Compliant withSolicitation Refresh #33

SPECIALITEM NO.132-51 InformationTechnology ProfessionalServices/ includesSTLOC andRC

FPDSCodeD301ITFacilityOperationandMaintenance FPDSCodeD302ITSystemsDevelopmentServices FPDSCodeD306ITSystemsAnalysisServices







FPDSCodeD317Creation/RetrievalofITRelatedAutomatedNewsServices, DataServicesorOtherInformationServices


Note1:Allnon-professionallaborcategoriesmustbeincidentaltoandusedsolelytosupporthardware,softwareand/orprofsvcsandcannotbe purchasedseparately.

Note2:OfferorsAgenciesareadvisedthattheGroup70-ITScheduleisnottobeusedasa meanstoprocureserviceswhichproperlyfallunder

theBrooksAct.Thesesvcsinclude,butarenotlmtdto architect,engineer’g,mapping,cartographicprod,remotesensing,geographicinfosysts, andrelatedsvcs.FAR36.6distinguishesbetw mappingsvcsofanA/Enatureandmappingsvcswhicharenotconnectednorincidentaltothe traditionallyacceptedA/ESvcs.

Note3:TheITSolicisnotintendedtosolicitfortheresellingofITProfSvcs,exceptfortheprovisionof implementation,maintenance, integration,ortrainingsvcsindirectsupportofaproduct.Undersuchcircumstances,thesvcs mustbeperformedbythepublisherormfgrorone of theiragents.

1525 Perimeter Parkway,

Suite 265

Huntsville,AL35806 (Headquarters)

(256) 830-1073

Contract Number: GS-35F-0535J

Contract Period:June 28,2014 thru June 27, 2019 (Option Period III)




ThisAuthorizedFASInformationTechnologyScheduleisavailableontheGSAAdvantage!System.AgenciescanbrowseGSAAdvantage!by accessingtheFederalAcquisitionService’sHomePageviatheInternetat



I.Information For Ordering Activities (applicablefor all SINs)3


III.Best ValueBlanket Purchase Agreement8

IV.BasicGuidelines:Contractor Team Arrangements9

V.Terms andConditions for IT Professional Services (SIN 132-51)11

VI.Hourly LaborRates & GSA Awarded JobTitles15


SPECIAL NOTICE TO AGENCIES: Small BusinessParticipation

SBA strongly supports the participationof small businessconcernsintheFederalAcquisition Service. To enhanceSmallBusinessParticipationSBA policyallowsagencies to includeintheir procurementbase and goals, the dollar valueof orders expected to be placed againstthe Federal Supply Schedules, and to report accomplishments against thesegoals.

For orders exceeding themicropurchase threshold, FAR 8.404requires agencies to consider the catalogs/pricelists of at least threeschedule contractors or consider reasonably availableinformation by using the GSA Advantage!™on-lineshoppingservice( catalogs/pricelists, GSA Advantage!™and theFederal Acquisition Service Home Page( contain information on a broad array of products andservices offered by small business concerns.

This information should be used as a toolto assistordering activities in meetingor exceeding established small business goals. It should also beused as a toolto assist in includingsmall, small disadvantaged, and women-owned small businesses among those considered when selecting pricelists for a best value determination.

For orders exceeding themicro-purchase threshold, customers are to give preference to small business concernswhentwo or more items at the same deliveredprice willsatisfy their requirement.


Domestic delivery is deliverywithinthe 48 contiguousstates, Alaska, Hawaii,Puerto Rico, Washington, DC, and U.S. Territories.Domestic delivery also includes a port or consolidation point, withinthe aforementioned areas, fororders received from overseas activities.

Overseas delivery is deliveryto points outside ofthe 48 contiguousstates, Washington, DC, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Territories.

Offerors are requested to check one of the following boxes:

[] The Geographic Scope of Contractwillbe domesticand overseas delivery. [] The GeographicScope of Contract willbe overseasdeliveryonly. [ X ] The GeographicScope of Contract willbe domesticdeliveryonly.


enGenius Consulting Group, Inc.enGenius ConsultingGroup, Inc. Attn:GSA Program Manager Attn: Accounts Receivable

454SatelliteBlvd, NW, Suite 300454SatelliteBlvd, NW, Suite 300

Suwanee, GA30024Suwanee,GA 30024 (770) 921-6050 x215(770) 921-6050

GovernmentCommercialCredit Cards will be acceptable for payment in addition, bank account information for wire transfer payments willbe shown on the Invoice.

The followingtelephone number(s) canbe used by ordering activities to obtain technical and/or ordering assistance:



The Contractor shall not be liable for any injury toordering activitypersonnel or damage to ordering activity property arising fromthe use ofequipment maintained by the Contractor, unless suchinjury or

damage is due to the faultor negligenceof the Contractor.


Block 9: / Order/ModificationUnderFederal Schedule
Block 16: / Contractor Establishment Code (DUNS):96-377-0409
Block 30: / Type of Contractor:B. OtherSmall Business
Block 31: / Woman-owned Small Business: No
Block 34: / RESERVED
Block 36: / Contractor’s TaxpayerIdentificationNumber (TIN) / 58-2106445

4a.CAGE Code:


4b.Contractor has/has not registered with the Central Contractor RegistrationDatabase.



6a.TIME OF DELIVERY:The Contractor shall delivertodestination withinthe number of calendar days after receipt of order(ARO), asset forth below:



EXPEDITEDDELIVERYTIMES: For those items thatcan be delivered quicker than the delivery times in paragraph (a), above, the offeror in requested to insert below, a time (hours/days ARO) that delivery can be madewhen expedited delivery isrequested.




OVERNIGHTAND 2-DAYDELIVERY TIMES: Schedule customers may requireovernight or 2-day delivery.

The offeror is requested toannotate in its price list or by separate attachment theitems that can be deliveredovernightorwithin 2days.Contractors offering such delivery servicewill be requiredto state in the FSS price list details concerningthis service. (Overnightand 2-day delivery aresubject to negotiationwith the individualorderingoffice)

6b.URGENTREQUIREMENTS:When theFederal Supply Schedulecontract delivery period does not meet the bona fide urgent delivery requirements of an ordering activity, ordering activitiesare encouraged, if time permits, to contact the Contractor for the purpose of obtaining accelerated delivery.The Contractor shall replyto the inquirywithin 3 workdays after receipt. (Telephonic replies shall be confirmed bythe Contractor in writing.)If the Contractor offers an accelerated delivery time acceptable to the ordering activity, any order(s) placedpursuant to the

agreed uponaccelerated delivery time frame shall be delivered within this shorter deliverytime and in accordance with all other terms andconditions of the contract.

7.DISCOUNTS: Prices shown are NETPrices; BasicDiscounts have been deducted.

7a.Prompt Payment: Prompt Payment Discount is 1% - 20 days.

7b. Quantity: Discounts areoffered based or, the number of labor hours ordered(on an individual basis).

If informationtechnology services are ordered fora minimum of one (1)week (or forty 40 hours), a discountover the regularhourlyrate isoffered. If information technology services are orderedfor three (3) months (or 480 hours) to six (6) months (or 960 hours), anadditionaldiscount over the regular hourlyrate is offered.

If informationtechnology services are orderedfor Six (6) months(or 960 hours)or more,the greatest discountover the regular hourly rate is offered An example is provided below.

See LABORCATEGORY RATES for specific discounted rates.

7c. Dollar Volume: Discountis calculatedby quantityof hoursordered rather than dollar volume as defined in paragraph b.

7d. Discount contained herein applytoGovernmentEducationalInstitutions.

7e. Other: none offered

8.TRADE AGREEMENTS ACT OF 1979, as amended:

All items areU.S. made end products, designatedcountry end products, Caribbean Basin country end products, Canadian end products, or Mexican end products as defined in the Trade Agreements Act of

1979, as amended.


10.Small Requirements: Theminimum dollar value of orders to be issued is $500.00.

11.MAXIMUM ORDER (All dollar amounts are exclusiveof anydiscountfor prompt payment.)

11a.The Maximum Order value for the followingSpecialItem Numbers (SINs) is $500,000: Special ItemNumber 132-51 - Information Technology Professional Services

Special ItemNumber 132-52 - Electronic Commerce(EC) Services


Ordering activities shall use the ordering proceduresof Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.405 when placing an orderor establishingaBPA for suppliesor services.Theseprocedures applyto all schedules.

12a.FAR 8.405-1Ordering procedures for supplies, and services not requiring a statement of work.

12b.FAR 8.405-2Ordering procedures forservices requiring a statement of work.

13.FEDERALINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY/TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDS REQUIREMENTS: ordering activities acquiring productsfromthis Schedulemustcomplywiththe provisions of the Federal Standards Program, as appropriate (reference:NIST Federal Standards Index). Inquiries to determine whether or not specific products listed herein comply withFederalInformation

Processing Standards(FIPS) or FederalTelecommunication Standards(FED-STDS), which are cited by ordering activities, shall be responded topromptly by the Contractor.

13.1FEDERALINFORMATIONPROCESSINGSTANDARDSPUBLICATIONS(FIPSPUBS): Information Technology products underthis Schedulethat do not conform to Federal Information Processing Standards(FIPS) should notbe acquired unless awaiver has been granted in accordance with the applicable "FIPSPublication."Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS) are issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce,National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), pursuant to National Security Act. Informationconcerningtheir availability and applicability

should be obtained from the National Technical InformationService(NTIS), 5285 Port RoyalRoad, Springfield, Virginia22161.FIPS PUBS include voluntary standards when theseare adoptedfor Federal use.Individual orders for FIPS PUBS should bereferred to the NTIS Sales Office, and orders for subscription serviceshouldbe referred to the NTISSubscription Officer, both at the above address, or telephone number (703) 487-4650.

13.2FEDERAL TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDS(FED-STDS):Telecommunicationproducts under this Schedule that do not conformto Federal Telecommunication Standards (FED-STDS) should not be acquired unless a waiver has been granted in accordance with the applicable "FED-STD."Federal Telecommunication Standards are issued by theU.S.Departmentof Commerce,NationalInstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST), pursuant to National Security Act. Orderinginformation and information concerning theavailabilityof FED-STDS should be obtained from theGSA, Federal Acquisition Service, Specification Section, 470 East L’Enfant Plaza,Suite 8100, SW, Washington, DC

20407, telephone number (202)619-8925.Please include a self-addressed mailing labelwhen requesting informationbymail.Information concerningtheir applicabilitycan be obtainedby writingor callingthe

U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards andTechnology, Gaithersburg, MD

20899, telephone number (301)975-2833.


14aSecurity Clearances:The Contractor maybe required to obtain/possess varyinglevels of security clearances in theperformanceof orders issued under thiscontract.All costs associatedwith obtaining/possessing such security clearancesshould be factored into

the price offered under theMultiple Award Schedule.

14bTravel:TheContractor may be required totravel in performanceof orders issued under this contract.Allowabletravel and per diem charges are governed by Pub .L. 99-234 and FAR Part 31, and are reimbursable by the ordering agency or can be priced asa fixed price item onorders placedunder the MultipleAwardSchedule.Travel in performanceof a task orderwill only be reimbursableto the extent authorizedbytheorderingagency. The IndustrialFunding FeedoesNOT apply to travel and per diemcharges.

14cCertifications, Licenses and Accreditations:As a commercial practice, the Contractor may be required to obtain/possess any variety of certifications, licenses and accreditations for specificFSC/servicecode classifications offered.All costs associated with obtaining/ possessing such certifications, licenses and accreditationsshouldbe factored into the price offered under theMultiple Award Schedule program.

14dInsurance:As acommercialpractice,the Contractormay be required to obtain/possess insurancecoverage for specific FSC/service codeclassifications offered.All costs associatedwith obtaining/possessing such insuranceshould be factored into theprice offered under the MultipleAward Schedule program.

14ePersonnel:The Contractor may be required to providekey personnel, resumes or skill category descriptions in the performance of orders issued under this contract.Ordering activities mayrequire agency approval ofadditions or replacements to key personnel.

14fOrganizational Conflicts ofInterest:Where there may be an organizational conflict of interest as determined by the ordering agency, the Contractor’s participation in such order may berestricted inaccordancewith FAR Part 9.5.

14gDocumentation/Standards:The Contractor may berequested to provide products or services in accordancewith rules, regulations, OMBorders, standards and documentation as specifiedby the agency’s order.

14hData/Deliverable Requirements:Any required data/deliverables atthe ordering level will be asspecified or negotiated in the agency’s order.

14iGovernment-Furnished Property:As specified by theagency’s order, the Government may provideproperty, equipment, materials orresources as necessary.

14jAvailabilityofFunds:Many Governmentagencies’ operating fundsare appropriated for a specific fiscalyear.Fundsmay not be presently availablefor any orders placed under

the contract or any option year.The Government’s obligation on orders placed under this contract is contingent uponthe availability of appropriated funds fromwhich payment for ordering purposes can bemade.No legal liability on the part of the Governmentfor any payment mayarise until funds are available to the ordering Contracting Officer.

14kOvertime:For professionalservices, thelabor rates inthe Scheduleshould not vary by virtue of the Contractor having worked overtime.Forservices applicabletotheService Contract Act (as identified in the Schedule), the labor rates in the Schedule will vary as governed by labor laws (usually assesseda time and a half of the laborrate).

15.CONTRACTADMINISTRATION FORORDERINGACTIVITIES:Anyorderingactivity,with respect to any one or more deliveryorders placed byit under thiscontract, mayexercise thesamerights of terminationas might theGSA ContractingOfficer under provisions ofFAR 52.212-4, paragraphs (l) Termination for the ordering activity’s convenience, and (m) Termination for Cause (See 52.212-4)


GSA Advantage! is an on-line, interactive electronic information and ordering system that provides on-line access to vendors' schedule priceswith ordering information.GSA Advantage!willallowtheuser to perform various searchesacross all contracts including, but not limited to:


(2)Manufacturer's Part Number; and

(3)Product categories.

AgenciescanbrowseGSA Advantage! by accessingthe InternetWorld Wide Web utilizinga browser

(ex.: NetScape).The Internetaddress is


NOTE:OpenMarket Items are also known as incidental items, noncontract items, non-Schedule items, and items not on a FederalSupply Schedule contract.ODCs (Other Direct Costs) are not partof this contract and should be treated as openmarket purchases.Ordering Activities procuring open market items must follow FAR 8.402(f).

For administrative convenience, an ordering activity contracting officer may add items not on the Federal SupplyMultiple Award Schedule(MAS) -- referred toas open market items -- toa Federal Supply Scheduleblanketpurchaseagreement(BPA) or an individualtask ordeliveryorder,onlyif-

(1)All applicableacquisition regulations pertaining to thepurchase of the items noton the Federal Supply Schedule have been followed (e.g., publicizing(Part 5), competition requirements(Part 6), acquisition of commercial items (Part 12), contracting methods (Parts 13, 14,and 15), andsmall business programs (Part 19));

(2)The orderingactivity contracting officer has determined the price for the items noton the

Federal Supply Schedule is fair andreasonable;

(3)The items areclearly labeled on the order as items noton the Federal Supply Schedule;


(4)All clauses applicableto items not on the Federal Supply Schedule are included in the order.


a. For the purpose of this contract, commitments, warranties and representations include, in addition to those agreed tofor the entireschedule contract:

(1)Time of delivery/installation quotations for individual orders;

(2)Technical representationsand/orwarranties of products concerning performance,total system performance and/orconfiguration, physical, design and/or functional characteristics andcapabilities of a product/equipment/ service/software package submitted inresponse to requirements which result in orders underthis schedulecontract.

(3)Any representations and/or warranties concerning theproducts made in any literature, description, drawings and/orspecifications furnished by the Contractor.

b. The above is not intended to encompass items not currently covered by the GSA Schedule contract.


The terms and conditions of this contract shall apply to all orders for installation, maintenance and repair of equipment in areas listed in the pricelist outside the 48 contiguous states andthe District of Columbia, except as indicated below:

Upon request of the Contractor, the ordering activitymay provide the Contractorwith logistics support, as available,in accordance with all applicable ordering activity regulations.Such ordering activitysupport

will be provided on a reimbursable basis, and will onlybe provided to the Contractor's technicalpersonnel whoseservices are exclusively requiredfor the fulfillment of the terms andconditions of this contract.


The use of BPAs underany schedulecontract to fill repetitive needs for suppliesor servicesis allowable. BPAs may be established with one or more schedule contractors.The numberof BPAs to be established is withinthe discretionof the orderingactivity establishingthe BPA and should be based on astrategy

that is expected to maximizethe effectiveness of theBPA(s).Orderingactivitiesshall followFAR 8.405-3 whencreatingandimplementingBPA(s).


Contractors participating incontractor team arrangements must abide by all terms andconditions of their respective contracts.Thisincludes compliance withClauses 552.238-74, Industrial FundingFee and Sales Reporting, i.e., each contractor (team member)must reportsales and remit the IFF for all products and servicesprovided under its individual contract.


The Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a-276a-7) providesthat contracts in excessof $2,000 to which the United States or the District of Columbiais a party for construction,alteration, or repair (including painting and decorating) of public buildings or public workswiththe UnitedStates, shallcontain a clause that no laborer or mechanic employed directly upon the siteofthe work shall received less than the prevailing wage rates as determined by the Secretary of Labor. The requirements of theDavis-BaconAct do not apply if the construction work is incidental to thefurnishing of supplies, equipment, or services.For example, the requirementsdo not apply to simple installation or alteration of a public building orpublic work that is incidental to furnishing supplies orequipment under a supply contract.However, if the construction,alteration or repair is segregable and exceeds $2,000, then the requirements of the Davis- Bacon Act applies.

The orderingactivity issuing the task order against this contract willbe responsible for proper administration and enforcement of the Federal labor standardscovered by the Davis-Bacon Act.The properDavis-Baconwage determinationwill be issued by the ordering activity at the time a request for quotations ismade for applicable constructionclassified installation, deinstallation, and reinstallation services under SIN 132-8or 132-9.


If applicable, Section 508 compliance information on the supplies and services inthis contract are availablein Electronic andInformation Technology (EIT) at the following:

The EIT standardcan be found at:Does not apply tothe servicesprovided by enGeniusconsulting


Prime Contractors (on costreimbursement contracts)placing orders under Federal Supply Schedules, on behalfof an ordering activity, shallfollowthe terms of the applicableschedule and authorization and

include with each order –

(a)A copy of the authorization from the orderingactivity with whomthe contractor has the prime contract (unless acopy was previously furnished to the Federal Supply Schedule contractor); and

(b)The followingstatement:

This order isplaced underwritten authorization from dated .In the event of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this order and those of your Federal Supply Schedule contract, the latter will govern.