Initial Proposal for a Capability and Technology Demonstrator (CTD) Project – CTD Round 20
/ This template is to be used for submission of a CTD Round 20 Initial Proposals. Initial Proposals will be shortlisted in July 2015, and the shortlistedinitial proposers will be invited to submit detailed proposals in August 2015. The aim at this initial stage is for you to give a sound, general idea of your CTD project proposal and how you would demonstrate aninnovative technology to Defence – this assistsDefence in understanding thescope, basic schedule andballparkcost of your proposal.This template presents prompts and notes to ensure all required information is presented to support your proposal for funding under the Department of Defence Capability and Technology Demonstrator (CTD) Program. The prompts/note boxes can be deleted in the submitted version.
Please ensure that all shaded parts of this proposal are completed.
Please ensure you have read the Guidelines For Proposers at the CTD website If you require any further assistance completing the Initial Proposal, the CTD Program Office (CTDPO) contact details are listed at the end of this template.
NOTE: Applying for funding under the CTD Program is a highly competitive process in which applications are assessed and ranked. Those applications which are not adequately and clearly explainedmay not achieve a high enough ranking to be competitive.
Whencomplete, this form would typically be 10-12 pages long. Please note that emailed initial proposals must be less than 5MB.
/ What is the title of the CTD proposal? Make this concise and focussed, neatly identifying the key technology, to assist Defence in evaluation of the proposalTitle:
/ Provide a clear and concise summary of the proposal to assist Defence in the evaluation of the proposal. Please limit the executive summary to 100 words or less.Executive Summary:
/ Who is the lead proposer? Which organisation wouldtake primary responsibility for delivering the CTD project?Lead Proposer
Organisation nameACN/ABN
Physical address
Postal address
Points of Contact (POC)
/ Who is the primary point of contact at the lead proposer organisation? Only one person should be nominated in this role.Points of Contact
Email address
Alternative Points of Contact (POC) / Nominate an alternative point of contact. At least one person should be nominated in this role to assist CTD Program Office (CTDPO) staff contacting you regarding your proposal.
Alternative Point of Contact
Email address
Capability Development Group POC
/ Have you discussed this CTD proposal with Dept of Defence staff in the Capability Systems (CS) Division of Capability Development Group (CDG)? Provide the contact details of any such staff.Capability Development Group
CS Branch
Email address
/ Have you discussed this proposal with Defence Science and Technology Organisation? Provide the contact details of any such staff ?DSTO
DSTO Division
Email address
Initial Proposal for a Capability and Technology Demonstrator (CTD) Project – CTD Round 20, Continued
SCOPE of the Proposal
/ Capability Development AreaWhat is the Australian Defence Force (ADF) capability that this proposal could potentially improve?
Scope of the Proposal
Capability Development Area:Technology Concept or Technical Innovation
Explain the idea that you are proposing and specify why it is innovative.
Technology Concept or Technical Innovation:
Technology Development
Describe the background and current status of the technology underpinning this proposal.
Technology Development:
Technology Demonstration
Describe how you propose to demonstrate the potential of your technology to enhance ADF capability.
Technology Demonstration
Describe your organisational capability (staff, facilities, etc) and resourcing needed to conduct the project and bring the technology to demonstration (max 200 words).
How long would the project take before the proposed technology can be demonstrated?
Initial Proposal for a Capability and Technology Demonstrator (CTD) Project – CTD Round 20, Continued
/ Proposer ContributionDescribe the contribution that your company would make to the project. For example, what would be the level of in-kind contribution?
Proposer Contribution:Defence Contribution
Describe what your organisation needs from the Department of Defence; include funding, intellectual property, and other resources, such as any expectation of technical support, materials, demonstration support etc.
Defence Contribution:
Intellectual Property
/ List the background intellectual property your company would contribute to the CTD Project. Who is the owner? Are there any intellectual property issues or potential intellectual property issues that you would like to raise?Intellectual Property
Industry Involvement
/ Describe the level of Australian (and New Zealand)industry involvement in the proposed CTD demonstration project.Industry Involvement
Initial Proposal for a Capability and Technology Demonstrator (CTD) Project – CTD Round 20, Continued
CTD Contacts
/ The CTD staff listed below are available to provide assistance with completing the template:CTD Contacts
Director Innovation ProgramsName / Mr Andrew Arnold
Phone / +61 2 6128 6488
Email /
Deputy Director CTD Program
Name / Mrs Lisa Hanzl
Phone / +61 02 61286501
Email /
CTD Program Office Contact Details
Website /
Email Address /
Postal Address / CTD Program Office, Department of Defence
P O Box 7931,
CanberraBC ACT 2610 Australia