1 Dvorak
LuAnn Dvorak
837 Otto St.
Iowa City, IA 52246
[phone deleted]
Ph.D., Education (Language, Literacy, and Culture), May 2005
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Dissertation: Experiences in Whiteness: Entering the Academic Discourse Community
Advisors: James Marshall and Carol Severino
B.A., English and Communication Studies, December 1991
The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Degree as a Licensed Practical Nurse, August 1975
St. Luke’s School of Practical Nursing, Cedar Rapids, IA
Writer/Editor, Department of Ophthalmology, University of Iowa HC, Iowa City, IA
2010 - 2012
- Edited and co-wrote a book featuring medical illustrations of retinas/fundi
- Coordinated the project; used Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat Pro
- Researched eye diagnoses and procedures (in medical records) and art movements
- Researched subspecialties, policies, and personnel for a department history book
Research Assistant, Internal Medicine, University of Iowa HC, Iowa City, IA
1992 - 1996
- Designed and coordinated research projects and supervised employees
- Interviewed patients, using various instruments with psychological and physical components
- Analyzed data; wrote and edited for publication
- Regularly attended continuing-ed conferences and lectures in medical specialties
Lecturer, Department of Rhetoric, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
August 2012 – present
- Teach Rhetoric courses to pre-healthcare and health-science students
- Mentor graduate-student instructors, reviewing materials, discussing pedagogy
- Participated in a pilot program to retain international and underprepared students
- Serve on faculty committees, assessing curriculum and the Department
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Rhetoric, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
January 2011 - May 2011; November 2011 – December 2011
- Taught sections of a speaking and reading course
Lecturer, Writing Programs, University of California, Los Angeles, CA
August 2006 – July 2009
- Taught composition courses
- Served on faculty committee
Lecturer, Writing Program, University of California, Merced, CA
August 2005 - July 2006
- Taught basic composition and advanced writing (argument) courses
- Mentored students
- Served on faculty committees
Graduate Instructor, Department of Rhetoric, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
August 1996 - May 2005
- Designed own syllabi around departmental guidelines and taught stand-alone
sections about controversies including Whiteness for undergraduate Rhetoric course
Writing Center Tutor, Department of Rhetoric, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
August 1997 - May 2005; January 2011 - May 2011; August 2012 - present
- Tutor writing at all levels and for students of diverse backgrounds, primary languages, and disciplines, on an enrollment and drop-in basis, and online
- Mentor students
- Assisted in preparation of materials for the writing center course
Licensed Practical Nurse, 1975-1986 (license is currently active in Iowa)
- St. Luke’s Hospital, Cedar Rapids, IA (2 years)
Performed patient care in post partum inpatient unit
Distributed medications; performed procedures
- Ob-Gyn Associates PC, Cedar Rapids, IA (2 years)
Assisted physician with procedures; performed patient education
Performed office duties (patient care and histories, scheduling, ordering materials)
- University of Iowa Hospital, Iowa City, IA (5 years)
Performed patient care in ambulatory care unit
Served as main medication nurse and liaison with pharmacy
- Obstetric and Gynecologic Associates PC, Iowa City, IA (2 years)
Assisted physician with procedures; performed patient education
Performed office duties (patient care and histories, scheduling, ordering materials)
Russell, S.R., and Dvorak, L. (2013). The Lost Art of Retinal Drawing.
Dvorak, L., and Russell, S.R. (Summer 2011). Retinal Drawing: A Lost Art of Medicine. The
Permanente Journal. 15(3):74-75.
Dvorak, L. (2001). Critical Feminist Literacy. The Bricolage of Media Studies: Graduate Conference of Media Culture. 113-129.
Perl, T. M., Dvorak, L.A., Hwang, T., Wenzel, R.P. (1995). Long-term Survival and Function after Suspected Gram-negative Sepsis. JAMA. 274:338-345.
Dvorak, L. (1994). Interpreting Signs of Sepsis: Use of Individualized Lists of Risk Factors. Clinical Performance and Quality Health Care. 2(2):100-103.
“Responding to Increasing Numbers of Second Language Writers.” Panel presentation. Midwest Writing Centers Association Conference. Madison, WI, October 2011.
“The Examined Eyes: Fundus Drawings as Art.” The Examined Life: Writing and the Art
of Medicine. Dvorak, L., and Russell, S.R. Iowa City, IA, April 2011.
“Tutoring while Researching; Researching while Tutoring: Participatory Research in the Writing Center.” Panel presentation. National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing/Midwest Writing Centers Association Conference. Lawrence, KS, October 2002.
“Mapping and Analyzing the Whiteness Controversy: Resistance and Revision.” Panel presentation. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, March 2002.
“Writing Centers in Two Landscapes: Small Liberal Arts College and Large Research University.” Panel presentation. Midwest Writing Centers Association Conference. Iowa City, IA, September 2001.
“Critical Feminist Literacy.” Graduate Conference on Media and Culture. Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 2001.
“Naked in the Writing Center: Having to Wear the Clothes of My Students.” Panel presentation. Midwest Writing Centers Association Conference. Springfield, MO, October 1999.
“Admitting All Voices: A Look through the Gender Lens.” Roundtable presentation. NCTE Research Assembly Midwinter Conference. Los Angeles, February 1998.
Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Iowa, 2002-2003
Donors and Outreach Committee, Department of Rhetoric,
University of Iowa, 2014-2015
Assessment Committee, Department of Rhetoric,
University of Iowa, 2013-2014
Colloquium Committee, Writing Programs
University of California, Los Angeles 2007-2009
Founding member, University Women of Merced, Networked (UWMN), and
Cast member and faculty support, Vagina Monologues,
University of California, Merced 2005-2006
Outreach Committee, Writing Program,
University of California, Merced 2005-2006
Committee for External Review, Department of Rhetoric,
University of Iowa, April 2005
Rape Crisis Advocate, RVAP, University of Iowa, 1995-1997