Algebra 1
Mr. Campbell
Room 211
TO: Student and Parents
SUBJECT: Course Expectations
Welcome Anderson Trojans to the 2011-2012 School Year! This is one of the most exciting times in your life. In order for you to be successful and productive in this class, I expect the following:
Rules of Conduct
-Show respect at all times.
-Be prepared.
-Ask questions.
-No eating or drinking in the classroom (clear water only)
-No hats/hoods in the classroom
-No MP3 players, cell phones, etc. (must be off and not seen)
Required Supplies
-3-Ring binder w/ at least 4 dividers (Notes, Daily Work/Homework, Quizzes, and Tests)
-Notebook Paper
-One Ream of Xerox Paper (white or colored)
-One box of Kleenex
-4-Function calculator (OPTIONAL but RECOMMENDED). Classroom sets of TI-83 Graphing Calculators will be supplied as needed.
You must keep a notebook specifically for this class. This is an excellent way to organize your work and aide in homework and test preparation. On some occasions you will be able to use your notebook on quizzes and tests.
Daily Grades and Quizzes
Daily assignments are graded for effort and sometimes for accuracy. Work must be shown on all problems for credit to be received. Daily assignments will typically be discussed and corrected the next class day. Quizzes will be counted twice as much as daily assignments. Quizzes will assess material from the assignments, therefore understanding the assignments will be helpful to do well on these quizzes. Correct these and learn from your mistakes to prepare for tests. If you don't understand what you did wrong, ask questions or come in for tutorials. I am here for you and want you to be successful!
Late work is strongly discouraged. Late work will accepted for no later than 5 calendar days from the date assigned. Each day the assignment is late, 10 points will be deducted. NO late work will be accepted after the 5 calendar days. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get the homework assignment from the assignment calendar in class or from my website and turn in all homework that is due. You will be given one day for each day absent to complete absent work to receive full credit.
To avoid being tardy, each student must be in his/her assigned seat when the tardy bell rings.Remember absences count towards your course credit at the end of the year. 3 tardies = 1 Unexcused absence.
Typically three tests will be given during each grading period. All tests must be corrected after they are returned. Each six weeks there will be a cumulative six weeks test. This test will count as its own grade and can replace your lowest test grade up to a 75. The Six Weeks Exam will also replace any tests missed because of an excused absence unless prior arrangements have been made to take the test in advance.
Grading Policy
- Tests50%
-Daily Assignments/Quizzes50%
Progress reports will be sent home after the third week of each grading period from the school for each class. Mr. Campbell will send home a progress report after each test; Parent/Guardian signature is required. Cheating on exams or quizzes will result in a grade of zero and the right to use the Six Weeks Exam as a replacement grade will be forfeited.
Tips to be successful in this class
- Have your homework completed and ready to grade when due.
- Find a friend to study with or whom you can call to talk over how to solve problems.
- Come see me before you fall behind. If you don’t understand something, ASK!!!
- Tutoring is available Mon-Fri from 8:10-8:55am or 4:15-4:35pm in room 211 OR by appointment.
Absences can be costly to students due to missed materials. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get your make-up work and complete any missed assignments. If you are absent on the day of a test, your six weeks test grade will count twice.
I am excited about having you in my class and I am looking forward to a GREAT year. Together we will make it a successful one! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
SPECIAL NOTE: I would like to invite your parents/guardian to attend BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT on Wednesday, August 31st.
Student’s Name (Print): ______
Student’s Signature: ______Home phone: ______
Parent/Guardian Name (Print): ______Work phone: ______
Parent Signature: ______Email: ______
Is there any additional information that you feel that I should know?______
Thanks! -Mr. Campbell