dates Class
This is a class that contains methods that represent the Visual Foxpro date functions.
Platforms:Windows98, WindowsNT4.0, WindowsMillenniumEdition, Windows2000, WindowsXPHomeEdition, WindowsXPProfessional, Windows.NETServerfamily
Assembly:VFPToolkit (in VFPToolkitNET.dll)
See Also
VFPToolkit.dates Members | VFPToolkit Namespace
Visual FoxPro Toolkit for .NETdates Members
Public Methods
CDOW / Receives a date in string format as a parameter and returns the current day of week as a stringThis method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
CMonth / Receives a DateTime as a parameter and returns the current month formatted as a string
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
CTOD / Receives a date in string format as a parameter and converts it to a DateTime format
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
CTOT / Receives a date in string format as a parameter and converts it to a DateTime format
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
Date / Returns the current Date in System.DateTime format. (Use System.DateTime.Today instead)
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
DateTime / Returns the current DateTime in System.DateTime format. (Use System.DateTime.Now instead)
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
Day / Returns the current Day from a DateTime (Use MyDate.Day instead)
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
DMY / Receives a DateTime as a parameter and returns a string formatted as a DMY
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
DOW / Receives a date as a parameter and returns an integer specifying the day of the week for that date
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
DTOC / Receives a Date as a parameter and returns a string of that date. (Use MyDate.ToShortDateString() instead)
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
DTOS / Receives a DateTime as a parameter and returns a DTOS formatted string
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
DTOT / This is simply a placeholder. VFP had Date and DateTime as separate datatypes. Now there is no difference here as there is only a single datatype; DateTime.
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
GoMonth / Receives a date and number of months as parameters and adds that many months to the date and returns the new date.
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
Hour / Returns the current Hour from a DateTime (Use MyDate.Hour instead)
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
MDY / Receives a DateTime as a parameter and returns a formatted string in MDY format
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
Minute / Returns the current Minute from a DateTime (Use MyDate.Minute instead)
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
Month / Returns the current Month from a DateTime (Use MyDate.Month instead)
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
Quarter / Receives a date time as a parameter and returns an integer with the quarter the date falls in
Sec / Returns the current second from a DateTime (Use MyDate.Second instead)
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
Seconds / Returns the number of seconds since midnight
Time / Returns the current time in string format from a DateTime.
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
TTOC / Receives a Date as a parameter and returns a string of that date and time. (Use MyDate.ToShortDateString() and MyDate.ToShortTimeString() instead)
TTOD / Converts a DateTime expression to a short date string
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
Week / Receives a DateTime as a parameter and returns the week of the year
Year / Returns the current Year from a DateTime (Use MyDate.Year instead)
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
See Also
VFPToolkit.dates Class | VFPToolkit Namespace