The Club Bylaws
Article I - Name:
Section 1: The name of this organization shall be North Seattle Cyber Stars.
Article II - Purpose:
Section 1: To provide the real world technical skills needed to succeed in the Information Technology field and to facilitate the development of the necessary hands-on practical skills.
Section 2: Promote and encourage participation by all I.T. students at North Seattle College.
Article III - Membership:
Section 1: All I.T. students at North Seattle College are eligible formembership.
Section 2: Membership in The Club may terminate upon:
- Voluntary withdrawal;
- Violation of the By-Laws;
- Violation of federal, state, and local laws.
Article IV - Meetings:
Section 1: A Quarterly Meeting will be held at the beginning of each quarter to elect a Club President and vote in a fresh administration (secretary, treasurer, etc.). Club Administrative Meetings shall be held each month, and a simple majority vote by this Administrative Committee is required for approval of business items.
Section 2: Club activities shall be held on a weekly basis. The dates and times shall be determined by the Club President and the Club Advisor, with due consideration of the availability and schedules of members on a quarterly basis.
Article V - Officers and Their Duties:
Section 1: Officers of The Club shall be the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Any active member of The Club, in good standing, is eligible for these offices. Officers shall be elected by a voice vote and a show of hands at the quarterly Meeting of The Club.
Section 2: The Club President may fill vacancies in any office by appointment, subject to approval by majority vote of members in attendance at the next Administrative Meeting or any Club Activity Meeting. In the absence of an opportunity for such a vote, the appointment by the President stands.
Section 3: Funds disbursement: Per the NSC “Club Handbook”, The Club Advisor is the only one with the authorization to spend club funds. The Club Treasurer will keep an account of club funds and with due consideration of the needs of the club, the Treasurer shall work with the Club Advisor to procure items needed or desired on a quarterly basis.
Section 4: Duties of Officers:
The major responsibilities are listed below. Specific officer job descriptions will be maintained by the President.
The President conducts routine and ordinary business of The Club, The President shall confer with the Club Administration and the Club Advisor to determine the course of action for non-routine business.
The President has the authority to appoint interested club members to administrative roles on a quarterly basis, in conjunction with a majority vote from the rest of the Club Administration. In the absence of an opportunity to have a vote, the decision of the President stands.
Any club member, in good standing, is eligible for the Presidency. Any club member that has previously held the office of the Presidency can serve multiple terms over the period of their academic career at NSC, however, any President of the NSC cyber stars shall not serve consecutive terms. The office of the President shall be rotated on a quarterly basis. A New President will be elected at the Quarterly Club Meeting.
Additional duties of the President are as follows:
- Conducts all Club meetings
- Turns in Club Activity sheet to NSC Club Coordinator
- Represents The Club at Campus and Faculty Meetings
- Works closely with the Club Advisor, per NSC club handbook.
- Appoints Committee Members
Vice President:
Acts as the President when the President is absent or not able to fulfill the duties of the office for an extended period. The Vice President also performs other duties at the request of the President, as well as the following:
- Provides flyers for bulletin boards.
- AttendsClub Administrative meetings.
- Manages the Club Computer Lab.
- Joins the President in representing the Club if needed.
A New Vice President will be elected on a quarterly basis.
Records and reports minutes for monthly Administrative meetings and the Quarterly Meeting of The Club, as well as the following:
- Emails minutes to officers & Club Advisor
- Reads minutes at business meetings (if necessary)
- Keep records of The Club Bylaws and communications
- AttendsClub Administrative meetings.
A New Secretary will be elected on a quarterly basis.
Works with the Club Advisor on club expenditures; prepares the budget with the assistance of the Club Administration; reports the financial condition of The Clubat monthly Administrative meetings andthe Quarterly Meeting, and at other times when requested, as well as:
- Maintains Club member roster.
- Attend Club Administrative meetings.
A New Treasurer will be elected on a quarterly basis.
Article VI - Committees:
Section 1: Administrative Committee: In addition to the 4 Offices (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) there will be an additional five (5) committee members, appointed by the President, to comprise the nine (9) members of the Administrative Committee. The Administrative Committee shall review changes to the By-Laws; conduct monthly administrative meetings; recommend policies and procedures; assist the Treasurer with preparation of the budget;recommend expenditure of funds; and, take other action to advance the aims and purposes of The Club.
Section 2: There are no quarterly term limits for Committee Members, as Committee Members are appointed by the Club President on a quarterly basis.
Article VII - Amendment of By-Laws:
Section 1: Petitions to change these By-Laws must be presented to the Administrative Committee in writing to be considered.
Section 2: When significant changes to these By-Laws are proposed, they shall be explained and discussed at a Business Meeting that is held at least thirty days prior to the vote to ratify them.
Section 3: After approval by majority vote of the Administrative Committee, changes to these By-Laws must be ratified by two-thirds vote of the members attending either a Quarterly Meeting or monthly Administrative meeting.