Travel Study FacultyCourse Debrief
Your answers to the following questions will be used to guide future travel study leaders. Thank in you in advance for your useful and specific feedback. Please submit this debrief to the Center for International Education within one month of your return.
1)Travel Study Program
- State the course, dates, names of Leader(s), and name of Program Provider
- How did your students hear about the Travel Study program?
- Do you have any fantastic new recruitment ideas?
- Were students appropriate for your course?If not, what could the Center for International Education have done differently to ascertain this?
- Did any unforeseen student issues arise?
4)Student Preparation
- Were students adequately prepared for Travel Study?
- What materials seemed particularly useful? Not useful?What new materials or info would you suggest?
5)Narrative of Course
- Please provide a brief narrative description of your course.
- Please attach your final itinerary.
- How did the final itinerary change from your original itinerary? Why?
- If you were re-designing your course anew, what itinerary and/or program changes would you make?
7)Program Development
- Did you have adequate in-country resources to run your course? What didn’t you use well that you wish you had used better?
- What additional program resources would you recommend?
- If you worked with a Program Provider, what worked well? What didn’t work well?
8)Risk Management
- Have all incidents been documented in the Course Log or with an Incident Report?
- What issues could have been avoided? How?
- What suggestions do you have to help Leaders manage safety issues and deal with emergencies?
- How effective was the Program Provider in supporting your course?
9)Student Experience
- Comment on the overall quality of the student experience. Highlights? Low points? Things to definitely keep? Things to change?
- What experiences will prove in the long-term to be the most educational and empowering for your students?
- Where did students underperform, and what could have done differently to motivate those students?
- Please list three students (or more) whom you would recommend as references for promoting Travel Study.
10) Advice to Future Leaders
- What advice do you have for future leaders of this particular travel study program?