Kindly sponsored for the 20th Year by: Mrs A. Cadbury, OBE, JP, DL.
RIVERSIDE SQUASH CLUB, St. Oswalds Road, Gloucester GL1 2TF
Friday 7th March, 6pm - 8.30pm.
Saturday & Sunday 8th/9th March, 9am – 7pm
1.All knock out matches to be played to England Squash rules, the best of five games, scoring PAR-to-11.
2.Where the Tournament Organiser decides on Round Robin matches, these will be played to official rules most suitable for the age group.
3.Clothing: recognised squash clothing only.
4.Eligibility (a) Must be under the required age on 9th March 2014. (b) Open to any eligible Gloucestershire player who is: i) not a current or past county champion or ii) a boy who is not a current England Squash Inter County ‘A’ Team Player. Girls and ‘B’ Team I/C boys are at the discretion of the Tournament Committee. Any doubts please phone Amanda Coldicott
5.Competitors should be available at all times during the Tournament, if they are not please advise below.
6.Any competitor not ready to play within 10 minutes of the scheduled match time may be disqualified.
7.There will be Plate Competitions for first round losers, except in any event that the Tournament Committee decides to play as a Round Robin. It is hoped that everyone will get at least 3 matches.
8.The presentation of trophies will be made after the finals on Sunday 9th March.
9.In the event of any disputes, the decision of the Tournament Referee shall be final.
10.Telephone entries or entries without entry fees will not be accepted.
11.Entry forms and entry fee of £12 per event must be returned to the Tournament Organiser: Mrs Amanda Coldicott, Spooners Farm, Pillows Green Rd., Staunton, Glos, GL19 3NX
12.Any queries or withdrawals to Amanda Coldicott Tel: 01452 840737 / 07721 600664.
13.Cheques to be made payable to ‘Gloucestershire Junior Squash Association’.
14.First match times will be on the website by Sunday 2nd March–
15.Players are only allowed to enter a maximum of 2 events.
16.The wearing of eye goggles/glasses is compulsory (there may be some available – please check)
17.Closing date for entries: Thursday 20th February.
To: Mrs A. Coldicott, Spooners Farm, Pillows Green Road, Staunton, Glos, GL19 3NX
I wish to enter the following event(s) BOYS U9BOYS U11BOYS U13BOYS U15
Please circleBOYS U17BOYS U19GIRLS U11GIRLS U13
Please use separate form for each playerGIRLS U15GIRLS U17GIRLS U19Mxd U7 Fun
Boys U/9 This group will be amalgamated with U/11s if less than 4 entries each.
Name:------Date of Birth:------
Postal Address incl Post Code:------
Tel No: ------Mobile No.------
Email address------
School/Club……………………..I enclose entry fee of £------(Cheque made payable to GJSA )
I have read the rules of the Tournament and agree to abide by them.
Please state any time you are unable to play, I need to know for scheduling even on sunday!
T shirts for all competitors – please state size XS S M L XL