Young Priest Initiative
Initial Application
General Information
Full name:
Name you go by:
Marital status:
Best phone numberto reach you:
Preferred email address:
Mailing address:
Church Affiliation
Are you a confirmed member of a congregation of the Diocese of Virginia?
If yes, which one?
If no, with which congregation(s)do you have contact?
How did you hear about the Young Priest Initiative?
College/University (name, location):
Year, major:
Degree received/graduation date (if applicable):
GPA to-date:
Does your GPA/transcript reflect your capacity for learning?
Extracurricular activities:
Awards and other forms of recognition:
Other aspects of your academic career that you would like to share, if any:
Work History
Current employer (if applicable):
Abrief account of your work history (if applicable):
Describe (a) type of work done; (b) time in each position; (c) type of work enjoyed most and least; (d) list awards and other forms of recognition:
Other aspects of your work history that you would like to share, if any:
Faith Life
How would you describe your relationship with God?
Note: Your answer doesn’t need to be long. If accepted, you’ll be asked to think and write in greater detail about this subject.
Please describe the history and nature of your relationship with the Episcopal Church and the Diocese of Virginia:
How has your experience of the Church helped to form or inform your experience and understanding of God and your life in Christ?
What would you hope to discover during our journey together?
What are your special gifts for leadership?
How do you anticipate using your gifts for the Episcopal Church?
In what areas do you need further growth?
Young Priest Initiative
Recommendation Letter from Presenting Priest or Campus Minister
Before applying, we encourage you to have a conversation (or series of conversations) with the priest most active in your life, whether that be the rector of the parish where you grew up, the priest at your adopted church while at school, or your college chaplain.
We ask that your presenting priestsubmits a separate letter of recommendation on your behalf via email to the Rev. Laura Lockey, YPI director, and Ed Keithly, deputy director of transition ministry (, ).
Content of the Recommendation Letter
We ask that the presenting priest addresses the following questions in the recommendation letter. However, the priest should send a standard letter rather than writing in Q&A format.
- What do you believe are the applicant’s gifts for leadership and community organizing?
- What do you believe are the applicant’s growing edges?
- How would you describe the applicant’s place in the community? How is he or she perceived by the community?
- If the applicant were to do an internship, what type of parish or community do you believe would best suit and stretch him or her?
- Note: You can give examples of specific parishes or a general sense of the characteristics that you think the ideal parish/community would have, either is appreciated.
Please submit the completed application via email to the Rev. Laura Lockey, YPI director, and Ed Keithly, deputy director of transition ministry (, ).