Mrs. Crawford’s Weekly Newsletter- 1-22-18

”Crawford’s Crew” of 5th graders- 2017-2018


Theology: We will continue with chapter 16 this week on Your Sins are Forgiven. Students started working on the sacrament pages of their spiritual experiences book for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick. These will be worked on throughout this week and hopefully will be completed Friday.

ELA:We will review for the lesson 8 test, which will be Tuesday. Students should reread Everglades Forever and study the vocabulary in this narrative non-fiction selection. We will begin lesson 9 this week with a historical fiction piece called, “Storm Warriors.”

Science: We will begin unit 4, lesson 3 on why there is day and night. Students will also be preparing for a test over stars throughout this week. The test will be next Tuesday.

Math: In math this week students will begin topic 6 on multiplying decimals. In the first lesson students will learn how to multiply by 10, 100, and 1,000. Lesson 2 students will learn how to estimate using rounding and compatible numbers. In lesson 3 students will determine where the decimal should be placed.

Social Studies: We will be continuing chapter 6 on the early English settlements. Students completed the act-it-outs for Roanoke. We will be learning more about Jamestown and Plymouth throughout the week. Students should plan for the test over chapter 6 Friday and the study guide will be sent home Monday.

5th grade happenings:

  • Happy birthday to Meredith on Tuesday!
  • NWEA Map Test on Wednesday
  • Catholic Schools Week
  • Saturday- 1-27-18- Booster Bash
  • Sunday- 1-28-18- Continental Family Breakfast after 9:30 Mass
  • Monday- 1-29-18- Hat Day- Students bring a hat and/or mitten to be donated to Catholic Charities
  • Tuesday- 1-30-18- Students may wear a red, white, or blue shirt with uniform bottoms
  • Thursday- 2-1-18- CSGK Mass at Hackett Catholic Prep
  • Friday- 2-2-18- Uniform Holiday and Bowling- Students should wear boots to school so they can have dry tennis shoes for bowling
  • Saturday- 2-3-18- Irish Diamond Jubilee

Have a blessed week!


Jennifer Crawford

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” St. Teresa of Calcutta