BLM Montana/Dakotas
GIS Steering Committee Charter
February 2007
The purpose of the GISSteering Committee is to facilitate the progression of advancing geospatial science within the BLM Montana/Dakotas. This committee will serve as an advisory body to the State Director and the State Management Team, providing advice and recommendations for consistent implementation and use of the GIS program.
A spatially enabled BLM Montana/Dakotas organization supporting accurate and effective decision making.
- To guide a strategic, interactive and proactive GIS Program within the BLM Montana/Dakotas.
- To establish expectations and ensure consistent use of geospatial science throughout the BLM Montana/Dakotas.
- Promote the integration of GIS technologies within our agency’s business processes.
- Promote creation and use of consistent data standards and a data stewardship program to support data integration
- Facilitate communication between technical and program specialists, and managers about information resources management projects.
- Identify and prioritize major funding needs for consideration in the annual work plan. This would include data, training, software and equipment needs.
- Assign sub-teams to: staff issues, assess options, develop product reports, and develop consistent technical solutions for priority issues.
- Provide oversight of the GIS program. This would include such things as consistent data standards for the collection and use of data, training needs, procedures for prioritizing work products, and equipment needs.
- Integrate, coordinate, and facilitate with BLM national level projects; i.e., EGIS, E planning, NILs.
BLM Montana/Dakotas GIS User Group:
The GIS User Group is vital to the success of the GIS program. The purpose of the GIS User Group is to facilitate communications between technical and program specialists, and managers about information resources management projects. They provide the mechanism for how well the program is working.
The GIS User Group will report to the Montana/Dakotas GIS Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will rely heavily on their feedback to identify issues or concerns that require statewide attention. This group will be called upon to make up sub-teams as the need arises to staff issues, assess options, produce reports, develop consensus, and make recommendations.
The GIS User Group will represent all Field Offices in Montana and the Dakotas within a single group with at least one representative per office and will be led by the State GIS Specialist. The GIS User Group membership should consist of a similar mix of managers, program specialists and information specialists. There will be weekly conference calls with one call per month aimed at a broader audience.
The Montana/Dakotas GIS Steering Committee will consist of the following:
- One Field Manager
- DSD or one Branch Chief, Division of Support Services
- DSD or one Branch Chief, Division of Resources
- GIS Specialists - MT932 (1) & MT920 (1) (Ad Hoc)
- State GIS Specialist (Ad Hoc)
- GCDB Coordinator (Ad Hoc)
- Field Representatives (4) (1 per Administrative Zone) Categories to be represented: 1) GIS Specialist; 2) Resource Data Steward; 3) Administrative Officer; and 4) Mid Level Manager or RMP Lead (past or present)
The DSD or one Branch Chief, Division of Support Services; DSD or one Branch Chief, Division of Resources; GIS Specialists - MT932 (1) & MT920 (1) (Ad Hoc), State GIS Specialist (Ad Hoc); and GCDB Coordinator (Ad Hoc) are permanently assigned to the committee. The Field Manager and Field representatives will rotate staggered 2 year terms. The Field Manager will be selected by the State Director and fulfills the role as Chairperson. Field representatives will be nominated by their respective Zone Management teams and selected by the Steering Committee Chairperson in consultation with the DSDs.
- The Chairperson with the assistance of the State GIS Specialist, convenes all meetings, prepares and distributes an agenda, presides over all meetings, and reports all committee activities to the State Director and State Management Team.
- The State GIS Specialist assists the Chairperson in the internal administration of the committee.
- The Division of Resources Staff Assistant will serve as recorder. Within 30days of the meeting, minutes will be distributed to the committee membership and the State GIS Specialist will post them on the Montana/Dakotas GIS home page.
- The State GIS Specialist will tracking assignments/projects and report progress to the committee to ensure their completion in a timely manner.
- Each member must be present at all the committee meetings called by the Chairperson. If a member cannot participate, an alternate should be appointed to attend the meeting in his/her absence.
- Each member is responsible to suggest agenda items believed to be appropriate for the committee. Such suggestions should be forwarded to the Chairperson for consideration in developing meeting agendas.
- Each member is responsible for briefing managers and members of their home organizational unit(s) regarding the committee decisions, discussions, issues, recommendations, and other activities.
The Montana/Dakotas GIS Steering Committee will meet quarterly. At a minimum, two meetings will be face-to-face; the other meetings will be teleconferenced unless issues require face-to-face. Whenever possible, meetings will be held prior to the State Management Team meeting, unless otherwise determined by the committee. An agenda, date, time and place will be published two weeks in advance of the meeting.
Terms of Membership:
The Montana/Dakotas GIS Steering Committee is constituted under the authority of BLM Manual Section 1230.03B1. The Montana/Dakotas GIS Committee will continue unless terminated. The membership is assigned by specific positions and the terms of membership are continuous.
__ /s/ Gene R. Terland______3/2/07______
State DirectorDate: