St John the Baptist

Parish Pastoral Council

Minutes of Meeting

Held on Wednesday 12th September 2012 at 7.00pm REF 2012/4

Attendees:Thomas Hastie, Lynn Murray, Margot Donoghue, Eileen Black, Jim Boyle,

Jim Lynch, Marie Allen, Elaine Robson, Patricia Topping

Apologies: Fr. George Suszko, Margaret Madden, Vee Snodgrass, Linda Boyle.


Thomas welcomed everyone and acknowledged apologies received. Lynn offered a reflection.

2.Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting (20/06/2012)

The group adopted the minutes of the meeting of 20/06/12


There was discussion on the format of the forthcoming AGM. It was agreed that a more informal style would be incorporated with the various reports being made as participants were sharing lunch. The AGM will be promoted at both masses on 15th/16th September.

4.Planning for Next PPC Elections.

A process and timetable for elections for new members of the PPC was agreed – subject to ratification from Fr George:

27th/28th OctoberDistribution of Voting Forms at Mass

Announcement at masses to explain process & encourage participation.

Blank voting forms distributed and parishioners asked to nominate 12 people on their forms. Forms to be returned by 10th / 11th November.

10th / 11th NovemberFinal weekend for returning Voting Forms.

24th/25th NovemberNew PPC Members announced.

5.Liturgy Group Report

Margot reported from the last Liturgy Group meeting. One of the items noted was the extent of noise and lack of silent reverence as children were going to receive at the First Communions.

6.50th Anniversary of Parish

The date for the parish celebration is provisionally set for Tuesday 23rd April, but this needs to be confirmed and discussed with Fr George at the next meeting.

7.50th Anniversary St. Vincent Pallotti's Canonisation

A date for a parish celebration has been suggested for 6th October at which the Vice Provincial of the Pallotine Order will be visiting. Further information to come from Fr George.

8.Parish Visitors Project

The sub group of Margot, Jim, Margaret & Patricia have met and have now updated the visitors list as best they can.

It was agreed to have the visitors in place to help distribute the Parish Newsletter for Advent & Christmas time.

The sub group will continue to work on this project. Following actions to be implemented:

  • Newsletter article asking for volunteer visitors
  • Newsletter article reminding parishioners to register their details (forms in porch).
  • Meeting to be held to brief visitors in advance of Advent visits.

9. Archdiocesan Year of Faith Reflections

These reflections have been distributed to PPC members and it was agreed that members would review them and we could discuss at the next meeting.


(i)There have been requests from parishioners for the entrance to the Oratory and Church Hall to be improved, as both have difficult steps. This will be referred to the Finance & Fabric Committee, along with a request to refurbish the far end of the Sacristy.

(ii)100 Club - There has been a request to try to re-establish the 100 Club, both as a fundraising and a community gathering mechanism. It was agreed to put this idea to the AGM to help discern levels of support.

(iii)The SSVP have requested that the parish purchase a folding wheelchair. The PPC agreed this was a good idea and will recommend to Fr George.

(iv)People are putting prayer requests for the sick on the board and nothing is happening with them. In the past the PP would announce them at masses but this has stopped in recent years. The PPC agreed to ask Fr George to look into this with a view to re-establishing this prayer practice.

(v)It has been noted that The Fabric Committee isessentially made up of one person which is not sufficient for decision making or planning.It was agreed to try to recruit more support through the newsletter and at the AGM.

As Fr George was not at the meeting a date for the next meeting was not set. Thomas will liaise with Fr George and advise PPC members in due course.

Summary of Outstanding Action Points to be completed

Item / Owner(s) / Date
Look into possibility of getting new mikes for use in the church, as part of general review of acoustics. / Margot to contact Killian Steele / ongoing
Write a piece for the Web Site on the parish experience of the Papal Visit / Thomas / Completed but Ongoing
Look at possibility of installing handrails at one side of the altar steps. / Fr George / Ongoing
Discuss development of Porch Area to help build a better sense of community / All / Ongoing
Review how to help share some of Fr George’s admin functions / All / Ongoing
Review Special Collection envelopes and consequences for Gift Aid / Fr George / Ongoing
Introduce a NEWS section to home page of web site / Thomas / Elaine / Ongoing
Establish Small Group of PPC to develop proposals for Parish Visitors Network . / All / Ongoing
Church’s 50th Anniversary -23rd April – establish organising group to plan celebration / Fr G / Ongoing
Fr George to write a Welcome Note for Parish Web site / Fr G / Ongoing