ASG Executive Agenda
Associated Student Government
Monday, September 11, 2017
1:30-3:00 pm
- Order of Business
- Call to Order: President Esqueda called the meeting to order at 1:37 p.m.
- Roll Call:
ASG Executive Agenda
Associated Student Government
Monday, September 11, 2017
1:30-3:00 pm
President Juan Esqueda Present
Vice President Edwin Pulido Present
Secretary Carolina Giron Present
Treasurer Luis Ortiz Present
Chief Justice Melina Cruz Present
ICC President Pedro Mendez Present
Cultural Awareness Comm. Martha Montoya Present
Activities Comm. Diana Gutierrez Absent
Health Comm. Mariely Figueroa Present
Legislative Comm. Marinssa Segura Present
Public Relations Comm. Elizabeth Weber Present
Recruitment Comm. Andy Ramirez Present
Student Support Advisor Tina Arias Miller Present
- Approval of Agenda: No objections, motion passes.
- Approval of the Minutes: No objections, motion passes.
- Public Comment: None
- Reports
- Executive
- Mariely Figueroa, Health Awareness Commissioner presented details on the Fresh Check booth and shirts.
- Melina Cruz, Chief Justice announced the first Judicial Branch meeting to be scheduled for September 22, 2017.
- Elizabeth Weber, Public Relations Commissioner informed everyone about the OCTA kickoff event that will occur on September 15, 2017 at 11:30am.
- Edwin Pulido, Vice President informed everyone about the Legislative Branch changing their meeting times to Tuesdays at 3:15-4:45pm.
- Pedro Mendez, ICC President presented details on Club rush event such as if ASG may donate small water bottles.
- Shared Governance: Governance Committees sign ups meet at the district and bring back knowledge about what they learned.
- Advisor: Tina Miller, Advisor presented shirt designs and discussed details on a new mentoring program. As well as informed that a table cloth was purchased with the ASG logo for Club Rush.
- Old Business
- Club Rush Booth for ASG: Juan Esqueda, ASG President asked for volunteers to sign up and help for the event.
- Hispanic Heritage CelebrationThe board stated their ideas regarding the food venders, decorations, guest speakers, and dances that should be at the event on September 27, 2017.
- CCCSAA Student Leadership Retreat October 13-15, 2017President Esqueda mentioned ASG will be taking 10 students to the conferences in San Jose and in order to attend an application will be sent through email.
- Budget Changes 2017-2018President Esqueda called in a vote to motion to approve the budget.
- New Business
- T-shirt design Advisor, Tina Miller discussed with the board about acquiring t-shirts for everyone to wear for formal and informal events.
- Student Emails Advisor, Tina Miller mentioned to the board to obtain their school email and utilize it to be more professional. Also, so the email can be placed on business cards.
- ASG Social Media Flyers President Esqueda noted that ASG social media flyers will be handed out at Club rush and will contain the social media accounts of ASG.
- Announcements
- Board of Governors Advisor, Tina Miller mentioned the board of Governors will be visiting campus September 18 & 19, 2017 at 9 am. A sign-up sheet was passed around. She informed the board if they signed up to be at The Spot at 8:45 and wear business attire.
- Club Rush Volunteer Sign Ups President Esqueda passed around a sign-up sheet for those who wanted to volunteer from 11-2pm at the Johnson Center Patio on September 13 or 14, 2017.
- Sign up for to be Volunteer Mentees- Sign up to become a mentee by professionals. The Mentor Me Kick Off will take place on October 6th at Irvine Valley College, if interested speak with Advisor, Tina Miller.
- Adjournment President Esqueda adjourned the meeting at 2:16 p.m.