Cordova Bay School

Parent Advisory Council (PAC)


The Parent Advisory Council (PAC) supports a positive learning environment for the students of Cordova Bay School and provides a parental voice to inform decision-making affecting the students of our school. To help the PAC keep all parents and guardians informed of educational events and social fundraisers (for the benefit of our children), we ask that you provide us with your contact information. We are unable, for security reasons, to obtain this information from school records.

Your contact information will be used by Cordova Bay School PAC Executive members and Classroom Representatives for distributing newsletters, communication regarding school events and requests for volunteers. In addition, contact information will be shared with school principal Kelly Urarii, and with classroom teachers for school communication and educational purposes.

Thank you for your assistance, Cordova Bay School PAC Executive

Your Child/Children’s Full Name(s) / Teacher(s) – leave blank if don’t know / Grade(s)
5. 5.
Parent/Guardian Contact Name(s) / Email Addresses / Phone Numbers

Please return to your teacher at your earliest convenience.

Please see next page

Every year, Cordova Bay School relies on the support of a variety of parents to facilitate school initiatives and fundraising events. Currently, we’re looking to build our rosters related to the following volunteer roles.

We’d be grateful for your help!

Please indicate below if you’re able to help us out with any of the following and someone from the PAC Exec will contact you with details:

Ο Classroom Representative Name of parent/guardian volunteer: ______

1 rep per classroom, assisting with communication (mostly via email)

between PAC/classroom teacher and classroom families.

Ο Hot Lunches Name of parent/guardian volunteer: ______

Commitment of ~1 hour 1-2x/month. This does not have to be every month.

Distribution of hot lunches in your child’s classroom.

Ο Head Check Committee Name of parent/guardian volunteer: ______

Initial training session and ~3 hours/terms, checking kids’ heads for lice as needed.

Ο Safe Arrival System Name of parent/guardian volunteer: ______

Approx. 30 minutes/month at beginning of school day, verifying daily attendance.

Ο Special Event Help Name of parent/guardian volunteer: ______

Assisting with one-of special events including events such as: Hoot & Howl,

Movie Nights, Bike Roadeo, other social / fundraising events. Commitment is likely 2-4 hours.

Thank you!

From your 2015/16 PAC Executive.


·  Don’t forget to keep an eye on our PAC website: for updates and announcements as the school year gets rolling!