AVID Elective Syllabus


Coach Barnes

AVID is a yearlong A/B course in which you will acquire skills necessary to be academically successful and college ready. This course is designed to provide you with an in depth understanding of who you are and what it takes to be a successful, college-bound student. Academically, we will focus on the skills that will serve you at the honors and AP level in your future high school career. The class will incorporate structured tutorials, note-taking, readings, discussions, guest speakers, field trips, and written exercises. The course content will be based on the National AVID Curriculum, which focuses on college readiness. You will be required to participate in class discussions, as well as group and individual projects. A special emphasis will be given to critical reading and writing. In addition, tutorials will encompass a large part of our class time and will provide a forum for academic support.

To be successful in the AVID elective course, you will be required to maintain a high level of participation in classroom activities as well as keep up with readings and assignments outside of class. We will work on skills that will be preparing you for success throughout your academic career. I will be here to support and guide you every step of the way, however ultimately success is your responsibility.Be prepared to assume responsibility for integrating all class elements into your academic and extracurricular pursuits. In plain English, this means that if you do not wish to think critically and to work hard, you may want to find a different class that is more agreeable. It is essential that you are organized, motivated, and responsible for maintaining high expectations in all of your studies. While I welcome all who accept the challenge, the class can be unforgiving to those who do not.


You are expected to:

1. Adhere to ALL terms of your AVID contract.

2. Be on time to class and bring ALL necessary materials to class.

3. Maintain organized binders to be graded.

4. Turn in assignments ON TIME.Assignments that are eligible to be turned in late must be done during CHAT or

AVID Study Hall (after school) for partial credit within 1 week of when the assignment was due.

5. Participate fully in class activities and discussions.

6. Show respect for all members of the class.

7. Follow class rules concerning appropriate behavior.

8. Follow the Honor Code on all activities.

9. Come to class ready to learn and be successful!!

Required Materials:Suggested Materials:

  • One 3” D Ring Binder w/ PocketsThumb Drive
  • College Ruled Notebook PaperStraight Edge
  • Pens and PencilsCalculator
  • 3 (packs of 8) DividersNotebook Dictionary and/or Thesaurus
  • Pencil PouchHand Sanitizer
  • HighlightersGraph Paper
  • Hole ReinforcementsKleenex
  • Agenda

Expectations for Make Up Work in ALL your classes:

  1. If you are absent the day an assignment is due, but were present when it was assigned you are expected to turn in the work on the day you return to school. Please be aware of all of your teacher’s grading policies regarding missing, late or makeup work.
  2. If you were absent the day an assignment was given, you are responsible for finding out what you missed and are expected to complete the assignment within the next academic week. Example, if you missed a quiz on Tuesday, it needs to be made up no later than the following Tuesday.
  3. Other makeup work policies follow the guidelines in the AHS handbook.
  4. You are responsible for collecting duplicate materials for your notebook upon your return to class and completing it prior to handing your binder in for a grade.
  5. If you miss a tutorial, you are still responsible for the pre-work portion of your TRF. It must be turned in the day you return to AVID. You will have the option of presenting this question or the new TRF at the next tutorial session.


Your score will be calculated by dividing the number of points you earns by the number of possible points for that grading period. Each assignment will contribute to the goals of the class. Because late work is not acceptable, it is imperative you complete material on time or notify me of extenuating circumstances. Grades are rounded only for average.

(You can determine your grade at any time by maintaining a log of each graded assignments)


  • Binder (50 points each) - Learning to be an organized and responsible student is a goal of the AVID curriculum, so maintaining your AVID binder will account for a part of your grade.
  • For 9th and 10th grade this will occur three times per quarter.
  • For 11th grade this will occur twice per quarter in weeks 3 and 7 of the quarter.
  • For 12th grade this will occur quarterly, by appointment in weeks 3-6 of the quarter.
  • Tutorials (25 points each) - The tutorial process is the heart of the AVID method. You will participate in two Tutorial session per week and complete a before, during & after assignment for each session.
  • Cornell Notes Check (50-60 points each) –Interacting and engaging with classroom materials is essential to academic success. Students are expected to demonstrate this through the Cornell Way. ALL student’s grades 9-12 will submit 5 sets of Cornell Notes every two weeks.
  • For 9th grade students will have 2 sets critically reviewed.
  • For 10th grade students will have 3 sets critically reviewed.
  • For 11th grade students will have 3 sets critically reviewed.
  • For 12th grade students will have 2 sets critically reviewed.
  • Learning Reflections (20 points each) –Reflecting on academic connections is an essential academic skill for college readiness. Students will be asked to reflect on a prompt once every two weeks.
  • AVID Elective Activities (5-25 points each) –Participating in discussions, simulations, and cooperative and college readiness activities is essential to the AVID Elective class.

Grades + Exams

Your final grade will be determined by taking the average of first and second semester grades. There will be a first semester exam and a second semester exam, which will count for 20% of your semester average. The semester assessments will be designed to allow students to express the knowledge and skills they have acquired over the course of the class. There are NO EXEMPTIONS from the AVID semester assessments.

There is no Extra Credit in AVID.

Wireless Device Policy:

  • A ”wireless device” is anything that is capable of accessing the Internet, such as, but not limited to, a netbook, laptop, iPad, iPod, iTouch, etc.
  • Only use wireless devices in class with the teacher’s specific permission. In this classroom, cell phones are a distraction to yourself and others. They should be put away in this classroom and during class time. If you are out in the hallway during class time, that is considered an extension of this classroom and they should not be used out there during class time.
  • When asked to close your netbooks/laptops, close them and put other wireless devices away. You do not need to shut them down -only put them to sleep.
  • When allowed, wireless devices may only be used for work directly related to the class.
  • Wireless devices are to remain closed or put away during all tests and quizzes.
  • If the teacher walks around and you close your netbook or laptop when he/she walks by, it will be considered a sign that you are not using it for allowed purposes.
  • Anyone not agreeing to follow this policy must either not use a wireless device in class or accept that the wireless device will be recognized as a distraction and dealt with according to school policy. This may include being prohibited from using device in the classroom for the rest of the semester or year.
  • I will write a disciplinary referral when a cell phone is used in my classroom during class time.

Albemarle County Bullying Policy:

Bullying is the intentional harm to someone's property, self-esteem, or feeling of safety through repeated verbal, physical, and or social actions conveyed covertly or overtly through any means, including electronic devices, written statements, symbols, drawings, physical actions, or verbally. Bullying at AHS is unacceptable behavior and will not be tolerated.

AHS Anti-Bullying Rules

As a member of the AHS community,

1. We will not engage in bullying behaviors.

2. We will try to help students who are bullied.

3. We will try to include students who are left out.

4. If we know someone is being bullied, we will tell an adult at school and an adult at home.


The easiest way for you or your guardian to contact us is via E-mail and we read our E-mail daily. We try to respond to any inquiries in a timely fashion within 2 school days. If you do not hear back within 2 days please follow up, as we may not have received your original contact. If we have concerns about your performance or you are in danger of failing, we will contact your guardian. Please take the time to review the information discussed above with your guardian(s) and return the attached slip. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you and hope that your guardian(s) will feel free to contact us at AHS (975-9300) if they have any further questions or concerns.


Chris Barnes



Phone: 434-975-9300 ext: 60112
