Ground Ladders

October 2011 Fire Training

Boone County Fire Protection District

Overview and Purpose:

§ Firefighter safety can be enhanced through practical evolutions involving real time scenario based training on Ground Ladder Operations.

§ It is important for all members of the Boone County Fire District to be proficient and comfortable in all components of ground ladders.

§ It is necessary to emphasize the importance of proper ladder placement at structure fires based on the task assigned.

§ Firefighters and Fire Officers must understand when ladders are appropriate for use at structure fires.

Objectives: At the conclusion of this training session, participants will have had an opportunity to:

Cognitive Objectives:

§ Discuss the anatomy of a roof ladder

§ Discuss the anatomy of the extension ladders

§ Discuss the anatomy of an attic ladder

§ Describe the proper uses of each of the aforementioned ladders

§ Discuss proper lifts, raises, and lowers of all ground ladders

§ Discuss the proper body mechanics when ascending and descending ladders

§ Right together/Left together

§ Describe the appropriate way to ascend and descend ladders while carrying tools

§ Discuss the need for at least (2) points of egress minimum when firefighters are working on an upper floor

§ Discuss appropriate ways to heal a ladder

§ Discuss why healing ladders is important

o Calling out “On Ladder” on approach and “Off ladder” when done with evolution

o Counting the final 5 steps on descent

o Announcing “down ladder” when ready to descend

§ Discuss the general maintenance guidelines for all ground ladders

§ Discuss how to perform a ladder inspection

Affective Objectives:

§ Explain the proper placement of each ladder

o Attic ladder

o Roof Ladder

§ Pitched roof ventilation

§ Wall ladder operations to lower elevations

o Extension ladder (Window Operations)

§ Ventilation – Windward side with the tips at the head of the window

§ Fire Attack – Placed in the middle of the window with the tips of the ladder above the head of the window

§ Entry/Egress – Tips of the ladder placed directly at or slightly below the window sill

§ Rescue – the tips of the ladder placed directly at the window sill

o Extension Ladder (Roof Operations)

§ Five rungs above the roof line

§ Explain the proper commands for lifting, raising, and lowering ladders

§ Explain the need to check for overhead obstructions

§ Explain how to perform a leg lock and in what instances that application is appropriate

§ Explain how extension ladders should be secured before ascending and descending

Psychomotor Objectives:

§ Perform the following carries:

o One-firefighter shoulder carry

o Two-firefighter shoulder carry

o Three firefighter flat method (35 ft.)

o One-firefighter suitcase carry

o Two-firefighter suitcase carry

§ Perform the following raises:

o Single firefighter wall raise (roof ladder)

o Two-firefighter flat raise

o Two-firefighter beam raise

o Three-firefighter flat raise (35 ft.)

§ Set-up the 24 foot extension ladder for ventilation

o Perform a leg lock (opposite leg from the window)

§ Set up for fire attack (leg lock)

§ Set up for rescue/entry-egress

o Rescue a conscious individual from a window

o Rescue an unconscious individual from a window

§ Tie a clove hitch to secure the halyard to the ladder

Scope and Sequence of the Lesson:

§ A brief introduction by the instructor to overview the activities of the evening.

§ The station will be split into smaller groups with an assigned coach

§ Each group will don PPE and gather the ladders off of the apparatus.

o 24 ft extension ladder, 35 ft extension ladder, attic ladder, roof ladder

§ Note: For stations that do not have a tanker, one will be brought to them for this training by a member of the training bureau

§ Groups will perform a maintenance inspection

§ Groups will discuss the anatomy of each individual ladder and the indications for their use

§ Groups will then cover each of the above psychomotor objectives and will be given numerous different scenarios to complete

§ After the evolutions are complete, groups will clean and lube each ladder. All ladders will be in excellent working condition after training is complete.

§ Once evolutions are complete, at the discretion of the site coordinator, training will be complete.

§ All participants will have ample time to work on all of the previous objectives


§ Engine and Tanker with working ladders

§ Handouts

§ Utility rope bag for hoisting tools

§ Supplemental videos

Resources and References:

§ Division of Fire Safety FF1/FF2 skills sheets

§ Essentials of Firefighting - 5th Edition, Chapter 10