Bright Futures Information SystemInformation Packet for Child Care ProvidersFebruary 2005
Child Development Division
Vermont Agency of Human Services
103 South Main Street, 2 North
Waterbury, VT05671
Table of Contents
Introducing the Bright Futures Information System...... 3
BFIS is on the Internet and Has Three Levels of Access...... 3
Public Portal...... 3
Provider and Parent Portals...... 3
InternalPortal...... 3
How Does BFIS Affect Me?...... 3
Subsidized Child Care Payments...... 3
Financial Agreement: Part 1...... 4
Submitting Attendance Invoicesfor Subsidy Payments...... 4
Transitioning from Justification Sheets to Attendance Invoices...... 4
eProviders Get it Quicker...... 4
What Else Can eProviders Do?...... 4
How Can I Become and eProvider?...... 4
What Else is New in BFIS?...... 5
Professional Development...... 5
Enhanced Referral Information...... 5
Information and Assistance is Available...... 5
Bright Futures Information System Service Periods for 2005...... 6
Community Child Care Support Grant Agencies...... 7
Introducing the Bright Futures Information System
The Child Development Division begins using the Bright Futures Information System (BFIS) on March 6, 2005. This Web-based,automated data management system means a single database for all client information, improved quality of client records, and improved reporting and tracking capabilities. It dramatically increases the ability of the Child Development Division to efficiently serve families and all those who provide care and services to Vermont’s children.
BFIS is on the Internet and has three levels of access
You canaccess the public portion of BFIS from any internet connection by typing the URL address into your Internet browser.
Public Portal
BFIS has a public web page available to anyone usingthe Internet. If you typed “child care Vermont” into Google, the public part of BFIS would be returned as one of the search choices.
The Interactive public portalexpands the Division’s reach to those who use the Internet for information and communication. Visitors to the public portalcan learn more about quality child care or child care subsidy benefits.They can search for provider information, fill out and electronically file a subsidy application, register a complaint, or contact the Child Development Division and local community child care support services agencies.
Provider and Parent Portals
BFIS also has layers of security and permissions. This protects your confidential information. It means you can see your own information but no one else’s once you are granted a user name and password and specific permission settings. If you choose to become an eProvider, you will log in from the public portal page and be able to access your payments and professional development accounts. There is also a parent log-in account option for parents who wish to become an eParent and track subsidy authorizations and payments, and interact with the Division electronically.
Internal Portal
The internal portal is for staff of the Child Development Division and local community child care support services agencies. It is also password protected and staff can only access areas related to theirwork roles and BFIS permissions. Because all the information is located in one system on the Web, staff locally and centrally can more efficiently share and process information. This results in better service for you.
How Does BFIS Affect Me?
Converting to BFIS providesthe opportunity for the Child Development Division to improve business practices and procedures to better serve the public, providers, and children. A good example is the changes to Vermont’s Child Care Subsidy Payment system which go into effect at the time the Division switches to BFIS.
Subsidized Child Care Payments
Whether you intend to become an eProvider or not (and that choice is always yours), you need to know about the new way that subsidy payments will be billed and paid effective March 6, 2005. A grid describing the improvements is included in this packet. In summary:a) Subsidy payments will be based on hours per week instead of days per month; b) all providers will submit attendance invoices either on paper or electronically and can be paid every two weeks; c) Registered and licensed providers (not LECC) will receive 15 paid provider days per year to be used at your discretion. The goals of these changes are: simplicity and greater ease and efficiency for parents and providers using child care subsidy benefits; and more consistent, timely, and predictable payments for providers.
Financial Agreement: Part I
In order to receive any payments from the Child Development Division, you must have a Financial Agreement: Part Icompleted and on file at the Division prior to February 28, 2005.If you have not received and returned this form over the past 6 months, please contact the Division for the form as soon as possible. No payments can be issued through BFIS without Financial Agreement data on file at the Child Development Division.
Submitting Attendance Invoices for Subsidy Payments
Every two weeks, if you care for children authorized for child care subsidies, you will receive an attendance report, either by regular mail as you currently receive justifications, or if you choose to become an eProvider,by logging in to your eProvider account to retrieve them. It will be filled out with information from BFIS such as: the child’s name; BFIS ID number; the certificate number; the date the eligibility expires; the number of authorized hours; and the dates of the 2 week service period. It will also contain blank slots for you to enter the hours the child was actually in your care that week. You complete the attendance information either electronically or on paper and submit the form to the Child Development Division. Your invoice is reviewed and paid. The payment can be electronically deposited into your bank account or mailed to you. You can be paid every two weeksif you submit invoices every two weeks. Effective March 6, 2005, an invoice older than 60 days will not be processed for payment. An example Attendance invoice isincluded in this packet.
Transitioning from Justification Sheets to Attendance Invoices
In order to transition smoothly from our current database and payment system to BFIS, the Child Development Division will process payments for February 2005 child care subsidies on March 1, 2005.A second payment process will occur for March 1-5. Checks should reach you during the first and second weeks of March. The first “service period” (a service period is a 2 week attendance/payment period) in the new system will begin Sunday, March 6, 2005 to Saturday March 19, 2005 A service period calendar is included in this packet for your convenience. New certificates from BFIS will be mailed to you and to families in March.
eProviders Get it Quicker
If you choose to become an eProvider, not only can you receive attendance reports and submit attendance invoices more quickly, and therefore get your money faster, but you can track online to see when a check from the Division has been issued and never have to wonder again, “Has my check been mailed yet?”. You will also have a clear electronic accounting record of payments received for tax and business management purposes.
What Else Can eProviders Do?
You can also use your eProvider status to keep your licensing or registration information current. By logging in to your account, you can record professional development activities; renew your license or registration; update your contact or business information; file an incident report; and update information about staff working in your program. Updating your referral information is easy from your eProvider account (See Referral information on page 5 for more details) and from there you can also review your regulatory history, request service assistance, or request a variance to a regulation.
How Can I Become an eProvider?
It is easy to become an eProvider with one simple phone call to the BFIS Help Desk at 1-800-649-2642. During that call, we will issue you a secure user name and password and answer any questions you may have about getting started.
What Else is New in BFIS?
Professional Development
BFIS offers enhanced capability to track and record professional development activities in relation to regulatory requirements, STARS, and the VermontCareerDevelopmentCenter.eProviders can log in and update their resume and individual professional plans whenever they wish. This assists with re-application and re-licensing as well as with licensing compliance visits. Providers who would rather not participate online can submit such updates on paper by mail and a Child Development staff member or your local child care resource development specialist can add the updated professional development activities just as they do now. Certain professional development activities such as credentials and certificates require verification by internal staff before being added to BFIS. Your local child care resource development specialist can tell you more.
Referral Service Option Information
Anyone logging onto the BFIS public portal has the option to search for registered or licensed child care providers in their area just as they do now from the current Child Development Division website. They can find basic contact and regulatory information available to any member of the public as a condition of becoming a state-regulated child care provider. If you so choose, BFIS provides the capacity for you to share additional information about your business on the web and through referral services locally.
By completing the optional information on the enclosed Referral Service Option Agreement: Part II, and returning it to your local child care referral specialist as soon as possible, you can offer additional information to the public and to child care referral specialists working with the public to better inform them about your child care setting. You can use this expanded referralinformation to promote your business. You can also inactivate or update the information any time you choose by contacting your local referral specialist. eProviders can do this for themselves from their log-in account. Please note that the expanded referral information feature will not be activated until July 1, 2005.
Information and Assistance is Available
For more information about Bright Futures Information System, please contact Christina Manna at 1-800-649-2642 ext. 1224 or
For help using Bright Futures Information System or to become an eProvider please contact the BFIS Help Desk at 1-800-649-2642 or go to
For more information about child care subsidy or the Financial Agreement: Part I, please contact Carmen Mentasti at 1-800-649-2642 ext. 3108 or or your local child care subsidy specialist (see enclosed contact list)
For more information about licensing, registration and regulatory compliance, contact Peter Danles at
1-800-649-2642 ext. 4479 or
For more information about child care referral or the Referral Service Option Agreement: Part II, please contact your local child care referral specialist (see enclosed contact list)
For more information about professional development and STARS contact your local child care resource development specialist (see enclosed contact list)
Bright Futures Information System Service Periods
Effective March 6, 2005
March03/06/2005 - 03/19/2005
03/20/2005 - 04/02/2005
04/03/2005 - 04/16/2005
04/17/2005 - 04/30/2005
05/01/2005 - 05/14/2005
05/15/2005 - 05/28/2005
05/29/2005 - 06/11/2005
06/12/2005 - 06/25/2005 / July
06/26/2005 - 07/09/2005
07/10/2005 - 07/23/2005
07/24/2005 - 08/06/2005
08/07/2005 - 08/20/2005
08/21/2005 - 09/03/2005
09/04/2005 - 09/17/2005
09/18/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/02/2005 - 10/15/2005
10/16/2005 - 10/29/2005
10/30/2005 - 11/12/2005
11/13/2005 - 11/26/2005
11/27/2005 - 12/10/2005
12/11/2005 - 12/24/2005
12/25/2005 - 01/07/2006
Community Child Care Support Service Agencies
County/Agency of Human Services District / Local Community Child Care Support Services Agency / Phone and Fax / Referral Specialists / Resource Development Specialists / Subsidy Specialists
Middlebury / Mary Johnson Children’s Ctr.
81 Water Street
Middlebury, VT05753-0591 / Phone:
388-3063 / Ginny Sinclair (Ext.13)
388-4304 / Amethyst Peaslee
388-4304 (Ext.13) / Jane Reilly
388-4304 (Ext. 14)
Bennington / Sunrise Family Resource Ctr.
PO Box 1517
Bennington, VT 05201 / Phone:
442-1663 / Linda Bennett
Bennington Child Care
Association Referral
PO Box 829
Bennington, VT05201
447-6938 / Lori Pinsonneault
Pam Torres
Bennington Child Care
Resource Development
PO Box 829
Bennington, VT05201
447-3778 / Tanya Henry
Kelly Belville
Bennington Child Care Assoc. Child Care Subsidy
PO Box 829
Bennington, VT 05201
Fax: 447-6487
S. Essex
St. Johnsbury / Umbrella
970 Memorial Drive
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819 / Phone:
748-1405 / Jennifer Grant (s)
Amy Bacon / Cynthia LaFoe / Jennifer Grant
Nancy Ruggles
Terry Maloney
Burlington / Child Care Resource
181 Commerce Street
Williston, VT 05495 / Phone:
863-4202 / Kathie Mercia
(Ext. 16)
Susan Richards
(Ext. 14)
Serene Rose
(Ext. 21)
Linda Snow
(Ext. 26) / Andrea Viets (Ext.40)
Robin Grace (Ext. 20)
Heather Purinton
(Ext 29)
Robbin LaRue (Ext. 59) / Kathie Mercia (s) (Ext. 16)
Karen Beaupre (Ext. 736)
Audrey Stevens (Ext. 42)
Nicole Smail (Ext. 27)
Judy Burgess (Ext. 22)
All Above at: 863-3367
Grand Isle
St. Albans / Northwestern Counseling & Support Services
107 Fisher Pond Road
St. Albans, VT 05478
524-6554 (Ted Mable, Dir.) / Phone:
524-1126 / Deb Curtis (Ext. 0) / Sue Stanley (Ext. 224)
Jennifer Miller (Ext. 229) /
Katie Martin (Ext. 237)
Sonya Brown (Ext. 207)Laurie Hayford-Saborowski
(Ext. 231)
Morrisville / Lamoille Family Ctr.
480 Cadys Falls Road
Morrisville, VT 05661 / Phone:
888-5392 / Stephanie Petrolito (Ext. 130) / Lorraine Patterson (Ext. 145)
Protective/Family Support Services-Jill Pearl (Ext. 122) / Jill Pearl (Ext. 122)
Kimberly Bruder (Ext.128)
Stephanie Petrolito
N. Windsor
Hartford / Child Care Project
17 ½ Lebanon Street, Suite 2
Hanover, N.H. 03755 / Phone:
603-646-0197 / Cindy Binzen
Chris Pressey-Murray / Chris Pressey-Murray
Cindy Binzen / Shelly Blodgett
Mike Trombley
Pam Blair
The Family Place
319 US Route 5 South
Norwich, VT 05055
649-3268 or
Fax: 649-3270
N. Essex
Newport / NorthEastKingdom Community Action
70 Main St., PO Box 346
Newport, VT 05855 / Phone:
334-4079 / Ines Abdelnour
Grace Winters / Ines Abdelnour
32 Central Street
Newport, VT 05855
Fax: 334-4079 / Kathy Metras
Jacqueline Joerg
Marie Pateneaude
334-4072 or 334-4079
Rutland / VermontAchievementCenter
88 Park Street, PO Box 6283
Rutland, VT 05702-6283 / Phone:
773-9656 / Heather Mattison
747-0033 Ext. 204 / Rosie Piontek
747-0033 Ext. 205 / Ann Hughes
Courtney Mason
Marcy Fenton
Heather Mattison
773-4365 or
Fax: 773-9656
S. Windsor
N. Windham
Springfield / Springfield Area Parent Child Ctr.
2 Main Street
No. Springfield, VT 05150 / Phone:
886-2007 / Kim Kiniry
886-5242 / Kim Kiniry
886-5242 Ext. 248
Fax: 886-2007 / Carrie Patch (Ext. 223)
Nichole Downing (Ext. 247)
886-5242 Fax: 886-2007
Barre / The FamilyCenter of WashingtonCounty
32 College St., Suite 100
Montpelier, VT 05602 / Phone:
828-8796 / Cheryl Pizzale
828-8771 / Doris Oatley
Brenda Buzzell
Diane Nichols-Fleming
Nancy Brochu
CDA Program Coordinator
828-8780 / Jessica Bullock
Suzanne LaFleche
Lou Hawkins
Child Care Support Services
255 North Main St., Suite 7
Barre, VT 05641-4189
Fax: 476-1660
Brattleboro / Windham Child Care Assoc.
130 Birge Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301 / Phone:
251-7200 / Laurel Green / Cyndi Miller
Gretchen Horton-Kuebler / Ariani Szykier
Jessica Tencza
Bright Futures Information System: Information Packet for Child Care Providers
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