Thursday 27/09/2012

16:30 – 18:30

A.2. Economy Session

Chair:U. Aftakhova - V. Brinia - A. Vozikis - D. Yannacopoulos

A.2.1. Study of employee satisfaction in the public sector: the case of tax offices

E. Tountorake, MSc and D. Yannacopoulos, PhD


The main purpose of this study is to define the job satisfaction of employees into the Greek public sector, and especially, in the Public Tax Services of Athens area.

The research was done in order to investigate the attitudes and perceptions of employees about their work and the satisfaction they receive from it.

The sample was composed by 130 employees from the Public Tax Services of Athens, who were asked about four factors of job satisfaction, in order to draw conclusions, as well as the global job satisfaction. The four satisfaction criteria were: professional development, job benefits, working environment and colleagues’ relations.

The analysis was performed with the system MUSA (Multicriteria Satisfaction Analysis), that calculates total and partial satisfaction indices and the relative importance of each satisfaction criterion. The findings showed that, in what concerns the global satisfaction, only 47% of the respondents were satisfied, whereas 53% were dissatisfied. About the work development and benefits, 72% of the respondents were dissatisfied by their career development, whereas 62% of these ones were dissatisfied by their work extra benefits. On the contrary, 89% of the respondents were satisfied by their relation to the colleagues, whereas 69% of the respondents were satisfied by their working environment.

Based on the research findings, it is suggested by the applied model and following a SWOT Analysis, to improve significantly the external factors, such as salaries and other work benefits, which will contribute to further productivity of civil servants.

A.2.2. Tourism cluster. Achieving competitive advantage through synergies. Case study: The Leading Tourism Cluster.

N. Klada

M.B.A. Tourism Management

University of Piraeus – Greece

Tel: +30 6932645242, E-mail:

N. Theocharis

Lecturer, A.S.T.E. of Rhodes – Greece

Tel: +30 6977746042, E-Mail:


This paper attempts to fill one of the research gaps in the business networking. In such a global economical turmoil, the need for synergy among businesses aiming a competitive advantage and economies of scale, has led to a worldwide spread of business clusters.

A tourism cluster is a group of important tourist destinations in a specific geographic region, in which high quality services are provided. The relations between enterprises and institutions and a tourism cluster can be understood in two ways, horizontal by the creation of strategic alliances, or vertical by the creation of strategic nets. A tourism cluster is one of the strongest tools for promoting innovation and the enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises and economies.

In Greece, the tourism cluster particularly is considered necessary during the economic crisis. This paper is an attempt to present the framework in which clusters develop, and focuses on the first tourism cluster, the Leading Tourism Cluster S.A. (L.T.C). L.T.C. is the first synergy of joint procurement in order to achieve bulk purchase prices. Finally, the results of a survey in hotels - cluster members are presented. The survey was held in order to determine how important and efficient is for a hotel to be a member of the cluster.

Keywords: Tourism Cluster, synergies, network, strategic alliances, competitive advantage, economies of scale.

A.2.3. Evaluation of providing health services in patients in General Hospital of Piraeus “TZANEIO”

A. Stamatopoulou1, D. Yannacopoulos 2

1. Τ.ΕManagement & Economics, MS(c) International Business Administration

2. Department of Business Administration, TEI of Piraeus, PhD


Over the last ten years consumer satisfaction of service users, has gained wide recognition as a measure of quality to many services of public sector. This has become evident in the NHS. The management of the NHS should control performance of health services, in line with expectations and patients’ perceptions.

Consumer assessment is a key aspect of quality assurance and its use in the NHS. Also effective communication between healthcare provider and patient is one of the most important elements to improve satisfaction over the results of their health.

Health is a social good and adequate health care is a right of every modern society citizen. Therefore the evaluation of services is a prerequisite for the rational handling of the multiple and often unavoidable problems in this area.

The purpose of this study is the literature review and the identification of satisfaction criteria of health services within the principles of total quality. At a later stage the recording, investigation and evaluation of patient satisfaction will be made based on the services provided in the hospital departments as well as the defining of the factors affecting the quality of health service provided in G.N.P “Tzaneio”.

Key Words: Health Services, Patients, Hospital, Customer Satisfaction

A.2.4. Educational policy, second chance schools and social exclusion in a context of economic crisis







M.Sc. in Adults Education,

Hellenic Open University


Despite the adoption of European strategies and the growing debate on combating social exclusion, in recent years and particularly after the onset of economic crisis, the phenomenon is rising, expanding and intensifying its effects on an increasing proportion of the population. The proposed measures display a mixed social and educational dimension, implementing active policies in their effort to reintegrate people back into employment and society. The operation of Second Chance Schools, coordinated with this direction seeks to enable those who did not complete compulsory education to gain qualifications and skills that will help them to integrate gradually into the labor market. Given the impossibility of unilateral educational measures to adequately address multidimensional social problems and the adverse conditions that shape the current economic situation the present paper focuses on students of SCS attempting to clarify the extent and characteristics of the deprivations that they are facing. Apart from simply recording their difficulties, this paper aims to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the SCS to contribute significantly to improving the situation of the trainees, to orient them to the D.V.M. and to interconnect with the labor market. The survey was implemented in 13 SCS in Greece using a structured questionnaire which was constructed by adjusting data from other surveys that investigate the dimensions of social exclusion to the special particularities of the people attending the SCS. The results illustrate a very difficult situation for the students, which are characterized by high unemployment, economic hardship and social degradation. In addition, the inductive analysis of research data does not constitute a clear and sufficient link between education and the improvement of their situation.

Key words: Second Chance Schools, unemployment, labor market, economic crisis, economic and social environment,.

A.2.5. The business training in the automotive industry in Greece. The example of Opel







M.Sc. in Adults Education, Hellenic Open University


Business training is a distinct form of adult education. It aims to complement and update the skills of workers to cope with their professional duties. The car sector is one of the most important of the Greek economy. The car manufacturer OPEL which we chose to study, is an important representative of the car industry. Moreover, Opel maintains a well-organized Education Department.

Any company that offer internal training programs, intends to the direct application of knowledge gained by its staff, to improve the results of the company itself. The purpose this thesis was the study of educational levels and the evaluation of effectiveness of the in-company educational programs. There was a quantitative survey using a questionnaire on an adequate sample of employees of the company. From the statistical analysis of data generated informative tables and diagrams.

By analyzing the statistical data obtained in accordance with the literature review, we confirmed the nature of in-company training. The training that the company offers its employees comply with the principles of adult education. The trainers use modern education methods and meet the educational needs of workers. Employees are satisfied with the educational programs which are contributing to their personal development, and the achievement of the objectives of their company.

Keywords: In company training, new environment, adult education, human resource management, educational needs of workers.

A.2.6. Healthcare Systems Evaluation Criteria

Z. Margaroni1, A. Vozikis2

1 3rd Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic,University General Hospital ATTIKON, Athens, Greece

2 Dpt. of Economic Science, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece
Tel: +30 2104142280, E-mail:


Improving the performance of health systems is a common strategic objective in all societies and the central pursuit of health policy. Healthcare systems evaluation, with a view to recognition of their successes and their vulnerable points should be considered a necessary component in their planning, organisation and administration. The interest in this matter is reflected in the studies carried out at regional, national and global level, on performance measurement and evaluation of healthcare systems. Evaluation should use specific commonly accepted criteria.

The aim of this thesis is twofold. The first objective is to analyze the most common and important evaluation criteria, such as effectiveness, efficiency, equity and quality. The second objective is to present the way these criteria are used in the healthcare systems performance frameworks, which have been developed by international organizations, such as the WHO, OECD, the European Commission, the Health Consumer Powerhouse, as well as by countries, such as the USA, Britain, Canada and Australia.

Our analysis points out that the results of overall performance assessment of healthcare systems may differ across countries depending on the framework used and the relative weight given to each evaluation criterion. Therefore, there should be further research in the collection of reliable and comparable data across countries, in order to achieve a valid cross-national comparison.

Key Words: Healthcare Systems,evaluation criteria, performance, effectiveness, quality.

A.2.7.E-Government & it’s implementation in Greece

M.Sigala1, D.Tseles2

1 PhD candidate of National University of Athens, Greece
Tel: +12 5381100, Fax: +12 5381100, E-mail:

2 Prof. of the Dpt. of Computer Science, TEI of Piraeus, Greece
Tel: +12 5381100, Fax: +1205381100, E-mail:


In this paper we will discuss what “e-government” means, the stages of e-government and how it is implemented in Greece. From all definitions we understand that "e-government" does not only mean the use of all sorts of new information and communication technologies by public institutions to improve both their relations with their users and their internal functioning but e-government means much more as we will outline in our presentation. It is important that we realize that e-government is not a one step process or a single project; it requires collaboration and integration in all levels, both vertical and horizontal of the Public Sectors. It implies major socio-economic elements and administrative institutional changes based on new administrative methods. The most important priority in Greece’s public sector is to create a single electronic platform of information at all levels of government (be it municipalities or universities or tax-offices where we will have common information and a common database), in order to eliminate the diversity and lack of knowledge of each organization and to increase efficiency, as well as provide faster service to citizens and less bureaucracy.

Keywords: e-government, stages of e-government, e-government in Greece

A.2.8. Measuring T.E.I.Piraeus’ graduates employability

Maria Kaltsogianni *, Artemios Sigalas **Christos Tsitsis ***, Eugenia Moulou****, Alexandros Alatsatianos*****, Dr Dimitris Tseles******

*Msc Mechanical Engineer, Coordinator and Education Advisor of Liaison Office SEC T.E.I. Piraeus,Adjunct teaching stuff in the Electronical Computer Systems Engineering Department of Τ.Ε.Ι. of Piraeus, T.E.I. Piraeus, 250 Thivon & P. Ralli, Aegaleo,

**Mechanical Engineer, Information Technology Manager & Technical Support of Liaison Office SEC T.E.I. Piraeus, T.E.I. Piraeus, 250 Thivon & P. Ralli, Aegaleo,

***Mechanical Engineer, Quality Assurance Manager & Assistant Coordinator of Liaison Office SEC T.E.I. of Piraeus,Adjunct teaching stuff in the Mechanical Engineering Department of Τ.Ε.Ι. of Piraeus, T.E.I. Piraeus, 250 Thivon & P. Ralli, Aegaleo,

****Automation Engineer, Employment Advisor & Secretariat of Liaison Office SEC T.E.I. Piraeus, T.E.I. Piraeus, 250 Thivon & P. Ralli, Aegaleo,

***** Msc Electronics Communication Engineer, E-magazine administrator of Liaison Office SEC T.E.I. Piraeus, T.E.I. Piraeus, 250 Thivon & P. Ralli, Aegaleo,

******B’ Vice – President of Hellenic National Academic Recognition Information Center (NARIC) , Deputy Head of Department of Automation of T.E.I. of Piraeus, Scientific Director of Liaison Office SEC T.E.I. Piraeus, T.E.I. Piraeus, 250 Thivon & P. Ralli, Aegaleo,


The Liaison Office of the Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.) of Piraeus has been in operation since 1993. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of the recent Graduates’Career Path Monitoring Research performed by the Liaison Office SEC TEI of Piraeus. Today, within nineteen years of operation, more than 3,464 companies from both the private and the public sector use our Office’s services in order to fill vacancies and more than 16,188 students and graduates have been included in our databases. More than 18,481 resumes have been forwarded to companies and more than 3,500 students and graduates have found jobs relevant to their qualifications-through L.O.-. These numbers speak eloquently of both the importance of our work in assisting students, especially as they take their first steps entering the job market, and, also, our Institute’s positive reputation for matching local job market trends to the needs of industry. This picture is enduring even after years of our graduates’ presence in the job market. Five years after graduation, 93% (per cent) of respondents were employed, 80% (per cent) of who reported working at a job relevant to their qualifications. 82.4% (per cent) of them stated that they were satisfied with their present work and 98.8% (per cent) of them declared their belief that their employers were also satisfied with their work and qualifications, to mention but a few of our findings here. Nonetheless, our survey indicates that Liaison Offices as an institution still have a long way to go before they become universally recognized as one of the primary resources for those seeking employment.

Key words: Employability, Liaison Office SEC T.E.I. of Piraeus, Survey, Graduate, Career Path Monitoring Research.

A.2.9. Definition and structure of economic and organizational controlling mechanism of regional industrial enterprises management

Uliana Aftakhova


Revision of processes and management methods is an objective necessity of current industrial reforms. Thereupon, management efficiency and improvement of competitiveness play a vital part. Alteration of the economic and organizational controlling mechanism is, first of all, suggested by executive system modernization.

The main aim of the article is to give the definition of the economic and organizational mechanism and to reveal its distinguished features and elements.

Keywords: economic and organizational mechanism, industrial complex, region, transformation of relationships.