G.R. Edwards Middle School
Student - Parent Handbook
Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s opportunities
throughcontinuous improvement in every classroom
for every child every day.
Chris Sivills – Principal
Melvin Ballard– Assistant Principal
Michelle Griffin – Assistant Principal
Student Services
Trish Weeks, Counselor – Grades 6, 7, and 8
The Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools’ vision is to ensure bright and prosperousfutures for all students by deliberately and intentionally providing rigorous, relevantinstruction in every classroom, every day.
Our Mission:
Nurture and educate every child,
Respect and value diversity,
Maximize learning potential,
Produce globally competitive students in a
Safe and orderly environment.
Our Beliefs:
Students come first.
Education is hope, providing choices and expanding horizons.
Education is a shared responsibility among schools, families, and communities.
Students need high expectations for success.
Students learn best in a safe, nurturing environment.
Diversity is valued when all people are treated with dignity.
Learning is a life-long journey for all.
Welcome to Edwards Middle School
The staff of Edwards Middle School recognizes the significance of forming meaningfulrelationships with our customers. Our vision for students, parents, community members,and ourselves is that we will be a community of learners, dedicated to creating a safeenvironment for every person to successfully achieve. We will not accept less thanexemplary results.
Cooperation, collaboration, and accountability are cornerstones of thisimportant bond with you. Cooperation means we accept differences among us. We allowfor needed flexibility to meet individual needs, while remaining focused on common goals.The gifts of respect and dignity belong to each individual. Collaboration means that wevalue teamwork. Continuous dialogue allows us to actively listen to one another, and tocollectively plan and implement the best programs for our school family. Accountabilitymeans we stand together in taking responsibility for the results of our efforts. TheEdwards Middle School staff, students, parents, and community, share this responsibilityfor creating a working environment that leads to high standards of achievement. We AREthe school of the future - we have no limits!
This student-parent handbook is your ready reference to information about the daily operation of our school. Please read all of the contents carefully in order to avoid misunderstandings. You will also receive access to a District Student-Parent Handbook, which contains policies adopted by our Board of Education. Keep both documents and review each item together. Furthermore, please direct any questions to your homeroom teacher or an administrator.
Student Services
Our School Counselor’s officeis located in the Student Services office located beside the mainoffice. The goal and purpose of the Student Services Office is to provide support,assistance, and information to students, parents, and teachers. Student servicesinclude student counseling; information on tutoring, programs, and other opportunities forstudents in the community; planning for college or a career; and mediation.
Access to Information
Please consult our school website and Facebook page for information about school events or procedures. The Parent Portal technology offers immediate access to your student’s academic progress, attendance, and assignments. To sign up for this technology, please see Mrs. Mathieu in Student Services Monday – Thursday, 7:00 am – 3:30 pm. If you have previously signed up, continue to use the same ID and password.
Academic Recognition/Incentives
Edwards Middle School recognizes academic excellence. Students will receive a specialacademic recognition/incentive during school hours for each nine weeks in which they make the “A” or “A/B” Honor Roll. To makethe “A” Honor Roll, students must earn an “A” average in every course for the nine weeks. To make the “A/B” Honor Roll, students must earn a combination of all “A’s and B’s” in every course for the nine weeks.
Students earning all A’s EVERY grading period will be recognized during the End-of-Year Award Program as an “All Scholars” student. Students earning all A’ s and B’s EVERY grading period will be recognized as an “All Honors” student during the Award Program.
During the school year, assembly programs are held for the benefit of the student body.Each class is assigned a specific seating area in the gymnasium. When attending an assemblyfor any purpose, students must refrain from talking and/or inappropriate behavior. Alloffenders will be removed from the assembly and will face disciplinary action. Exiting anassembly will take place by sections.
Arrival and Dismissal
Students should not arrive at school prior to 7:05 am for supervision and safetyreasons. Bus riders and walkers will enter the building through the main entrance on Edwards Street. Car riders will enter through the gym lobby entrance on Hammond Street. Students may report to the cafeteria for breakfast OR to their grade level hallway. Any student reporting after 7:20 may enter through the main entrance.
Grade Level Hallways
- 6th grade: 500 Hall
- 7th grade: 700 Hall
- 8th grade: 900 Hall
Bus students are dismissed at 2:30 pm; walkers dismiss at 2:35 pm; car riders dismiss at 2:40 pm. Car riders in the 6th and 7th grades should be picked up in the car line on Hammond Street. Car riders in the 8th grade should be picked up on Edwards Street.
Bus Dismissal Exits
- 6th grade: Courtyard to around building
- 7th grade: Use door by room 700 towards Hammond Street
- 8th grade: Use the front door leading to Edwards Street
Checking In and/or Out
Any student who must leave school for any reason during the school day must be checked out through the main office. Only individuals listed on a student’s Emergency Contact Card will have permission to check out a student. Legal state or federal identification is requiredand must be presented by the authorized person who is checking the student out ofschool.Under no circumstances should anyone go to a classroom, bus, or anywhere on the school grounds to get a child unless authorized to do so by the office. Students will not be allowed to check out of school after 2:15 pm.
When late/tardy, the student should be accompanied by a parent or bring a note written by the parent to the office in order to check in. The student will be given an admission slip and allowed to go to class. The following reasons shall result in excused (lawful) tardiness:
- illness or injuryquarantine
death in the immediate familymedical or dental appointments
religious observanceseducational opportunity
court or administrative proceedings where the student’s attendance is required
For a tardy to be considered excused, parents must provide the appropriate documentation to school officials. In addition, tardiness, for any reason not listed above and without appropriate documentation provided to the school, will be considered unlawful (unexcused).
Accumulation of fourtardies in a nine-week period will result in a parent contact by student services or an administrator. Six or more tardies in a nine-week period will result in exclusion from PBIS activities.
To be considered present for the school day, students must check in prior to 11:15 am or check out after 11:15 pm.
Absences and Missed Assignments/Homework
Students must present a note to their homeroom teacher from the parent or doctor upon returning to school to have an absence excused. Three or more unexcused absences will result in a parent contact from a school official.
For short-term absences of 3 or fewer days, students should consult with teachers upon returning to class regarding work to be completed. Students are responsible for completing missed assignments in the allotted time frame.
For long-term absences of 4 or more days, parents may contact Student Services torequest assignments from teachers. If requests are made prior to 8:30 a.m., assignmentsmay be available between 2:45 p.m. and 3:45 p.m. on the same day. Due to the variations inteacher’s schedules and planning periods, assignments cannot be guaranteed by the end ofthe day if requests are received after 8:30 a.m. Parents may also e-mail teachers to request assignments.
Cell Phones
Use of cell phones and other wireless communication devices is not permitted unless approved by a teacher for instructional purposes or in “green” zones throughout the school. School employees may immediately confiscate any wireless communicationdevice that is in violation of this policy. Confiscated wireless communication devices will be returnedonly to the student’s parent or guardian. Aggravating factors may subject a studentto more stringent disciplinary consequences.
Students arepersonally and solely responsible for the security of their wireless communicationand electronic devices. The school system is not responsible for the theft, loss, ordamage of a cellular phone or any other personal wireless communication device.
Please refer to NRMPS Board Policy 4318for the district for additional information.
Lockers are provided for all students. Lockers are the property of the Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools Board of Education and are subject to inspection at all times. Lockers are not to be defaced in any way. Decals are not allowed on lockers. Only school issued locks are allowed to be used. Replacement locks may be purchased for $5.00. Each team will establish times for locker use during the school day.
Dress Code:
Edwards Middle School will enforce the dress code in accordance with requirements outlined in NRMPS Board Policy 4316-5. Additionally, middle school students in the Nash-Rocky Mount School district are assigned a uniform dress code. Students not complying with this uniform policy will be subject to disciplinary procedures.
Edwards Middle School requires the following on order to be in compliance with the dress code:
- Shirts
- Collared polo-style shirts with long or short sleeves in school colors - navy, white, gold/yellow.
- School or school-sponsored club T-shirts may be worn in lieu of polo-style.
- Turtleneck or round-necked shirts of school colors may be worn under collared shirts.
- Pants
- All pants, skirts, shorts, or dresses must be tan/khaki, navy, or black.
- Must be fitted at the waist or worn with a belt.
- Knee-length shorts or skirts and capris are acceptable.
- Sweatshirts (hooded or crew) and/or light jackets are permitted.
- The preference is that items are in school colors.
- Items with inappropriate wording or symbols are not permitted.
- Other
- Hoods, hats, bandanas, “doo rags”, and sunglasses are not allowed to be worn in the building.
- Heavy coats need to be placed in lockers or bookbags.
- Shoes should be appropriate; no bedroom shoes/slippers.
- Undergarments are not to be visible – through shirts or sagging pants.
- Any items that signal inappropriate activity/meaning or that cause a disruption in the classroom are not permitted.
Exemptions: A parent or court appointed guardian may request that his or her child be exempted from the standardized dress requirements by submitting a written statement to the principal within the first 10 days of attendance. The statement shall contain the parent or guardian’s sincerely held religious objections to the standardized dress requirements.
Financial Considerations: No student shall be denied attendance at school, penalized, or otherwise subjected to compliance measures for failing to wear a standardized uniform by reason of financial hardship. Each school has implemented a procedure and criteria to identify families in need of financial assistance and shall work with staff, the local community, and business partners to identify resources for assisting families in the purchase of standardized dress.
Student Behavior
The staff at Edwards seeks to provide a safe, nurturing, and positive environment whereall students may achieve success. Students are expected to comply with the followingPositive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) expectations at all times.
PBIS Expectations
1. I am safe.
2. I am prepared.
3. I am respectful.
4. I am responsible.
5. I am a learner.
PBIS Rewards/Incentives
Rewards and incentives are provided to students throughout the year to recognize studentsuccess and facilitate building a positive school climate. To participate in our PBIS Reward Celebrations at the end of a nine-weeks grading period, a student will not have received a disciplinary referral during the nine-week period, and have six or less tardies.PBIS rewards and incentives are scheduled for one day at the end of each nine-weekgrading period and will be announced to students prior to a reward’s day. Celebrations may include, but are not limited to dressing out of uniform, school dance, social time, or PBIS store.
Consequences for Student Misconduct
FOCUS Room-Students will report to the FOCUSRoom, located in room 509 on the back hallway, for non-administrative infractions. Allmajor administrative infractions will require students to report to SMR to wait for anassistant principal or the principal.
In-School Suspension (ISS)- A student is placed in ISS due to failure to meet schoolexpectations, disruption of the learning environment, or other infraction. Assignment of ISS may be from 1 to 10 days. Students are counted present in school and are expected to complete classassignments while assigned to ISS. Failure to attend ISS or follow ISS rules will result in further disciplinary action.Students may not participate in extracurricular activities while assigned to ISS.
Out of School Suspension (OSS)- Suspension from school, school activities, and school groundsand property over which the Board has authority, for up to 10 days.
Project Hope – Project Hope is an alternative to Out-of-School Suspension. It is offeredon a case-by-case basis.
Long-Term Suspension- Long-term suspension is the denial of the right to attend school,to attend school activities, or to be on school property for more than 10 days, up to theremainder of the school year, or up to 365 calendar days. The number of days a student issuspended will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Expulsion- Expulsion is the permanent exclusion from the Nash-Rocky Mount SchoolAdministrative Unit for the remainder of the student’s secondary education.
**Make-Up Work – Any student suspended for more than three days may request make up work through Student Services, by e-mailing the teacher(s), or by checking via Parent Portal.
PBIS Expectations of Excellent Behavior Matrix
Laptop Policies and Zone Device Management:
Laptops are assigned for the sole purpose of providing students with additional resources to enhance their 21st Century learning. The devices are not provided for the use of entertainment, social media, playing games, etc. As 21st Century learners, students must be aware of the appropriate use of technology and digital citizenship. Edwards Middle School has a policy for device management. Below you will find the Zone Device Management system followed by the consequences of inappropriate use. Misuse of any school technology may result in disciplinary action.
Zone Device Management
ZONE / USE / LOCATIONGREEN / Devices may be used within appropriate use guidelines and with teacher permission.
(Music with headphones is permitted) / Cafeteria; Hallways – before and after school
BLUE / Specific Instructional Use only / Classroom
YELLOW / Silent and Out of Sight / Hallways during school; classroom
RED / Device prohibited / Specific testing days
- Using device w/o permission
- Using chats during instruction or testing
- Profanity, threats, inappropriate
Phone call to parents
Documented occurrence / Loss of device for 3 instructional days
Administrative Conference with parent / Possible loss of device for the year
Alteration of Device:
- Unauthorized downloads (including games and pictures)
- Creating a second user
- Attempts to bypass the filter
$50 fee for re-imaging
Administrative conference with parent / Loss of device for 20 instructional days / Possible loss of device for the year
Athletic Participation
Students in all grades may participate in middle school interscholastic athletic competition. Sixth grade students are not allowed to participate in football. In order to qualify for participation, a student must meet all of the following requirements:
- The student must pass at least three of four required “core” courses each semester and meet promotion standards established by Nash-Rocky Mount Public Schools. If an athlete is “academically eligible” or “academically ineligible” at the beginning of any semester, then this status is retained throughout the full semester.
- A current physical must be on file.
- The principal must have evidence of the legal birth date of the student. The student shall not participate on a team if he/she becomes 15 years of age on or before August 31 of that school year.
- An athlete must be in attendance at least 85 percent of the previous semester beginning with the first semester of their seventh grade year.
- The following “code of conduct” will be enforced for all Edwards Middle School athletes:
G. R. Edwards Middle Athletic Code of Conduct
The athletes at G. R. Edwards Middle School are expected to exemplify good behavior, character, sportsmanship, be positive role models, and take pride in striving to make good decisions that will bring positive light to their parents, school, coaches, team, and themselves.
Consequences for Suspensions
1st Offense: No participation in their sport on the day that the student athlete has ISS;
Student athlete must attend practice or home game; Student athlete will not start the next game (due to the nature of certain sports the athletic director will make the ultimate decision).
2nd Offense: Student athlete will not play in the next game.
3rd Offense: Student athlete will be suspended from that sport for the remainder of the season.
1st Offense: (1 – 4 day(s) out of school suspension): Student athlete will not play in the next game.
2nd Offense: (1 – 4 day(s) out of school suspension): Student athlete will be suspended from the team for the remainder of the season.
5 or more days out of school suspension: Student athlete will be automatically suspended from the team for the remainder of the season.
*If a student accumulates three disciplinary incidents that result in ISS or OSS during an athletic season, that student will be suspended from the team for the remainder of the season.