Third Grade Treasures Spelling List
Week 1: First Day Jitters (short vowels)
clap, crop, miss, step, snack, stamp, sick, mess, jump, rock, head, click, luck, shut, pond, cat, can, man, bathtub, anthill
Week 2: Dear Juno (CVCe)
date, home, wise, fine, safe, smoke, rose, rice, grade, lake, globe, smile, life, plane, come, clap, crop, sick, sneeze, escape
Week 3: Whose Habitat Is It?(long a)
fail, tray, gray, bay, trail, plays, pail, May, paint, ray, braid, snail, plain, sway, great, safe, globe, rice, lady, afraid
Week 4: Penguin Chick (long o)
gold, loaf, slow, bowl, roast, grows, soak, coast, show, sold, scold, float, snow, coal, blow, snail, gray, plain, window, program
Week 5: The Perfect Pet (long i)
mild, fight, child, sky, ties, flight, pie, right, bright, might, fry, buy, find, tight, dye, soak, bowl, gold, wind, children
Week 6: The Strongest One (long e)
heel, creek, clean, seal, speaks, cream, weak, team, street, week, free, freeze, bean, green, field, right, pie, child, sixteen, peanut
Week 7: Wolf! (ch)
chick, lunch, bench, much, ditch, chunk, pitch, cheek, stretch, teacher, hatch, watching, chum, cheese, crunching, weak, green, seal, catcher, sandwich
Week 8: What’s in Store for the Future? (th, wh, sh)
thick, fish, wheel, this, what, pathway, truth, sixth, month, whales, them, dishpan, shock, washing, weather, lunch, chick, pitch, shadow, thicken
Week 9: The Planets in Our Solar System (consonant blends)
thread, scratch, spray, scrubs, spread, throw, spree, throne, strong, screams, three, scraped, stream, screens, strength, thick, washing, whales, streamer, scribble
Week 10: Author: A True Story (silent w,k,g)
wrap, wrote, know, knit, knight, wring, gnat, sign, gnaws, wrists, knock, write, knots, wreck, wrong, throw, spray, scratch, wristwatch, knapsack
Week 11: Stone Soup (/ar/,/or/)
bark, hard, sharks, chore, shorts, storms, porch, wore, sharp, yard, pour, carve, sore, sport, story, knots, sign, wrong, orchard, artist
Week 12: One Riddle, One Answer (/ar/)
stairs, share, glare, pears, mare, wear, pairs, square, bear, dares, hare, haircut, bare, chairs, their, sport, sore, hard, airport, beware
Week 13: Saving the Sand Dunes (/ur/)
turns, third, firm, first, earn, word, herds, nurse, world, learn, perch, serve, purr, girls, worth, bare, bear, stairs, perfect, Thursday
Week 14: The Jones Family Express (/u/)
loop, tube, mules, rude, shook, gloom, look, blue, true, clue, cubes, shoe, spoon, goose, stew, firm, turns, learn, classroom, childhood
Week 15: What Do Illustrators Do? (/oi/)
coy, point, enjoys, soil, noise, voice, foil, loyal, choice, toil, boiled, soybean, coins, spoiled, joyful, spoon, rude, shook, noisy, checkpoint
Week 16: Cook-A-Doodle-Doo! (/o/)
yawn, hauls, drawing, taught, hawks, caused, salt, squawk, paused, lawn, bought, crawled, halls, bawls, coughing, joyful, coins, spoiled, walrus, autumn
Week 17: Seven Spools of Thread (/ou/)
found, bow, proud, town, scout, clouds, shout, round, ground, owl, plow, louder, couch, crowd, bounce, drawing, lawn, hauls, snowplow, outline
Week 18: Washington Weed Whackers (soft c,g)
cell, city, giant, gems, cents, changes, age, price, pages, place, space, gentle, gyms, nice, message, crowd, clouds, found, giraffe, celebrate
Week 19: Here’s My Dollar (homophones)
sale, road, you’re, sail, rowed, there, beet, its, they’re, beat, it’s, peace, rode, your, piece, city, gems, space, seen, scene
Week 20: My Very Own Room (plurals)
years, foxes, bunches, twins, inches, alleys, trays, flies, lunches, states, cities, cherries, ashes, ponies, daisies, sale, rode, you’re, heroes, libraries
Week 21: Boom Town (compound words)
airplane, notebook, someone, daytime, birdhouse, newspaper, birthday, barefoot, sidewalks, daylight, headlight, basketball, hairdo, sometime, stagecoach, states, inches, cities, somebody handwriting
Week 22: Beatrice’s Goat (inflected endings)
names, hoping, dropped, named, dances, dropping, naming, danced, wraps, hopes, dancing, wrapped, hoped, drops, wrapping, airplane, someone, newspaper, driving, traded
Week 23: A Carousel of Dreams (endings y to i)
tries, drying, studied, tried, hurries, studying, trying, hurried, plays, dries, hurrying, played, dried, studies, playing, dances, hoping, wrapping, obeyed, worrying
Week 24: The Printer (VC/CV)
basket, bedtime, follow, rabbit, mammal, problem, napkin, number, chicken, letter, fellow, butter, invite, chapter, Sunday, tried, studies, drying, splendid, complete
Week 25: Animal Homes(V/CV and VC/V)
pilot, planet, label, diner, model, cozy, tiger, shady, silent, favor, robot, spider, lemon, tiny, frozen, follow, basket, Sunday, melon, stomach
Week 26: A Castle on Viola Street (-el and –le endings)
able, eagle, camel, purple, puzzle, pickle, riddle, castle, travel, handle, little, tunnel, towel, nickel, squirrel, spider, tiny, planet, motel, couple
Week 27: Wilbur’s Boast (prefixes)
untied, return, precook, repay, preschool, prepay, disagree, dislike, unbeaten, preheat, disappear, reprint, unafraid, resell, unwrap, nickel, handle, pickle, unlucky, recover
Week 28: An American Hero Flies Again (final /er/)
sister, doctor, silver, sailor, later, cellar, dollar, dancer, trailer, toaster, mayor, December, winter, writer, author, resell, prepay, unwrap, circular, editor
Week 29: Mother to Tigers (suffixes)
careful, peaceful, sleepless, cheerful, pitiful, rainless, helpful, painless, helplessly, colorful, priceless, carefully, harmful, helpless, peacefully, doctor, dollar, December, wonderful, cloudless
Week 30: Home-Grown Butterflies (accented syllables)
because, alive, better, attend, rubber, behind, attract, tickle, about, before, kettle, people, puddle, around, hammer, peaceful, helpless, carefully, believe, beaver