Civitas Trial Report
Civitas is a new synthetically made Isoparrafin based fungicide produced by Petro Canada. It works differently than traditional fungicides in that it does not kill the fungus, instead it enters the plant and turns on the natural defense mechanisms in the plant. They call this process Induced Systemic Resistance. The nature of this process limits the use of this product to more of a preventative application and as a result should be sprayed before disease pressure is high. Civitas comes as a two part package, the actual Civitas which is the Isopparrafin mineral oil and the Harmonizer which is a pigment turf enhancer. These are mixed in a 16-1 ratio, 16 parts Civitas to 1 part harmonizer.
Several rates were used in trials with varying results:
16 oz/1000 sq.ft once per month - this rate can result in slow greens for a few days and very green colour due to the harmonizer.
8 oz/1000 sq.ft twice per month - similar results can occur
4 oz weekly - less decrease in green speed and more natural colour
If disease pressure is very high many trials were done with Civitas at the low rate of 4oz and a typical fungicide such as Banner/Daconil etc at a half rate. Results in these trials were the same or better than the full fungicide rate alone.
At Hazelmere I decided to go with a 5.6oz/1000 rate every 10 days due to the fact that one jug works out to that amount and as a result we end up applying 16.8oz per month which is essentially the recommended rate. Due to the systemic nature of this product, it can only be applied during the growing season. As a result, I plan to continue applying this product until the end of October. Many of the studies show improved disease resistance through the winter as a result of the buildup of Civitas in the plant in the fall. The last application will be a full 16 oz rate to buildup supply in the plant.
Cost analysis:
Civitas will cost $750 per month with a one time $750 late October application.
Fungicide costs in a typical month would be $1500- $2000 accounting for both a contact and systemic application. This June and July with the wet spring we were closer to $2,000 for both of these months.
We began applying Civitas at Hazelmere on August 14th with initial results being very positive. No Fusarium since application and no negative effects on green speed. We sprayed one application of Banner in early September because some Waitea patch was developing.
Belmont has sprayed for Fusarium at least twice in this time due to rain and heavy dew.
I believe the true test will be seen in October and November when we usually have high rates of Fusarium. My plan is to continue on this course with Civitas and monitor the diseases. We will have a contact fungicide on hand just in case we start to see a great deal of disease.
Trial Submitted by Jamie Muter
Golf Course Superintendent – Hazelmere Golf Course
Surrey, British Columbia