Paradigm Multi Academy Trust
The NASUWT's had apositive meeting with Amanda Phillips, CEO of Paradigm Trust at the Ipswich Academy on 16th November 2015. Amanda and the head of human resources expressed their desire and intent to work collaboratively with the NASUWT to harmonise and rationalise existing policies that have TUPE’d across from your previous employer/s.
The Paradigm Trust have agreed to meet with the NASUWT in the future, to develop a new framework for negotiation and consultation based around the TUC model Joint Negotiating and Consultation Committee (JNCC).
Protection of your pay and conditions under TUPE
Staff who transferred when the school became an academy transferred under TUPE and therefore benefit from the protections of TUPE. One of those protections is that changes to the transferred contract of employment cannot be made. Regulation 4(4) TUPE sets that out - any purported variation to the contract will be void. Therefore requiring staff that transferred under TUPE to sign new contracts is not permitted. The protection from TUPE does not apply only to certain terms and conditions. TUPE applies to the whole contract. Theemployer cannot pick and choose which bits of the contract are protected by TUPE - it is all protected by TUPE and so there should not be any move to introduce new contracts.
Employees therefore have the legal right to transfer to the new employer on their existing terms and conditions of employment and with all their existing employment rights and liabilities intact. Effectively, the new employer steps into the shoes of the old employer and it is as though the employee's contract of employment was always made with the new employer.
Paradigm has agreed to retain the status quo, where all existing policies that were negotiated with both the local authority in Ipswich and the Learning Schools Trust will continue to be used. In addition, Paradigm will continue to support facility time arrangements by paying in to local authority pots.
NB: where an independent trade union had been recognised by the outgoing employer in respect of transferring employees, recognition will transfer to the incoming employer.
Teachers' Cost of Living PayAward 2015 -16
The Paradigm Trust has agreed topay 1% upliftto all Paradigm teachers across all points on all scales in addition to 2% for M6.
Further information for NASUWT members working in the Paradigm academies is available at the NASUWT website:
Workplace Meetings
The NASUWT will arrange meetings with NASUWT members at your school in the forthcoming academic year on request. If you have any concerns either individually or collectively you should contact the NASUWT. If you do not have an NASUWT representative in your school contact your local, federation or negotiating secretary for advice or your NASUWT regional centre.
The NASUWT also has a new service called the Member Support Advice (MSA) Team that provides professional advice on telephone number 03330 145550. They will provide you with telephone numbers and which of the above would be your appropriate point of contact as well as providing instant advice.
It is vital that there is an NASUWT Workplace Representative in all Paradigm academies.
If your academy does not have an NASUWT Representative and you are willing to take on this crucial role, please contact your NASUWT Regional Centre. Contact details are at