Materials List

Lesson 7
a globe

Lesson 8
a length of blue fabric, felt, or plastic
a contrasting color of fabric

Lesson 9
objects from other countries or cultures

Lesson 17
4 photos of each child at different ages

Lesson 20
a piece of wrapped candy for each child

Lesson 23
a sign with the word mayor on it

Lesson 26
paper plates with centers cut out

Lesson 27
pictures of your state flag, bird, and flower

Lesson 28
a picture of your state governor for display

Lesson 33
construction paper and other materials for creating a representation of your state flower, such as chenille wire, fabric scraps, tissue paper, or seeds

Lesson 37
several coins

Lesson 38
a recording of “America the Beautiful”

Lesson 41
Gather materials for the classroom voting activity from the suggestions in the lesson.

Lesson 42
star stickers or cutouts

Lesson 42
a classroom map of the United States

Lesson 46
a sheet of green construction paper
a 3 x 6 section of foil

Lesson 60
several current maps

Lesson 61
a sheet of chart paper
blocks in various sizes and shapes
a large sheet of paper for the background of the map
several “jewels” hidden around the room

Lesson 65
See the lesson for prop suggestions for the play.

Lesson 68
some fur or a leather-like blanket
craft feathers

Lesson 70
20–30 building blocks
a sheet of poster board
a picture of a chain saw

Lesson 71
a bottle of water, a bag of coins, a gemstone ring, a loaf of bread, a fur coat, and a photo of a house

Lesson 72
items made from natural resources (a wooden spoon, a woven basket, and stone or shell jewelry)
manmade items (a plastic spoon, a basket, and jewelry)
a table to frame a wigwam
towels, a sheet, or fabric to cover the wigwam or one towel for each child

Lesson 75
a box of puffed rice cereal, a candy ring, candy coins, and candy jewels (or a container of sand, a ring, coins, and plastic jewels)
a plastic shovel

Lesson 77
a pennant or a length of fabric for a sail

Lesson 79
4 cards

Lesson 80
small rugs or carpet squares
a sheet of parchment paper

Lesson 83
Woodland Indian dress
Pilgrim dress
Thanksgiving food or treats

Lesson 85
a history trade book
an object from long ago

Lesson 86
2 plastic cups
2 paper clips

Lesson 87
a sandwich

Lesson 88
photos from your childhood as an example of clothing

Lesson 89
several samples of vintage clothing

Lesson 90
prepared vocabulary cards

Optional Activities Materials List

Lesson 1
a coin bank

Lesson 2
photos of places that show the beauty of God’s world

Lesson 3
stuffed animals

Lesson 9
samples of Asian trail mix or another type of Asian snack

Lesson 14
chenille wire
blue, red, yellow, white, green, and orange beads

Lesson 19
pictures of contrasting communities, such as a tribal village and a houseboat community

Lesson 20
construction paper strips

Lesson 21
age-appropriate magazines to use for a collage
a photo of each child in front of a place in the community

Lesson 22
recycling bins for plastic bags, paper, and cans

Lesson 26
an online mapping program

Lesson 30
pictures of Mount Rushmore and the Grand Canyon

Lesson 32
a book about Balto and the famous medicine run to Nome, Alaska

Lesson 54
prepared corn, beans, and squash for students to sample
lima beans, paper cups, and potting soil

Lesson 55
items to celebrate a Tlingit potlatch: finger foods, blankets, hats, and small gifts

Lesson 57
Native American objects: jewelry, leather fringe jackets or moccasins, arrowheads, clay pots, baskets, or dolls

Lesson 63
white paper or foam
a toothpick
a walnut shell
a container of water