Form A, B English 2018

Application for Cooperative Study with Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University (Categories A and B)

Chief, Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University

Principal investigator’s record

(Enter your affiliations, positon and address at the start of the WRC Cooperative Study)

Date of application / (year) (month) (day)
Affiliation / University, institute, etc.
Name / (family name) (middle name) (first name)
Birth date / (year) (month) (day)
Address / Institute / home / □University’s address □Home address
City, Province
Postal code

Students, project researchers

If you are a graduate student or a researcher hired by a project at the start of the WRC Cooperative Study, take an agreement from your supervisor or principal investigator (PI). Replace ☐ with ■ or ☑

☐ I have an agreement from my supervisor or PI about the present application (fill in detail below).
☐ I am an independent researcher and agreement from my supervisor is not necessary.
Supervisor / PI / Name

(Present affiliation and address)

If your present affiliation or position is different from the above record, fill out the field below (e.g., an undergraduate student who will start WRC cooperative study after he/she become a graduate students from the new fiscal year should fill out the form)

University, institute, etc.
Positon, grade
Address / 〒


Category / ☐A. Planned Research (with financial support)
(☐1. [wildlife] ☐2. [zoo and aquarium] )
☐B. Individual Research (with financial support)
Facilities (*1) / ☐Koshima station, ☐Yakushima Station, ☐Laboratory in WRC, Kyoto,
☐Other ( fill in detail )
Prospective host of WRC (*2)
Title of research project

(*1) Please check an appropriate category, if you are to use facilities of WRC.

(*2) Contact a teaching staff or technical staff of WRC and discuss your plan, before your application.

Counterpart in Japan

If your supervisor or PI is not in Japan, or you are not based in Japan, please fill the counterpart in Japan.

Counterpart in Japan / Name

Member(s) of the research project

Name (e.g, SMITH John) / e-mail / Affiliation / Position / Sex *6 / 35 years or younger *7 / Role in the project
The principal investigator
Supervisor / PI (*4) / (Supervisor)

(You can omit this table, if you fill out the “Use of Field Stations” and submit it, for the field practice, etc.)

Name (e.g, SMITH John) / e-mail / Affiliation / Position / Sex *6 / 35 years or younger *7 / Role in the project
Co-Investigator(s) (*5) or students

(*3) Collaborator is a researcher, who collaborates on the project, but not using facilities of WRC and not being financially supported.

(*4) Supervisor / PI: If you are a graduate student or a researcher hired by a project, fill the name and e-mail address. If they are included as Co-Investigator or Collaborator, you can omit this line.

(*5) Co-investigator is a researcher who work on the project, using facilities of WRC, or being financially supported (e.g., travel cost) from WRC cooperative research fund.

(*6) Ministry of Education requires to report the sex of researchers, as a support of women. This information is used only for this purpose and room allocation for field stations.

(*7) Fill in “Yes”, if the applicant is 35 years old or younger. Ministry of Education requires to report the numbers of users whose age is 35 or younger, as a support of young researchers. This information is used only for this purpose.

Objective of the research project
Material and methods
Please include research period, subject animal (e.g., species), and procedure. If your research procedures can cause serious disturbance to animals and/or their habitat, such as capture of wild animals, please describe the procedure, number of subject animals and the appropriateness of the procedure.
List all guidelines you follow for your project.
Approval of the animal care and use committee
If your application contains animal experiments, your application must to be approved form the committee of your institution (e.g., animal care and use committee, animal experiment committee, etc.) List all the names of the committees related to animal experiments and state of approval (e.g., approved / submitted / to be submitted).
e.g., Animal Experimentation Committee of Kyoto University Approved at April 20, 2017 #2017-012
Permissions necessary for the research
List all permissions (e.g., legal permission for entrance to research site, capture animals, sampling plans, use of anesthetics, permission of ethical issue etc.), and their present state (e.g., permitted, applying, etc.).
e.g., Entrance to the national forest is permitted from the regional forest office at April 20, 2017

Previous project(s) adopted by WRC

If your project(s) has been adopted as categories A or B (with financial support) previously by WRC, fill in the following items

Fiscal year / Project title / Name of PI
Recent research activities and achievement
State the recent research activities and achievement related to the project. If your project have been adopted as categories A or B, clarify the achievements by the adopted project.
Recent publications
Fill in the important publications relating to the research (include author, year, title, journal / name of symposium, etc).
If your project have been adopted as categories A or B, clarify the publications by the adopted project.
Publications by project adopted by categories A or B (with financial support).
Other publications
Budget for consumable items
Price should be Japanese Yen
Items / Quantity / Price / Notes
Total budget for consumable items (A)
Travel Schedule and cost
Name / Date / Place / Period
Taro Yamada / August 1 – August 15, 2013 / Round-trip:
Kyoto – Koshima / 14 nights and 15 days
Total budget for the travel (B)
Total budget (A+B)

If you plan to study in Koshima and or use Koshima Station, another application is necessary. Fill in the form of “Use of Field Stations “ and send them to WRC before two weeks or earlier of your use.

If you plan to provide food to Koshima monkeys for your research, fill in the form of “Application for provisioning to Koshima monkeys” and send us as early as possible. Permission is necessary for provisioning.

If you plan to study in Yakushima and/or use Yakushima Station, fill in the form of “Use of Field Stations” and send them to WRC before two weeks or earlier of your use.

If you plan to study in the Laboratory in WRC, Kyoto, fill in the form of “Use of Laboratory” and send them to WRC before two weeks or earlier of your use.