Notions of citizenshiphistory

A student / Learns to / Learns about / Reflects on / Overview, resources, assessment
Skills / Use complex terms and concepts as they apply to historical issues and forces
Use knowledge of word origins to define specialised and abstract historical terms
Describe how language and graphic features influence how a source is interpreted
Identify and contrast different accounts of the same event or issue and give possible explanations /

Terms and concepts

Suffrage; Franchise; White Australia; National identity; Citizenship; Global community


Australia’s Constitution (including the role of the Governor General and the rights of citizens)

Voting rights

White Australia / Aspects of active and informed citizenship
Aspects of a just society
Intercultural understanding /


Primary source materials linked to Government House and the Sydney Customs House are combined with secondary source materials in an examination of the ways that historical sources can be used to construct history.

Resources, suggested strategies


State Rooms at Government House
site plan of Government House gardens
area bounded by Phillip’s Domain


Government House


Peter Watts, Director HHT of NSW


archival photos of Government House
archival photos of Sydney Customs House
architectural changes at Customs House
contemporary architecture of Customs House
cultural facilities at Customs House
explore the sites: place investigations


Governors of New South Wales
HHT program at Government House
chronology of first year of Federation
glossary of immigration 1901 39
politicians, people and Federation
human rights after Federation
chronology of moves to Federation
inventory of Federation places
Chinese and the Immigration Restriction Act
Immigration Restriction Act, 1901
Alfred Deakin’s speech to the Bendigo ANA


The Case for Racial Unity, 1901
Assessment Activities
5.14 Uses historical terms and concepts in appropriate contexts to answer historical questions with some argument
Knowledge and Understanding
5.6 Explains political events and evaluates their impact on civic life in Australia
Values and Attitudes
Develops understanding of the nature of various democratic institutions

Changing Technologieshistory

A student / Learns to / Learns about / Reflects on / Overview, resources, assessment
Skills / Ask questions to explain the meaning, purpose, context of historical sources
Make deductions about the usefulness of sources for the purpose of a specific historical inquiry
Clarify the scope of a historical investigation by defining key terms and concepts
Locate information from a wide variety of written, oral, audio-visual and multimedia resources
Use strategies to organise information from a range of different sources for different purposes /

Terms and concepts

Working man’s paradise; Conservation; Preservation

New technologies

Living conditions (including transport networks)
Working conditions (including trade unions)

Environmental issues

/ Aspects of active and informed citizenship
Aspects of a just society /


Students examine interpretative materials from Eveleigh Railway Workshops and the Industrial Park incorporating Lithgow Blast Furnace as part of an inquiry-based investigation into the early 20th century living and working conditions of employees at both these places.
Research activity:

Resources, suggested strategies


archival footage of working the Davy Press


Lucy Taksa on families and unions
Lucy Taksa on work for women at Eveleigh


archival images of Eveligh Workshops
explore the sites: place investigations
history of Eveleigh Workshops
conservation at Eveleigh workshops
labour history of Eveleigh workshops
military history Eveleigh workshops
State Mine heritage site at Lithgow
Main Street Lithgow 1869 1932
Eveleigh and the NSW transport system
heritage at Launceston Railway Workshops
perspective on heritage at Eveleigh


Launch of the Eveleigh Workshops Register


oral history at Eveleigh workshops
social history at Eveleigh workshops
Assessment Activities
5.16 Locates, selects and organises historical information from a number of different sources to address complex historical problems and issues
Knowledge and Understanding
5.7 Describes major features of social and cultural life at different times in Australia’s history
Values and Attitudes
Develops appreciation of environments and a sense of responsibility for their future

Issues of Aboriginal heritagehistory

A student / Learns to / Learns about / Reflects on / Overview, resources, assessment
Skills / Plan historical research to suit the purpose of a task with limited guidance
Locate historical information from a wide variety of written, oral, audio-visual and multimedia resources
Use strategies to organise information from a range of different sources for different purposes
Make judgements about the usefulness of materials
Select a form of communication appropriate to purpose and audience
Evaluate the effectiveness of own and others communication with greater autonomy /

Terms and concepts

Dispossession; Paternalism; Policy of protection; Heritage; World heritage; Conservation; Preservation

Pre-European contact

Post-invasion contact (including dispossession, paternalism, policy of protection)
Heritage issues (including heritage management)
Environmental issues (including environmental management) / Aspects of active and informed citizenship
Intercultural understanding
Ecological sustainability /


Contact, including first encounters, between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in the Parramatta and Willandra Lakes regions is the starting point for students to identify heritage and environmental issues and varying perspectives on managing built and natural environments.
Action-based research:

Resources, suggested strategies


Willandra Lakes: megafauna, quarry, ochre and bone points
World Heritage area of Willandra Lakes
Lake Mungo and surrounding area


archival images of Parramatta Park
aerial view of Parramatta Park, 1970
explore the sites: place investigations


Aboriginal cultural heritage of Willandra
community groups on World Heritage
the illusions experienced in new lands
glossary of Willandra lakes
aboriginal burials at Willandra Lakes
aboriginal interpretation of Parramatta Park


transport pressures threaten Parramatta Park


perspective on Parramatta Park and aboriginal heritage
perspective on Parramatta Park and non-aboriginal heritage
Assessment Activities
5.18 Selects and uses appropriate written, oral and graphic forms to communicate affectively about the past for different audiences, with clear purpose
Knowledge and Understanding
5.1 Recounts some major events in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal relations
Values and Attitudes
Develops appreciation of the cultural, linguistic and spiritual heritages of themselves and others