Now we have settled into our new school we will be embracing lots of newness over the next 12 months. We are bringing in new coaches, new clubs and new sports and have invested in a new curriculum for the teaching staff. We will also be introducing the mass participation weekly fitness event in class using GoNoodle.
EYFS / KS1 SCHOOL AIM = focus on basic skills and physical development with a new and exciting large investment in gymnastics coaching through Reception, Years 1 and 2 for full terms which will allow children the time and opportunity to develop their own skills, ensure they master the flexibility and coordination needed at such a young age, and assess themselves. There will also be a range of isolated basic skills lessons that will assist them in team games also played during P.E.
- Children should master fundamental movement skills and be increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.
- Children should master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities.
- Children should have the opportunity to participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending / perform dances using simple movement patterns.
KS2 SCHOOL AIM = focus on skills development through sports, ensuring that the opportunity to learn to lead is integrated into teaching and ensure all children participate in active, energetic and competitive games and sports through P.E.
- Continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They should develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.
- Pupils should be taught to: use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination, play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending, develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics], perform dances using a range of movement patterns, take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team, compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
FRONT STREET COMMUNITY PRIMARY SCHOOL SPORTS ACTION PLAN 2016-2017Objective / Method / Impact / Sustainability
Support staff for P.E. administration.
Additional member of staff to support for planning and preparation for outside events.
- P.E. Coordinator to organise.
GET UP / The workload created by planning and organising competitions and trips off site is extensive.
Additional 2 hours a week provided to support the planning, risk assessment, EVOLVE, booking transport and relevant support staff. / Improve the process and planning time for sports events so that teaching staff and children can plan ahead.
Allow accountability for teams and coaching and preparation of teams for events. All events will be planned in the first week and teachers advised of teams should they wish to make changes or feedback. / Increase engagement of different members of staff in school.
Improved efficiency in planning and organising for the events. Last year we attended 80 outside events; festivals, competitions etc. which is around 2 a week.
Promote active lifestyle with a full school FUN15 on a Friday.
- All school teaching staff.
GET ACTIVE. / School will commit to a FUN15 on a Friday afternoon across ALL classes.
Using the website GoNoodle (or channels on YouTube) classes will get up on their feet in their room and complete 15 minutes of activity. / The aim is to ensure that children finish the week in an active way having fun and take that mentality home.
For 15 minutes get their pulses raised using the website and have some fun. / Promoting an active and healthy lifestyle.
Improve fitness through raised heart rates and activity with all abilities and ages.
Get more inactive children involved.
Using Gymnastics coaches at lunch time.
C4L club will be run in school time on a Friday afternoon.
GoNoodle FUN15 on Friday.
- P.E. coordinator to organise.
GET ACTIVE / The company hired to run the gymnastics coaching will provide specific playground activities aimed at engaging inactive children as identified by their teachers.
The C4L club will be run again but on an afternoon in school by a member of staff and children will be nominated by their teachers, specifically for years 3 and 4. It will be skills based so children receive coaching in sport skills rather than just games and activities, to allow them to engage more in school sports and in their PE lessons.
GoNoodle FUN15 on Friday will engage all children in class. / Provide opportunities for less active children to work with a coach.
Increase confidence in children on year group sports and games by targeting coaching. / Increase enthusiasm for sports in some of our less active children who might traditionally shy away from getting involved whether it is through enthusiasm or skills.
Ensure all children who attend are encouraged, through parent engagement to attend on sports club a week.
Provide a coach for EYFS and KS1 focusing on basic skill development, flexibility, agility and coordination / balance.
- Coaches signed off over the summer; to be supported by teaching staff from KS1.
GET ACTIVE / A significant investment will be made into gymnastics coaching in school for younger children and this will be backed up by an after school club for all children.
Investing in full day with breakfast clubs and after school clubs along with coaching this means we will save on the school day coaching.
This will allow ALL children who start our school to get a fantastic opportunity to take part in a long term coached element of PE that will engage their early development of key skills that will be used in sports as they move up the school. Also gymnastics skills need to be identified early whilst children are still developing.
It will mean all boys also take part in the coaching and run by an external, professional coach who can identify G&T children. / Higher engagement of boys into gymnastics.
Target all the basic skills needed in personal development (agility, coordination, flexibility etc.) as identified in the National Curriculum.
Allow children to assess their own progress as the coaching will take place over a full term meaning children will get quality time on skills needed for many other sports later in school.
The other PE lessons they get will focus on other sport skills (throwing, catching, hitting etc.) and then skills needed for team games in different sports. / Allow school staff to work alongside a professional coach for a long period of time to up their own skills throughout the year. Provide superb CPD.
Staff can support coaches to work with specific children who might require support or further development.
The coach can identify G&T children.
The coaches will feedback on development and skill gaps and also progress of each child.
Bring in new coaches to school for PE;
- Basketball KS2 (Newcastle Eagles)
- Dance KS2 (Cheryl Day North East)
- Fencing KS2 (GSSP)
- Gymnastics KS1 / EYFS (Premier Education Group)
- Tag Rugby KS2 (GSSP)
- P.E. coordinator signed off with school business manager. Staff to support to use as CPD.
GET ACTIVE – GET INSPIRED. / To take advantage of the new, larger facilities we have we have brought in some new coaches.
Rather than have blanket coaches for the whole school, the coaching offer has been streamlined for Key Stages and for year groups to be tailored more to the competition calendar, sports that the year groups are enthusiastic about and also for the National Curriculum expectations.
Dance and tag rugby is specifically for year 6 and fencing is linked to the class topic in year 3. Gymnastics will run through EYFS and KS1 so they get a full term each on basic skills and gymnastic development. Basketball will run through most KS2 classes. / Improve participation by tailoring coaches to specific year groups and Key Stages.
Direct funding specifically to the year groups and KS that need it or will get the most from it.
Improve links with clubs (Basketball directly with The Eagles and Dance with CDNE) to improve channels for G&T.
Allow cross curricular links such as fencing with year 3.
Build on skills that have been taught in the previous years, for example; year 5 received rugby coaching and came second in their tournament. The aim is to build on this this year. Rugby is popular locally due to the strength of local clubs. / Improve channels for G&T children directly with local clubs and improved quality of coaching.
Improved investment in coaches allows us to ensure accountability to coaches for progress in children.
Improve skill base for staff who will work with coaches on new sports, work with better quality coaches and support skill development in the children, and themselves.
Tailoring coaches to year group enthusiasm and topics will improve children’s engagement with P.E.
Equipment (nets, poles, crash mats)
Further investment in sport specific equipment to improve PE and competition preparation and support new coaches.
- P.E. Coordinator to order with General Office team. Staff to use.
GET ACTIVE – GET INSPIRED / New mats needed to allow gymnastic coaches to start further disciplines. Previous coaching only engaged two (floor and limited vault) however plan to introduce full vault and beam also. Crash mats needed.
Poles and nets for basketball and netball (indoors and outdoors).
Nets for handball and volleyball.
Invest in outdoor equipment for playground now we have had a half term seeing what is possible outside with space, resources and what children want. / Ensure children have the equipment to engage in sports.
Ensure coaches have the equipment to teach with.
Improve preparation for competitions and engagement of children.
Support the Government aim to have additional activity time during the school day for all primary school children. / New site means more space and more ability to engage with the sports we used to be limited on.
Proper coaching in more areas and see skill development in all children using proper equipment.
Improved playtime behaviour, allow children to develop skills during other times of the day and play together.
Bring in new coaches to school for clubs;
- Dance Monday after school KS2 (Cheryl Day North East)
- Basketball Tuesday after school KS2 (Newcastle Eagles)
- Gymnastics Thursday breakfast club for EYFS and after school for KS1 and KS2 (Premier Education Group)
- Wednesday after school will be kept for school coaching e.g. netball teams and football coaching.
- P.E. Coordinator sign off with Headteacher.
GET INSPIRED / Introducing a dance club to bring in more KS2 children, especially a club that appeals to girls as well as boys.
CDNE is then also linked to external clubs and can support Dance Festival coaching.
Eagles will be able to coach for competitions and also for their own club for G&T channels. Quality coaches appeal to parents and children alike.
Gymnastics club offered from EYFS to year 6 to build on class teaching, ensure we have competitions entrants and build a centre of excellence mentality for gymnastics. Appeal to more boys also by introducing the beam and more physical elements of gymnastics coaching.
2 coaches from Whickham Comp will be coaching the girls and boys football teams and ran trials for these prior to the end of the summer term. / Increase mixed boy and girl engagement across after school clubs especially in KS2.
Provide long term skill development for children.
Improve our club offer by linking them to outside coaches and teams. / Improve G&T channels out of school.
Support children in moving into clubs.
Provide sustainable clubs over the year to see progression, skill development and engage the children.
PE Planning
Investment in a new PE planning scheme of work.
- P.E. Coordinator to sign off and teachers to use across the year and feedback.
GET INSPIRED / Invested in for a year. The website allows staff to download schemes of work over the number of weeks they need and provides all the element of the lessons.
The mid-term plans are provided too directly linked to areas of the curriculum.
Bring curriculum up to date. / Mid-term plans are linked directly to the National Curriculum and follow more closely the National Governing Body for Sport (NGB) that feeds into the Sainsbury’s School Awards. / Improve staff skills and support them better in new sports they’ve not done before.
More up to date planning for sports and for the teachers to use.
Skills are learnt through sports in KS2 allowing children to learn to lead, apply skills and enjoy team games to build confidence and experience.