Fun ‘N Sun Committee – Minutes for December 4, 2014


Lisa Filice (Regional Farms),Janet Louie (Green Valley Floral) Susan Yogi (Calla Co.) Ben Dobbe (Holland America), Marc Robinson (Transflora) Robert Kitayama (Kitayama Brothers) and Kim Kudo (Kim’s Flower Network)

Staff: Michael LoBue, Chris Johnson, Monnaie Castillo, Linda Long & Greg Paulsen

1.0Roll Call & Agenda Review & Antitrust Reminder

The meeting was called to order at approximately 1:35p.m. LoBue reviewed the antitrust policies, noting that they apply to committee meetings.

2.0Grower Tour

  • The committee decided to have a one day Grower Tour on Thursday, July 30th
  • The Grower Tour stops will be as follows:
  • Green Valley Floral
  • Camflor
  • California Pajarosa Floral
  • Kitayama Brothers
  • CallaCo

3.0 Golf Tournament

  • Chris Johnson reported that the Poppy Hill Golf Course was chosen for the 2015 Fun ‘N Sun Golf Tournament.
  • Monnaie Castillo will get an updated contract with a guarantee of 60 players from Poppy Hill over to Michael LoBue and Chris Johnson for approval. Once approved Michael LoBue will sign and the contract will be submitted to hold the date of Wednesday, July 29, 2015.
  • Chris Johnson will approach OnTrac for sponsorship of this event.
  • Monnaie will create a sponsorship form to include the 18 golf holes and bus sponsorships to be sent out to the membership.

4.0Need to decide on the following before the end of January:

  • Michael to approach Kasey at CCFC for their involvement in the 2015 Fun ‘N Sun education.
  • Monnaie will continue to work with Cal State Floral Association on the program for the convention. Wearable art was a big hit last year and has been suggested once again for 2015.
  • Susan Yogi gave report to the committee on her progress and thoughts on doing a panel education discussion on Friday prior to the flower fair opening about hybridizing. She also reached out to Carol Caggiano to do a possible California Flower Trends for our 2015 educational sessions.
  • The Wednesday Cocktail and Dinner will be themed in line with a wine tasting event for the cocktail party and a speaker from the wine industry during dinner. Lisa & Janet will both reach out to potential speakers in the wine industry.
  • Thursday night is a FedEx sponsored event and Monnaie is looking into two locations for pricing:
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium
  • Monterey Beach House / Beach Party

5.0Decorating Company for Flower Fair

  • Currently Monnaie has two companies working on bids for this event. The two companies are:
  • Freeman
  • Curtin

6.0New / Other Business

  • A donation Program needs to be started. Janet Louie will contact a few organizations and report back to the group.
  • Saturday Education will be done again this year. Robert Kitayama will get a few ideas together for a possible Family Business session.
  • Distinguished Service Award was discussed. Monnaie to send Michael LoBue the information for this award so the board can be updated on this task.
  • Monnaie will update the current working Preparation Calendar as well as create a working schedule for the convention in the coming days so the committee can see where we are at will the events and what still needs to be filled in.

6.0The next call was set for Thursday, January 8, 2015, from 1:30 – 2:30. The meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.

Fun ‘N Sun Committee • December 4, 2014 • MinutesPage 1 of 2