AntelopeHillsElementary School
School Site Council Minutes
October 29, 2008
Present: Michelle McWilliams, Amy Heiman, Rosalie Marcley, Karen Briski, Jennifer Goodale, Jennifer Rizzo, Karen Govedich, SteveBasin, Tracy Quigley, Ken Goltara.
Absent: Lora McDonald, Richard Taylor —both excused
The meeting began at 3:15 p.m. Mrs. Briski gave a preliminary review of the 08-09 budget, explaining that no exact figures have been given by the district yet but that it has been suggested that we plan on having 50% of last year’s allocation to spend along with all carry-over funds. The Asst. Supt. of Business, Stacy Coleman, has also suggested that we make a three year plan for the expenditure of these funds as a worst-case scenario in light of the current state budget.
Ken Goltara, Asst. Principal, reported on the 08-09 plan for the site ELD program and how students would be serviced. The current pull-out program will continue, as it has proved very successful as an intervention, but due to NCLB compliance requirements, personnel providing these interventions will be changed to ensure that they meet NCLB requirements. The program will start in early November.
SteveBasin, Site Council member and GATE advisor, reported on Site GATE program. Current after school seminars are focusing on calculator and estimation skills. Mad Scientist visitations have been scheduled. Next seminars are starting in February. Tonight at 6:00 p.m. there will be a parent meeting for all GATE parents.
Tracy Quigley, SDC teacher, reported on current SDC programs, including the effects of CAPA on the SDC. Teachers are focusing on looking at different curriculum, functional needs and life skills. Classes are planning walking field trips to the new OrchardShopping Center as stores open.
Site Council Members agreed to meet on December 3rd, Wednesday, from 11:30 – 3:00 in room #43 as both the planning day and Site Council meeting day. As there will be no meeting after school that day the posted notice in the office will be modified to reflect the changes in time/location.
Ken Goltara discussed the latest update to the school Safety Plan which included a focus on what to do for students who have severe disabilities. Also discussed the upcoming Great American Shakeout, which will be a full evacuation drill on earthquake preparedness.
Discussed possible purchase of ION sanitizers for SDC classes but parent Michelle McWilliams, who is a registered nurse, discouraged purchase of the items in light of her experience in the hospital setting, citing the practice of frequent hand washing as more effective than the sanitizer. She did suggest that
we work on ways to increase air circulation in those classrooms for help with sanitation.
Discussed Election Day and measures that are being taken to ensure student safety. Had several Site Council Members volunteer to come early that day and help out with student supervision on campus.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.