Brisbane City Council
September 5, 2006
Page 5
Mayor Bologoff called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and led the flag salute.
Councilmembers present: Barnes, Conway, Waldo, and Mayor Bologoff
Councilmembers absent: Richardson
Staff present: Police Chief Hitchcock, City Manager Holstine, Associate Civil Engineer Kinser, Finance Director Schillinger, City Clerk Schroeder, Assistant to the City Manager Smith, City Attorney Toppel, Marina Services Director Warburton
CM Conway proposed adjourning the meeting in memory of Linda Spurlock, a former long-time Brisbane resident.
CM Waldo made a motion, seconded by CM Barnes, to adopt the agenda as proposed. The motion was carried unanimously by all present.
A. Honoring Steve Goodwin for his CEV efforts on June 6, 2006
Mayor Bologoff said he was not aware of Steve Goodwin’s heroic acts in early June until Dan Sorrentino mentioned the incident a few weeks ago. He commended Mr. Goodwin for his rapid response to an accident scene on June 6. Councilmembers, staff, and audience applauded Mr. Goodwin.
Mr. Goodwin said he was pleased to have been of assistance. He reported that it was not until he drove by the site that he realized the seriousness of the situation. He credited Brisbane CEV program for providing him with the training and skills he used.
Mayor Bologoff thanked Mr. Goodwin for his efforts.
There were no members of the public who wished to address the City Council.
A. Approve Payment Register No. 1290 - $ 454,274.04
CM Conway made a motion, seconded by CM Waldo, to approve Payment Register No. 1290.
The motion was carried unanimously by all present.
B. Approve Monthly Investment Report as of July 31, 2006
CM Conway made a motion, seconded by CM Barnes, to approve the Monthly Investment Report.
CM Conway asked about the status of the transfer from the General Fund to the Open Space Fund. Finance Director Schillinger said the fund transfer is usually made in August or September.
The motion was carried unanimously by all present.
CM Conway asked to remove Item C.
A. Authorize the Mayor to execute a Declaration of Restrictions and an Underground Utility District Agreement with Ronald W. Davis, Jr. and Danette E. Davis regarding 325 Humboldt Road
B. Authorize the Mayor to execute a Secondary Dwelling Unit Permit Agreement with Humberto De Alba and Mary A. Rogers regarding 432 Klamath Street
D. Authorize the Mayor to execute a Communication Site Lease Agreement with New Cingular Wireless PCS
E. Consider adoption of Resolution No. 2006-48, amending the bylaws of the Open Space and Ecology Committee
F. Approve Marina Pedestrian Ramp Design and authorize staff to put project to bid
CM Waldo made a motion, seconded by CM Barnes, to approve Items A, B, D, E, and F. The motion was carried unanimously by all present.
C. Adopt Resolution No. 2006-47 authorizing the City Manager to sign standard landscape maintenance agreements, transportation system management program agreements, underground utility district agreements, declarations of restrictions regarding additional dwelling units and floor area, and secondary dwelling unit permit agreements
CM Conway observed that the staff report estimates that about twelve agreements of this type come to the City Council each year, and he questioned the need to delegate signing authority to the City Manager.
City Attorney Toppel said he was not sure the estimate was accurate; he noted there are typically one or two of these standard agreements on each Council agenda. He added that he did not recall any occasions when the Council had not approved them.
CM Conway made a motion, seconded by CM Waldo, to approve Item C. The motion was carried unanimously by all present.
A. Consider draft community flyer announcing Emergency Preparedness Kit availability and provide direction to staff
Associate Civil Engineer Kinser invited feedback from the City Council on the proposed draft flyer.
CM Conway said he provided some information on home disaster preparedness to the CEV’s, and he offered to forward copies to the Public Works Department. He noted that one of the items was a checklist that might be of value in putting together the emergency preparedness kits. Ms. Kinser thanked CM Conway and said she welcomed the checklist and other materials.
CM Conway made a motion, seconded by CM Waldo, to approve the flyer as proposed. The motion was carried unanimously by all present.
B. Consider approval of scope of work and budget for Community Park Fence Extension and provide direction to staff
Associate Civil Engineer Kinser presented a draft plan and budget for extending the Community Park fence. She said the fence will be extended along one side of the park and a hedge will be planted in front of the fence on the street side.
CM Conway asked why the proposed fence was 4 feet high. Ms. Kinser responded that the existing fence is 4 feet tall. Councilmembers agreed that the extension should match the size of the existing fence.
CM Waldo made a motion, seconded by CM Conway, to approve the proposed plans.
CM Conway observed that the plans call for 120 plants. Ms. Kinser said the hedge plants come in 5-gallon containers. She noted they will eventually grow together to form a screen.
The motion was carried unanimously by all present.
A. Consider approval of policy allowing holders of City co-sponsored events to submit self-produced video recordings of events for telecast on Channel 27
Assistant to the City Manager Smith reported that the City received a request from the sponsor of the Mission Blue concert series to televise the recorded versions of the concerts. He noted that when the City Council approved the contract with Channel 27, it was intended that the City would provide some programming and control the content of what was broadcast. He said the staff proposes allowing sponsors of City co-sponsored events to provide recordings for that purpose.
CM Barnes expressed support for the proposal. He suggested having the Council subcommittee revisit the policy after the November election so new Councilmembers have an opportunity to provide input. Other Councilmembers agreed.
CM Barnes made a motion, seconded by CM Conway, to approve the policy as proposed. The motion was carried unanimously by all present.
A. City Manager’s Report on upcoming activities
City Manager Holstine indicated he had nothing to report.
A. Subcommittee Reports
CM Barnes reported that the Arts Subcommittee met recently and discussed ways of recognizing more local artists for their achievements. He said the committee also discussed a new award for advocates of the arts. He advised that a proposal from the subcommittee will be coming to the Council soon.
There were no members of the public who wished to address the City Council.
There being no further business, CM Waldo made a motion, seconded by CM Conway, that the meeting be adjourned to a closed session. The motion was carried unanimously by all present and the meeting was adjourned to a closed session at 7:49 p.m.
A. Conference with labor negotiators regarding Police Officers Association, pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6
At the end of the closed session at 8:00 p.m., a motion was made and seconded to adjourn in memory of Linda Spurlock. The motion was carried unanimously by all present, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. with no announcements.
Sheri Marie Schroeder
City Clerk