Unit 2 Word Knowledge
The Land I lost
Line 1: deep shallow enter exit lead follow
Line 2: feared season weak sneaky
Line 3: whined wherever when whole
Sentence 1: My little brother whined and followed me wherever I went.
Sentence 2: I feared this season’s whole crop would be ruined by the heat.
Sentence 3: Weak swimmers should stay in the shallow end of the pool.
In Two Worlds: A Yup’ik Eskimo Family
Line 1: small little withered shrank netted caught
Line 2: Scammon vast spawned snow skimmed
Line 3: tool school food
Sentence 1: In the small lagoon, we netted the most fish we had ever caught.
Sentence 2: In ScammonBay, the vast, snow-covered tundra stretches as far
as you can see.
Sentence 3: At school, we use special tools in the kitchen to prepare food.
The Night We Started Dancing
Line 1: someday daytime hillside houseboat
Line 2: edge judge bridge porridge pledge
Line 3: kingdom wisdom freedom
Sentence 1: The animals graze on the hillside in the daytime.
Sentence 2: The houseboat moved slowly under the bridge.
Sentence 3: The judge was widely known for her wisdom.
The West Side
Line 1: blue blew to two red read break brake
Line 2: sprint splendid stranger scream
Line3: watch catch scratch
Sentence 1: The two girls will sprint across the playground.
Sentence 2: I have a red scratch on my arm from my fall.
Sentence 3: I screamed when the stranger tried to catch my blue balloon.
Line 1: well-being sister-in-law high-rise
Line 2: remains wait rain
Line 3: knew knit knight
Sentence 1: She cared about the well-being if her sister-in-law.
Sentence 2: I’ll wait and see who remains in the high-rise.
Sentence 3: The knight knew the rain would rust his armor.
The Night Journey
Line 1: lambent luminous stony inexorable
Line 2: short sharp shutters sheer
Line 3: cackle chicken clucking thickness
Sentence 1: We could see the lambent flickers of light through the sheer
Sentence 2: Sharp, short beeps emanated from the car alarm.
Sentence 3: The farmer was greeted with the cackle and clucking of the
Line 1: gas station firefighter punching bag
Line 2: laugh enough tough
Line 3: narrow fellow grow
Sentence 1: The fire engine raced to the gas station.
Sentence 2: That tough fello seems to think I’m his punching bag.
Sentence 3: I’ve grown too tall to fit in those pants.