4.13 Faculty Leaves

4.13.1 Sabbaticals


Faculty members are eligible to apply for sabbatical leave in the tenth year of full-time service at any synodical college, university, or seminary. The ten years will not include any time on full study leave from the synodical institution.

b.Type of Leave:

Faculty members may apply for a full year (July 1- June 30) leave of absence at half salary or a one-semester leave of absence at full salary.

If the granting of a sabbatical is delayed, the applicant begins accruing time for eligibility for a subsequent sabbatical application from the time of the initial application.


The Vice President for Academics will annually publish information regarding eligibility for sabbatical leaves. Faculty members may apply for sabbatical leave for the subsequent academic year by completing an application available from the Office of the Vice President for Academics and submitting it to that office no later than September 10th of the academic year prior to the year of the requested leave. This application must include the purpose of the projected leave, the plans for the leave, the department’s plans to cover the leave, and how Concordia will benefit from the proposed leave.


The Vice President for Academics will consider the following criteria, in consultation with the Deans’ Council, in making the recommendation to the Board of Regents regarding the request for the sabbatical.

  1. Primary Criteria:
  • The potential contribution to the faculty member’s discipline or higher education.
  • The benefit of the leave to the university or the church.
  • The benefit of the leave to the individual faculty member.
  • The number of years a faculty member has been eligible and has applied for a sabbatical.
  1. Secondary Criteria:
  • The plans for covering the leave by the academic department.
  • The cost of the leave to the university.

The size of the department shall have no bearing on the eligibility for or granting of sabbatical leaves.

The university expects that faculty members who take a sabbatical leave will serve at Concordia at least one year following the leave.

A faculty member on a regular full-time sabbatical shall be relieved of all elected responsibilities and other assignments.

The applicant and the respective administrative officers shall agree upon the terms and responsibilities involved in part-time sabbaticals and other special leaves, based on mutual consent.


River Forest, Illinois


(Deadline: Sept 10, 2013)

Name of Applicant______

Nature of request (check one)

Sabbatical ______

_____One semester @ full salary

_____ One year @ half salary)

Study ______

Other ______

Date of Proposed leave:

Academic Year:______Semester(s) ______

Service on faculties of colleges: (include CUC)








Your sabbatical application includes the following categories: purpose of proposed leave, plans or projects for proposed leave, summary of project goals and intended outcomes, timeline for project, methodology, significance/value, plan for disseminating results, plans to cover teaching load, budget.

Sabbatical-Study Leave Application

September 19, 2018

I. Purpose (s) of projected leave:

II. Plans or projects for proposed leave

III. Summary of Project Goals and Intended Outcomes:

IV. Timeline for project (key dates)

V. Methodology (If the application involves human subjects, an IRB will be required as the


VI. Significance/value: How will the Synod, university and/or applicant benefit from this

proposed leave?

VII. What is the plan for disseminating results of the sabbatical?

VIII. How will the university cover the teaching load of the applicant if this leave is granted?

IX. Budget for the project:

Electronically submit applications to the Sr. VP for Academics.

Department Chair Approval:______Date: ______

Dean Approval______Date:______

Signature of Applicant: ______Date: ______

Recommendation by Sr. VP for Academics______Date:______

Action of the Board of Regents: ______Date:______

Date Applicant Informed: ______Date:______

Action Completed: ______Date:______

Sabbatical Proposal Ranking

Rate each proposal on a scale of 1 to 5 1=very low; 2=low; 3=moderate; 4=high; 5=very high

____1) The capacity of the applicant to conduct the work

____2) The overall strength of the proposal, including project description, clear goals, timeline and intended outcomes

____3) Methodology

____4) The value of the sabbatical leave to the faculty member’s professional and intellectual development

____5) The direct or indirect value of the sabbatical leave to the faculty member’s department and program.

____6) The direct or indirect value of the sabbatical leave to the university and to the


Sabbatical-Study Leave Application

September 19, 2018