on the day indicated by the instructor or on the assignment sheet.
2. Assignments will be happily accepted early. Drafts will be entertained by the instructor for feedback, if turned in with turnaround time before the due date.
3. Again, write all assignments in ink on loose-leaf paper.
4. As a general rule of thumb, if an assignment question is asked in Spanish, the response given by you must also be given in Spanish. Questions asked in English may be answered in English, unless otherwise specified. When in doubt, answer in Spanish.
5. The Cardigan Heading must be used on all assignments turned in and writing must be legible. Please see the sample in your Cardigan plan book.
6. Assignments of multiple pages must be stapled together prior to turning them in.
7. If your handwriting is large or less tidy, please skip lines.
ALL ASSIGNMENTS, (including tests and quizzes), MUST BE DONE IN INK!
Grading: 60% - tests, quizzes, writing assignments, projects
40% - daily homework, class participation, notebooks
Some homework will be graded on the following scale:
√++ = 100
√+ = 90
√ = 80
√ – = 70
– = 60
not completed = 0
Remember: We are all here to learn.
“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.”
Parent Information
Course: Spanish, section 1
Meets: 3rd or 5th period, Monday – Wednesday, Friday, Saturday (no class Thursdays)
Location: 101 Hopkins Hall
Text: Realidades – Level 1
Prentice Hall, 2004.
Text website:
Instructor contact information:
Jarrod Caprow
Cardigan Mountain School
62 Alumni Drive
Canaan, NH 03741
(603) 523-3744
Conference period location: Gillette Room – 303 Bronfman Hall