September 25, 2009
Maria College
Kelley Robinson, Sage Colleges
Jean Fura, Sage Colleges
Nicholas McCook, Edamerica
Moira Samek, FMCC
Rebecca Cozzocrea, FMCC
Ken Clough, Maria College
Steven Dwire, College of St. Rose
Lisa Lessard, Albany Law School
Andrea Wedler, Albany Law School
Jim Vallee, Sage Colleges
Earl Tretheway, CGCC
Bryan Kelly-Austin, The College of St Rose
Joanne Horn, NYSHESC
Kendra Severance, Excelsior College
Stephanie Frantz, Union College
Linda Parker, Union College
Laura Augustine, Union College
Treasurer’s Report Submitted by Jim Vallee
- Balance as of 09/25/2009: $6,250
Executive Counsel Report: Earl Trethaway and Brian Kelly-Austin
- Exec Counsel is concerned about the funding for NYSFAAA
- Strategic Plan focusing on 3 overall areas outlined in the Exec Counsel minutes
- Discussed different format for conferences such as 1 site for the conference
HESC Update: Joanne Horn
- NYHELPS all set for Spring 2010
- Will be available through AltLoan Connection
- Taking applications for Spring 2010
- Jean Fura suggested a roundtable for NYHelps questions in November
Regional Discussion:
- Future meetingsNovember 12thHVCCNYSFAAA Statewide Training on Direct Lending/Veteran’s Benefits
December 11th location TBA
- Future topics include: roundtable discussions, hot topics for the meeting, fee increase for membership, statewide training opportunities, net price calculators, dependency questions, HERA, direct lending, Veterans benefits, VESID, NSLDS, topics covered at national conferences such as FSA
- The region is also looking for locations so if you would like to host a meeting please let the Co-Chairs know.
NYSFAAA Conference
- NYSFAAA Conference is being help 10/27-10/29, Region IV needs a Wii bowling team and Steve Dwire, Jim Vallee (alternate) Nick McCook, Earl Trethaway and Brian Kelly-Austin have volunteered to participate
- Regional Gift Basket is needed to raffle off for the scholarship fund. Anyone wanting to contribute items can contact either Jean Fura or Kelley Robinson
Membership Chair
- A membership chair is needed and Linda Parker volunteered and the group accepted
- Membership is low across the state please encourage your staff to sign up or renew
- Ideas to increase membership included twitter, mailings, and facebook consensus was no on Twitter
Awards Committee
- Service Award will be named at the Conference
- Rising Star for a member who becomes more involved nomination can be sent to Brian Kelly-Austin at CSR
Support Staff Workshop
- Will be added to the next agenda to establish a committee
- Donations are being made to the SUNY Student Loan Fund in honor of Dennis Tillman and to the NYSFAAA Scholarship Fund in honor of John Dornbush both long time Region IV members
- Houses all financial aid nights, more discussion will be held at the next meeting to see if we can generate interest in updating the web site
High School Guidance Counselor Workshop
- Guidance Expo has taken over the High School Guidance counselor Workshop
College Goal Sunday
- Saturday, February 6, 2009 is the date (yes, it is a Saturday)
- Locations are the same for Region IV (Troy and Fort Plain)
- Schenectady was a consideration
No Meeting in October due to the Conference.
Minutes submitted by:
Rebecca Cozzocrea
Secretary, Region IV