Summer term 3 2017

Year group/Class:5 & 6

If you would like to see the detailed skills lists for each topic they can all be found on the school’s website under ‘curriculum’. Maths plans are sent separately on the medium term plan.

Topic (now including music)

Unit 1- A better Brentwood (Geography, IT and Art -based) (We are architects)– Staying alive/healthy lifestyles (music)
The main focus of this unit is to explore the settlement where the children live and conduct field work to investigate land use in the main high street. After carrying out surveys to help them identify what facilities exist and those missing (possibly linked to current issues in area), the children will design a new unit for the high street to try and meet this need. The project will finish with an ‘apprentice’ style ‘pitch, building on presentation skills.
Unit 2 - Staying Alive/The Circle of Life (Science/PSHE/Music –based)
This unit focuses on how the human body functions, including how the heart works and the circulatory system. It also looks at healthy lifestyles, diet and exercise. With a DT focus, we will consider what makes a healthy meal and design and make some of our own ones. From there, we will look at how to keep ourselves safe and, as part of this, we will cover internet safety.


Over this half term we will be looking at how journalistic writing is structured and create our own newspaper reports, incorporating some of the more tricky punctuation and grammatical ideas we have been learning about. In addition, we will look at using our persuasive techniques and presentational skills to write and present a speech for an audience of councillors. We will hold a formal debate over whether chocolate and other sweet snacks should be allowed in our packed lunches (linked to the Staying Alive topic).


We will continue with our theme of ‘Salvation’. After looking at the events of Holy Week, we will now think about why Jesus died and the significance this has for Christians. From there, we will consider how Jesus is remembered throughout the year and explore the symbolism of the bread and wine.
We shall also consider what sacrifices we can make ourselves.

Other important information

6G and 6N will have PE and Spanish on a MONDAY during the Summer term.
6W will have PE and Spanish on a WEDNESDAY during the Summer term.
6W swimming – Monday afternoon
6N swimming – Wednesday afternoon
6G swimming – Friday afternoon