Council Meeting – June 7, 2012
Mayor Thomas L. Hardesty called the regularcouncil meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with the following council members present:Alan Matthews, Mike Zoeller, Donna Eaton, Shane Suttor, Jon Swindler, andFrank Page.
City Employees Present:Bryan Slone, Jennifer Herrell, Mary Smith, Willard Tucker, Inez Harris, and Garry Kuhlman.
City Attorney: Steven Gregory
Councilmember Eaton gave the invocation.
All present pledged allegiance to the flag.
Minutes/Public Hearing May 15, 2012; Public Hearing May 17, 2012; and Regular Meeting May 17, 2012
Councilmember Matthews moved to approve the minutes of the Public Hearings on May 15th and May 17th along with the minutes of the regular May 17th meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Page.
All voted “aye” and motion carried.
Ordinance #2012-06-07/Amending Chapter 32 of the Shelbyville Code of Ordinances Providing for the Control of Construction Site Stormwater Runoff – 2nd Reading – Steven Gregory
Steven Gregory, City Attorney, read an ordinance of the City of Shelbyville amending Chapter 32, Section 3, to require permits be required for site construction projects. It details the requirements for the permits and adds Section 4 dealing with review and issuance of permits.
It was introduced for second reading by Councilmember Suttor. Seconded by Councilmember Page.
Upon roll call, the following council members voted “aye”: Page, Swindler, Suttor, Eaton, Zoeller, and Matthews.
Ordinance/Amending the Position of Historic District Coordinator – 1st Reading – Steven Gregory
Steven Gregory, City Attorney, read an ordinance amending the position of Historic District Coordinator. This position enforces policies, procedures, and guidelines within the Shelbyville Historic District.
It was introduced for first reading by Councilmember Zoeller. Seconded by Councilmember Matthews.
Re-appointment – Jim Cleveland to Historic District Commission
Mayor Hardesty recommended Jim Cleveland be re-appointed to the Historic District Commission for a 3 year term expiring June 30, 2015.
Councilmember Matthews moved to approve the appointment. Seconded by Councilmember Eaton.
All voted “aye” and motion carried.
Appointment/Brian Isaac to complete Lynda Tharp’s unexpired term to the Triple S Board of Adjustments and Appeals
Mayor Hardesty recommended Brian Isaac to the Triple S Board of Adjustments and Appeals to complete the unexpired term of Lynda Tharp ending 7/31/2013.
Councilmember Suttor moved to approve the appointment. Seconded by Councilmember Zoeller.
All voted “aye” and motion carried.
Public Comments
Charles Turner, President of the Weissinger Estates Association addressed council concerning an ordinance on mowing. He feels the current ordinance is not powerful enough to expedite the grass cutting and the Code Enforcement Officer needs more power to handle cutting without going before the Code Enforcement Board.
Mr. Turner came back and addressed council as Quarter Master of the V.F.W. #1179. He stated the group has dwindled because of age. One of their problems is they need room to expand. They have donated artifacts, but no place to display them. Shelby Industrial Foundation has offered a plot of land, but it’s not suitable. If anyone knows someone who can give or donate land, the V.F.W. would be happy to receive.
Department Reports
Jennifer Herrell, City Engineer/Public Works Superintendent, reported they repaired 2 areas in the parking lot of Fire Station #2. They are setting a new curb on Kentucky Street around the Health Department. They will also raise a drain on the street. The Department of Agriculture fogged several streets in the city limits.
Eilene Collins, Executive Director, Shelby Development Corporation, reported they are ready for the Horse Show Jubilee. They have purchased a virtual tour program for the downtown area. Twelve businesses are participating at this time. The website is The History Museum is also included.
Bryan Slone, Golf Pro, reported rounds are up 4,128 vs. 3,539 last year. Weissinger has hosted several big events. Tommy Watts has completed his Level 2 of the PGA Apprentice Program. He has one level left to become a PGA member.
Willard Tucker, Fire Chief, reported the department collected $14,500 for the Crusade for Children. They are maintenance testing with the Water Company. The “Firefighter for a Day” program will host 15 participants on July 18th at 8:00 a.m.
Mayor’s Report
Mayor Hardesty reminded everyone of the monthly Fish Fry at Lake Shelby. The Men’s Health Fair will be June 9th at Jewish Hospital Shelbyville. The event is free. There will be a bone marrow donor drive at Shelby Christian Church on June 17th. Residents received the annual drinking water quality report that had no violations. We have hired 2 new police officers and they will be starting next week along with a code enforcement officer.
Mayor Hardesty passed out a letter of opinion from the Attorney General that basically stated the City of Shelbyville has the authority to require citizens to maintain and repair their sidewalks.
Council Reports
Councilmember Page thanked all volunteers who worked Project Graduation. It is a huge task and takes the community pulling together for a worthy cause.
Councilmember Suttor reported he has received calls from people living downtown wanting to know if the city will offer parking permits. This matter was referred to the Police Chief, Mayor Hardesty, and Jennifer Herrell.
Councilmember Page moved to adjourn at 7:26 p.m. Seconded by Councilmember Suttor.
All voted “aye” and motion carried.
MAYOR: Thomas L. Hardesty
Inez Harris, City Clerk/Treasurer