Minutes SCRPA Board Meeting

January 19, 2011

SCRPA Office- 563 South Lake Drive, Lexington SC

Attendance: Jan Cox, Joe Ross, Mark Sexton, Chanell Moore, Jeff Metz, Will Rishovd, Brian Wofford, Glen Parker, Ameco Hendrix, Justin Mullis, Kathy Anderson, Emily Randell and Jim Headley.

Absent: Paul McCulloch, Phil Macchia, Matt Gibbons, Rachel Ebaugh

I.  Welcome:

Jan Cox, President called the meeting to order at 11:13 am, and welcomed the board members. Each board member introduced his/her self to the group.

II.  Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of the December 1, 2010 Board Retreat at Pleasant Ridge Camp and Retreat Center were approved as written by motion of Mark Sexton and second by Joe Ross.


A.  Branch Updates:

  1. EMB - Ameco Hendrix reported on activities. EMB met in December. They will combine with the RAP branch for a meeting in March (3/24/11) at Seven Oaks Park in Columbia. Planning a fundraiser bowling tournament for October 2011, tentative dates 10/14 and10/15.
  2. Student Branch- Emily Randell reported they are planning the silent auction fundraiser, which will be at the state conference in September. Students are soliciting auction items. They are working to create a mentoring program for student members.
  3. RAP- Kathy Anderson reported they are combing with EMB to offer DHEC certification training on arthritis exercise in March 2011. They are coordinating with Charleston County to get more people involved in the annual lifeguard competition. One idea is for a mock competition in the upstate.
  4. Parks Branch- Justin Mullis reported the Parks branch will bring in local equipment representatives to present training on small hand tool preventative maintenance.
  5. ELM Branch- Glen Parker reported the group has not yet met and needs a vice chair. He hopes to provide some customer service training for front-line staff possibly on the front end of the state conference or to correspond with Administrative Professionals Day.
  6. SCAP Branch, no report.
  7. Wellness Branch, no report.

B.  District Updates:

  1. Western- Brian Wofford reported he is interested in providing a SCRPA 101 to encourage more participation and communicate the benefits of membership. No dates set.
  2. Central- Jeff Metz reported they will meet 2/2/11 in Aiken. Planning a spring Golf World Championship. Reports they are struggling with attendance, especially with the seasoned members.
  3. Southern- Will Rishovd reported they will meet 1/26/11 in Mt. Pleasant. Planning a bocce tournament for the spring.
  4. Eastern-written report by Matt Gibbons- will meet 2/9/11 in Dillon. Committee appointments are: Awards and Citations Lisa O’Neal, Cheraw; Marketing Tim Huber, Myrtle Beach; Professional Development Melina Chappell, N. Myrtle Beach; Scholarship Candace Kissel, Georgetown.
  5. Jim Headley requested each District to send him committee appointments ASAP.

C.  Committee Updates:

  1. Ways and Means- Mark Sexton reported he is working on finalizing the date of the annual golf tournament- a primary fundraiser for SCRPA. He would like to compile a list of statewide vendors to identify possible tournament sponsors.
  2. Legislative- Joe Ross reported Past Presidents had meeting via Conference call. Presented and passed a Legislative Platform. Setting up meeting with new PRT Director ASAP. Sen. Laurie will be introducing a bill for reduced SLED Checks for Municipal and County Park and Recreation Agencies. Headed to DC in March for NRPA Leg. Forum.
  3. Marketing- March 1 due date is for magazine articles.

IV.  President’s Report:

  1. Goals for 2011
  2. For each branch to meet by April 20, 2011- If we meet things will fall into place, members become engaged and the association more effective
  3. Increase understanding of association’s function and benefits of membership
  4. Remain fiscally healthy
  5. Communicate success internally and externally
  6. NRPA structure change- how does SCRPA react to the structure change from regional representatives to “network” membership. Is a by laws change required?
  7. Need for strategic planning for the association. Turn over inhibits setting long-term goals or pursuing strategic planning. A strategic plan will strengthen SCRPA’s ability to sustain its ability to serve its members.
  8. 2010 year end audit will be presented at the next board meeting.
  9. Karl Waldhauer Needs help on the awards committee- looking to restructure, new deadlines.
  10. 2011 Conference web site is up- encourage attendance- major source of revenue for the association- excellent source of education for members- opportunity to build networks.

V.  Executive Director’s Report:

  1. Budget Update: defer to budget in New Items
  2. Legislative Update: election of a new governor means change. She has already nominated a new agency head and announced her desire to eliminate SCPRT, moving parks under DNR and tourism to the commerce department, with no mention of recreation.
  3. Web site- branches should communicate with Melissa to get information on the site.

VI.  SCPRT Report: no representative from SCPRT present due to recent election and subsequent changes. Will let some time pass before we pursue a representative.

VII.  Old Business- None

VIII.  New Business:

  1. Jim presented the 2011 association budget - see attached. Revenue and expenditures total $317,926, with $14,500 in expenditures to replenish reserves. Upon a motion by Brian Wofford and second by Jeff Metz, the budget was adopted unanimously.
  2. 2011 conference revenue is budgeted at $82,500. Actual revenue from 2010 joint conference was $90,000; actual in 2007 was $110,000. Jim felt the current weak economic conditions would limit 2011 revenue.
  3. A new budget line item is fees to accept credit card payments. This member convenience is costly.
  4. Florence wants to pass the torch on the Senior Citizens trip, which is a major fundraiser for the association. He is looking for another agency to take on that responsibility.
  5. LEAD- next class will be in2012 with applications due in October 2011.
  6. Trends- is January 30- February 1, 2011 in Rock Hill. Expecting 40 participates. New sponsors include Landscape Structures and Cunningham & Associates. THANK THEM.
  7. Playground safety certification- major fundraiser and important function. 32 attended last year. Justin will help recruit attendance. Date conflicts with the Golf Superintendent workshop. Will work to eliminate the date conflict for the 2012 session- maybe move to November.
  1. Jim presented the 2011 legislative platform- see attached. It is worded to demonstrate continued support for SCPRT. Upon motion by Chanell Moore and second by Will Rishovd, it passed unanimously.

IX.  Adjournment:

Upon motion by Brian Wofford and second by Ameco Hendrix, the meeting adjourned.

The next meeting is April 20, 2011, 11:00 AM; SCRPA Office- 563 South Lake Drive, Lexington SC.

Respectfully submitted by:

Chanell Moore, Treasurer