Mission Executive Council

Christian Brothers Center

Narragansett, RI

June 16-17, 2014


Monday, June 16, 2014

Members Present: Jim Logan, Kevin Regan, Bro. Jack Curran, Br. Frederick Mueller, Br. Brian Henderson, Maggie McGuinness, Bill Wolff, Bob Scott, Jeff Mancabelli, Alan Weyland

Ex-officio Members Present: Br. Dennis Malloy, Maryann Donohue-Lynch

Members Absent and Excused: Teresa Diamond

Invited Guests: Sarah Laitinen, and Margaret Naughton

The meeting convened at 1:04 pm

Alan welcomed everyone to Christian Brothers Center. He introduced the invited guests. He then congratulated Bill Wolff on his recent affiliation to the Institute. This was followed with a brief prayer service led by Maryann.

Alan then reviewed the agenda for the meeting.

Minutes for the March 24-25, 2014 meeting were reviewed. One correction was offered in the Members Present section. Without additional corrections the minutes were approved unanimously (Motion by Bob and second by Jim). 10-0

Alan then reviewed the new composition for the 2014-2015 MEC. Mr. Ross Fales, Associate Principal at CBA-Lincroft and Mr. Ben Ventressca, former Board Chair for La Salle College HS have been appointed as new members. Jim Logan, Br. Frederick Mueller, Jeff Mancabelli, and Bob Scott accepted re-appointments for a final three-year term.

At 1:23 pm the Council took up the first agenda item: Formation / Education

Members had been asked to review two documents as we continue to lay a foundation for our later discussion of the Mission Assembly 2015. These documents were:

3rd International Symposium of Young Lasallians Report of 2013

International Young Brothers Assembly Report of 2013

Sarah Laitinen of San Miguel Providence, one of the two DENA delegates to the ISYL was invited to present on the results of the Symposium.

Sarah first provided an overview of her presentation. She began with the background information on the pre-Symposium work and the RELAN delegation. She mentioned that part of the work was to individually survey Young Lasallians which included input from the August 2013 VEGA workshop. The RELAN delegation came together at the Huether 2013 Conference to prepare for the Symposium. She then set out the Symposium objectives and outlined the delegates’responsibilities. Sarah asked the Council Members to take a few minutes and reflect on what "struck" them in their reading of the final report. The report focused on three areas: Vision/Passion, Commitment, and Voice. From these the delegates developed YL Mission Objectives that are outlined on pages 7-8 in the ISYL Report. Sarah invited Members to reflect on each of the objectives and implications they may have for our District. Members shared in pairs and briefly shared as a group. The key ideas were: voice within existing structures, YL reps at each school working closely with Animators, linking YL with existing structures to strengthen and support those structures, and continue YL Councils.

The original agenda was adapted at this point to accommodate Maggie Naughton’s schedule.

Maggie is the Co-Chair for the District Young Lasallian Committee. Maggie began with last year's VEGA Conference in August 2013. She then mentioned that the IYLDP and Spring into Action are the two primary activities of the District Committee for now. One of the challenges for the District Committee is to engage the "Umbrella" (the spread from middle school students to mid-thirties) of Young Lasallians. She then highlighted some of the local initiatives in the District (Buffalo, Providence, Syracuse, and Tides Family Services as examples). She also shared information about the recent Albany Planning session at the end of May 2014. At that planning session the group engaged in team building, heard the post-Symposium report from Sarah Laitinen, finalized the steering committee, and set goals for the year. Goals include: all unite around one YL activity, getting students and clients involved in activities, developsome activities exclusively for young staff at the local level, pursue opportunities for association among ministries, communicate more effectively, and saturate social media about what they are doing. Maryann Donohue-Lynch and Alan Weyland also were present for this meeting. She then shared with the Council Members the YL Steering Committee members. In respect to membership they consider the balance of men/women, diversity of ministries, getting a young brother involved, and geography. Moving forward she identified strengths for the DENA YL movement: enthusiasm for the Lasallian Mission, energy for recruitment of YL's, people with unique skill sets, District support, diversity of ministries. Identified challenges include: geography, diversity, and “language”. The theme for the year is #GenHDENAYL.

Council Members then had a number of questions/comments for Sarah and Maggie. The questions/comments and key response points were:

1.Does the YL group become isolated and too specialized which "hurts" local mission efforts and creates a splintering effect?

  • Animator and YL group need to be engaged in the larger local community.
  • We need to meet needs of those YL individuals.
  • YL in our apostolates are fitting into the entire Lasallian community.
  • A separate YL group can be a gift if done well.

2.Regarding the topic of accompaniment and mentoringoutlined in the international report-- how comfortable are young people in accompanying, mentoring, and evangelizing each other? How does this District accomplish this? Whether vocation promotion in a broader sense or evangelization with other Young Lasallians (broad sense)accompaniment and mentoring are critical pieces. VEGA can be a stepping off point for this effort by offering spiritual direction and tools for integrating life experiences into their Lasallian experiences and personal spirituality

3.Why the change in vocabulary from “service to the poor”to “service with the poor”? Our transformation really occurs in working WITH the poor. Ecology and rights of the child are two examples/themes connecting into working with the poor. These need to be “accelerated”in the YL agenda.

4.How do we continue to energize and support YL in their efforts while addressing the challenge of avoiding individuals feeling overwhelmed or burdened?

  • Continue the strong support of YL’s
  • Identify people in ministries who can and will support YL’s and connect them to each other. It is especially important to connect the Animator and YL’s (if not the same person).

5.Could there be a role for YL’s at LASSCA to help chief administrators more effectively support YL’s? This would help in the area of collaboration and leadership. There are roles for YL’s to fill and it doesn’t have to be in administration. Creating opportunities for leadership opportunities for young people is important to our future Mission efforts.

6.Maryann offered comments on the recent survey on Animators responded to by both Animators and Chief Administrators. It is important to note that thelargest group of animators is Young Lasallians. Also, at this time we are at a “threshold”with our YL's.

7.Comment—we have to be careful not to lay too many expectations but allow the YL movement to grow appropriately. Yet if chief administrators are notaffirming the value of the YL now and into the future then we will have serious challenges for sustaining the Mission. The District needs to take a role in accompaniment and providing resources and support.

8.Given that many ministries have a large number of YL’s--how do we promote YL without it being a burden but rather invigorating, life-giving? Also, how do chief administrators facilitate this and allow for this to happen? It needs to be an on-going invitation to YL’s without a sense of guilt. The invitation needs to be welcoming. The YL District Committeeshould consider sending out an “invitation”to all YL’s.

At 3:23 pm the Council took a break and reconvened at 3:44 pm.

Following the break the Council undertook a discussion on the International Young Brothers Assembly 2013 Report.

Key points offered by Council Members included:

The report resonates with what we just heard--vocation, service withthe poor, formation and accompaniment.

It is important that lay partners and young brothers are working together and getting to know each other better through formation and intentional situations. Bonds will be formed as well as understanding of each other’s vocational call.

There is a golden opportunity to do this now. District leadership can provide opportunities for this to occur. There is a strong feeling from both reports (ISYL and IYBA) of hopefulness and energy. It was shared that there were 10 young brothers at the General Chapter and not only did they have voice and vote but were influential in the proceedings.

Accompaniment is a topic for both groups but with different approaches. MEC will need to look to take a role in this area.

We need to get younger people (lay and brother) to have voice in order to help shape the future.

Accompaniment is important but how do we accomplish this? Additionally, it can’t be just mentoring but spiritual accompaniment too.

YL steering committee meeting recently reflected a transitioning from first generation leaders to the next generation. The District can give a sense of place and process to help them to “fit in”.

This is an emerging issue in this council. We need to help create this environment of vocation that is spoken of strongly in these two reports.

At 4:02 pm the Council moved to the General Reports

Jim Logan offered an update on the current situation in the St. Gabriel’s System. He provided the background to the recent crisis and how the System got to where it is at this moment. He cited the recent announcement of the closing of De La Salle in Towne and Brother Rousseau at the end of June. He explained some program leadership changes with himself going to direct the programs at St. Francis/Joseph/Vincent and “Skip” Gaus taking over the De LA Salle Vocational program. He stressed that challenges will continue into the future. He then answered questions from Council Members.

Following Jim’s update Alan inserted a brief review of the current Ministry Participation report (a record of each ministry’s participation in District and Regional education/formation activities). Several questions were asked/answered and a few concerns were shared about individual ministries and their respective levels of participation. This report also is shared with the District Leadership Team. There was a recommendation to track participation in the Annual Animators’ gathering and several other higher education activities. Alan noted these and they will be added for the final report in September as well as moving forward.

The final topic for the day was leadership updates offered by Brother Dennis and Alan.

Brother Dennis spoke on the following ministries: LSA-NYC, Calvert Hall, LSU, Central Catholic, and Ocean Tides

Alan spoke on: CBA-Syracuse, DLSCHS, DLSS Freeport, SM-Providence, and St. Vincent Strambi.

At 5:10 pm the Council adjourned for the day.

Tuesday June 17, 2014

The Council convened at 8:45 am with a brief prayer service led by MaryAnn. The Council agenda continued where it finished yesterday.

Maryann provided an update on the October 5-6, 2014 Vocation Summit. First, Brother Dennis provided a brief introduction by reviewing the 2013 Summit, including some of the lessons learned and initiatives that resulted from the Summit. This year’s Summit will include partners as they increasingly have an important role in the vocation process. Maryann is working with Brothers Ed Shields, Fran Eells and Charles Kitson. The Summit will have four major sessions. A Brother/Partner pair will be invited from each ministry. A number of topics to be covered will parallel last year’s summit. The committee is currently working on the list of Brothers and Partners to be invited.

The Council next took up the election of the Vice-Chair and Recording Secretary for 2014-2015. Br. Frederick was re-elected Vice-Chair unanimously (Br. Jack moved and Bob seconded). Jeff Mancabelli was re-elected Recording Secretary unanimously (Br. Brian moved and Jim seconded).

At 9:07 the Council adjourned to its committee meetings

At 10:00 the Council reconvened with a report out from the two committees.

Education and Formation for Association and Mission

Maryann reported on the discussion of this committee. Key points were:

Formation Programs Update: reference DENA Ministry participation chart. Update on recent Athletic Directors Workshop. Positive evaluations and a decision to meet again in 2016.

VEGA: Update from Young Lasallians presentation. DENA Steering Committee will plan for a VEGA 2015

Lasallian Youth: Decision to form a Strategic Planning Committee: Young Lasallian “umbrella” based to consider a new Lasallian Youth Formation Program

Retreat Programs: Consider a yearly overarching theme and offer retreat opportunities based on the theme for various constitutive groups. Proposal: MEC have a retreat.

Legacy Lasallians: Association Committee planning committee meeting August 12, 2014 in Eatontown. Brother Ed Phelan will be present to discuss the role of retired Brothers.

New Teachers Institute:There had been some renewed interest in a NTI. After some discussion it was recommended to keep it apostolate based; focus on Animators, local formation programs, culture of the individual apostolate. Chief Administrators can continue to invite new teachers/staff to Regional or District programs.

Spring Workshops:Some “target” groups for the future: Assistant Principals/Deans, Secretaries and Support Staff, CA Administrative Assistants, Guidance Department and School Social Workers.

Animator Survey: Maryann had conducted a survey of Animators and Chief Administrators on the topic of Animators. At the meeting the results could not be provided in the necessary format. They will be sent subsequently to the Council Members.

Lasallian Mission

LMAP Updates: After an update on the continuing process at De La Salle Collegiate from the March report, the final report the committee recommended its acceptance by the entire Council. Council voted 10-0 (Br. Fred moved and Jim seconded). Prior to the separation of the Martin de Porres Group Homes from the District they had undergone the LMAP process. The report was reviewed and accepted by MDPGH. It will be kept for any possible future reference. The LMAP’s for Calvert Hall, San Miguel Washington and Ocean Tides will be presented to the Committee and Council for review and acceptance at the September meeting.

Sponsorship Covenants: Completed sponsorship covenants were reviewed from CBA-Lincroft, De La Salle “Oaklands”, and The De La Salle School. The committee recommended acceptance by the entire Council. Council voted 10-0 (Jeff moved and Br. Fred seconded). As part of the Covenant process Alan provided an updated chart reflecting the status of each of the Covenants with the District’s network ministries.

Financial Assessment: The committee reviewed the FY2014 report to date including collections and expenses. All was on target with two ministries still not paid. Alan will follow up with both. Alan presented the FY2015 budget to the committee. After a few questions it was recommended for approval to the Council. Council voted 10-0 (Jim moved and Maggie seconded). Alan indicated a question had been raised regarding the method of the financial assessment during the LASSCA conference with Presidents and Principals. After a brief discussion it was decided there would be no change. The reasoning was based on the following: the method, when developed, was vetted with all four Lasallian Associations, chief administrators, and District Leadership Team during the 2009-2011 timeframe; a policy regarding the assessment was developed and approved by the November 2011 Mission Assembly then by the District Chapter Part II, subsequently all District Chapter documents, including this policy, were approved by the General Council; additionally, Alan informed the Members that he had worked with any ministry that was struggling to meet the provisions of the policy given their current financial situations.

LMAP Changes for the Future: Alan indicated he would initiate a review of the high school process during the 2014-2015 academic year. The last of the high schools will undergo the LMAP process this coming year and the next cycle will begin in 2015-2016. Any changes in the process should be completed by the start of the 2015-2016 academic year.

APM Review: Alan provided updates on the continued implementation of the APM.

At 10:33 am the Council took a short break coming back together at 10:44 am. The Council then moved to hear the Visitor’s report from the 45th General Chapter

Highlights of Br. Dennis’ report were:

There were three parts to the General Chapter: General Chapter work (normal for any GC), leadership elections, and work on the revision of the Rule.

At different times presenters were brought in to share thoughts and ideas with the GC delegates.

The delegates worked extensively in thematic groups.

Reports from the preparatory assemblies were well received, considered, and accepted but not endorsed. (N.B.The delegates were not satisfied with the Evangelization section of the IA2013 Report, feeling it did not go far enough. See the next point for more.)