Modern America Mrs. Guscott
Media Permission Slip
At various times throughout the school year we will be watching clips from movies and television shows in order to extend the learning of our classroom topics. In addition, we will read excerpts from historical novels and listen to music from various time periods in Modern American History.
Please read the list of music, movies and television shows below:
(All of these are rated G, PG, or PG13)
*The Help
* The Wizard of OZ
*The 60’s Documentary: The Year’s that Shaped a Generation
TV Clips: Music:
*MASH *Elvis
*Star Trek *Beatles
*Leave It to Beaver *Chubby Checkers
*Raymond * The Monkees
*The Wonder Years *Saturday Night Fever
*Happy Days *YMCA
*Modern Family *Michael Jackson
*All in the Family *Billy Joel
*The Jefferson’s
*The Cosby Show
I give my permission for ________________________________ to view/listen to the above movie/TV/music media.
Parent Signature:______________________________________________